
The sound of something shattering sounded, and the other shore flowers emerged from the ground, and the moist soil flew on the top, swaying with the wind, and in an instant, the forest turned into a sea of ​​light blue flowers, blue. The center of the petals is guarded by blood-red stamens, which are blood-red like cinnabar, coquettish and strange.


The tree swayed and was pushed aside by the other side of the flower. It was obviously a tree, but it was squeezed into powder by a flower, and the seemingly delicate petals did not even have any scars. The ripples on the petals flowed like a stream of water, gently Swaying, a light blue mist drifted out.

"Don't be afraid, spells can't hurt us, as long as we don't get hurt by the divine wheel behind his head."

"That's right, that's the power of moral belief, and we can't compete."


However, at the same time as they were talking, those sprinting light spots seemed to be imprisoned in the air, and the roar was still there, but the distance between them and Zhou Zhang did not shrink at all, and even faintly still pulling Far.

Then, Zhou Zhang took out a cloth bag that had been prepared a long time ago from his arms, just like an old man scavenging waste, with a staggering step, he picked up the light spots into the cloth bag one by one.

At this moment, even a fool understands it.

"No, we were fooled. He set a trap."

"Boss, what should I do? I can't move either."

"What kind of power is this! Obviously nothing can touch us, why can't we move at all?"

"We are the rules themselves!"

"The rules themselves?" Zhou Zhang, who was leisurely picking up his ideas, paused slightly, and glanced at several human-shaped light spots over there. He once wanted to study what these light spots were, and he also had some guesses. The idea of ​​a creature that evolves by rules has also been thought of, but this idea has been dispelled.

Because, if the rules are interesting, there are no rules there. For example, the rules of life and death, the passage of time, etc., as well as the cycle of cause and effect, and the myriad ways, all form the foundation of a world, so they must not be conscious, otherwise , the world must have collapsed long ago.

However, now that they heard them say so, they had to let Zhou Zhang care, if that was the case?No, absolutely impossible!

Zhou Zhang sneered and didn't care about these small light spots anymore. With a swing of his arm, the void trembled. The six human-shaped light spots were pushed in front of Zhou Zhang, and the wheel of God bloomed in the back of Zhou Zhang's head. This was indeed his. Mistakes, I thought the biggest among them was only the size of a human head, but I didn't expect such a big one to appear.

If they don't split, their little cloth bag really can't hold them, so I can only temporarily use the power of merit and belief to form a bag and imprison them.


The consciousness moved, and the wheel of God bloomed with thousands of brilliance behind the head, and the golden light spread out, wrapping Zhou Zhang in the light, like a god standing in the sun, majestic and aggressive.

"We are not rivals!"

"Fight or run, you choose!"

"Half escape and half fight!"

"Okay, it's decided, the three standing behind try to escape, and the three of us try our best to do it."

In the three words, without any disagreement, they divided into two groups, relying on the red, blue and white light spots in the back to think of a way to escape, but the gold, silver, and black near the front rushed towards Zhou Zhang. Fierce not afraid of death, this is also Zhou Zhang's intention.

However, in the expected feeling, Zhou Zhang was a little surprised, because these things are too united, and it doesn't feel like a group at all, as if the arms and hands and feet are one body. Advance and retreat freely, without the slightest disagreement between operations.

This situation has made Zhou Zhang's curiosity even more intense. After all, he has to study it, so let's make it clear!

Of course, these are not important now, the most important thing now is to beat them up to relieve their hatred.

With a swing of his arm, Zhou Zhang clenched his fist and slammed it out fiercely. The god behind his head took turns flowing with the power of merit and belief to wrap his fist. Immediately, the golden light shimmered, and the aura of peace and compassion spread out.

However, the three human-shaped light spots on the opposite side screamed in horror. Even if they rushed up without the slightest hesitation or regret, the fear is still fear. The power of merit and belief is like their natural enemy. , the three human-shaped light spots shrunk into a smaller ball at the same time, trying to avoid Zhou Zhang's attack.

Chapter [-]: The Vibration of Chaos Jade


The pure-blooded Yinglong bloodline's Zhou Zhang's strength is terrifying, which is beyond imagination. It is not a problem to capture the mountain with one arm. The power of one punch is more than [-] million kilograms, and the air has a feeling of being smashed.


The earth trembled, and the ground was lifted up by Zhou Zhang's fists, rolling upside down like waves, and rumblingly piled up to the edge of the forest, dug up to a depth of more than [-] feet, almost like a human-shaped desolate beast. .

Seeing this scene in the distance, Sun Wukong swallowed a mouthful of saliva. As a stone monkey with a strong body, he couldn't help but be a little scared when he saw this scene. He really doubted that his little brother was the most powerful means. It should be the body, not the other side flower.

Although the power is terrifying, it is unscathed for these light spots, but Zhou Zhang's fist is wrapped with the power of merit and belief, and this fist also completely smashes the upper body of the silver human-shaped light spot in front of him. It turned into mottled tiny light spots and shattered, like a pouring rain of light spots.

Then, before it could fall, the wheel of God behind Zhou Zhang's head bloomed like the sun, melting the tiny light spot in an instant, as if the snow had met the scorching sun, and there was no resistance at all.

"Hoo, cool!"

Zhou Zhang slowly closed his fists and stood still, his eyes regained calm, the more calm a person is, the more he needs a time node without any scruples to release his pressure, otherwise, it is not a good thing for him, it is very comfortable to rub Rubbing his fist, the wheel of God behind Zhou Zhang's head once again bloomed with dazzling power.

I have to say that Zhou Zhang really didn't have much excitement to overcome these light spots that lacked a string in his mind. It was like an adult grabbing a lollipop from a child. There was really no joy in victory.

However, for those human-shaped light spots, they all felt that they had encountered the biggest crisis in their lives. Each of them was tense, and they were used to it. It is not clear how this person has such a terrifying power of moral belief.

It stands to reason that even saints, except for a few special ones, will never have the power of merit and belief, and even if they do, they will never reach such a terrifying situation.

Because, the power of merit and belief is completely different from all the powers of one's own cultivation. It is a separate system. There is no way to obtain it except for incense, the belief of mortals, to save suffering and to be truly grateful. However, this person's merit and belief The power seems to be inexhaustible.

It was as terrifying as saving seven or eight worlds.

Although they can't absorb Patriarch Bodhi, Patriarch Bodhi really doesn't have much way to take them. However, when they meet Zhou Zhang, a natural enemy, let alone cannot escape. The mood of the enemy.

This man is the natural enemy!

Zhou Zhang didn't feel this way at all. He felt quite relaxed. If he hadn't been a little worried that the half of Buzhou Mountain would change, Zhou Zhang would not have bothered to use any means of drawing snakes out of the hole, and just killed them directly under the half of the Buzhou Mountain. .

Therefore, feeling that these events still do not exceed the limit that can be controlled by the power of his own merit and belief, Zhou Zhang not only has no headache, but even has a faint urge to study it. With a thought, the merits of the god wheel fall. The power of belief formed a large net around it.

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