This is a subconscious approach, which even Sun Wukong himself did not notice.

And, far more than that.


There was a bell ringing that shocked the world, and the Queen Mother of the West was in full dress.

With picturesque eyebrows and a beautiful face, as the facade of the heaven, she is breathtakingly beautiful, with a perfect figure, wearing a graceful and luxurious dress, wearing a blood-red wide-sleeved Liuxian skirt, and the pale white sleeves are thrown away and golden powder is scattered. On the top, it is beautiful and extravagant, with waterfall-like black hair draped over her shoulders, simple and beautiful.

A layer of transparent tulle was draped over the clothes, and the tulle spread out like a mist. There was a fairy behind her holding the corners of her skirt. There were more than [-] people. A layer of mist shrouded the sky.

The temperament is outstanding, as soon as he appeared on the stage, he suppressed everyone, and his appearance was perfect, even the Tathagata Buddha glanced sideways. Although there could be no evil thoughts, he also showed a ray of appreciation from the bottom of his heart. Love, love Everyone has a beautiful heart, and the Buddha is not surprised. It's just that their hearts don't move.

However, the eyes of the Queen Mother of the West obviously did not notice these, but fell down like a clear stream, and there was a shocking color flashing in the bottom of her eyes.

Like a sun that never sets, the rays of light are extremely dazzling. Even the weakest person present, Sun Wukong, has a quasi-sacred thirteenth-order cultivation. However, a figure could be vaguely seen inside.

His physique is strong, especially the muscles of his arms bulge high, giving people a feeling of capturing the sky. A pair of wings behind him gently flap, and the terrifying power spreads wave after wave.

Since the vast majority of people have already arrived, there is no way to pretend that they can't see it. After all, it is not the world of Buddhism. Tathagata Buddha took the lead in walking in front of the Jade Emperor, clasping his hands together: "Your Majesty, you are polite!"

Although everyone present knew what was going on now, the Jade Emperor could only put on a smile, jumped off the imperial chariot, and also bowed: "Buddha, you are polite." Then he glanced at the place with some jealousy. On the side, the Buddha's light shines, Buddhism is flourishing, and the strong are like clouds. Compared with the heavenly court, the decay of the heavenly court is more obvious.

Although hidden, this gaze was still caught by the Tathagata Buddha, but he smiled peacefully, without saying much, and even more respectful salute, anyway, this is the last glory of heaven, and it will be your own world from now on, show more respect Nothing.

The Jade Emperor seemed to sense the Tathagata's state of mind, and his face became even more ugly, but he had no choice but to change the subject and said: "The Buddha is the number one person in the world today, do you know what happened below? With such a big movement, even the half Buzhou Mountain, who seemed to have escaped into the illusory, appeared."

After all, they came here for this matter. Tathagata Buddha also lowered his head when he heard the words, with a golden light flashing in his eyes, but he was helpless and still couldn't see the situation of his internal strength. The light was not only magnificent, but also seemed to contain With a mysterious and powerful force, all the probing eyes are shielded from the outside.

Shaking his head slightly, the Tathagata Buddha is actually more afraid of accidents than the Jade Emperor, because, as long as he walks steadily and steadily, within a hundred years, Buddhism can replace Taoism, and Daling Mountain can also replace Heaven as the highest symbol. However, during this period of time, there were Countless incidents have occurred, causing some unpredictable things to occur in this joint effort.

This made him a little anxious. He looked at the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun with threatening eyes, and put his hands together: "After all, the two of them were one step ahead of me. They should have a lot of knowledge.


Before the Buddha's words were finished, he heard a violent explosion from the half of Buzhou Mountain in the distance, and then, things that were as pitch-black as thick fog seeped out, and the three of them stopped. The words that came to his mouth, Qi Qi turned his head to look, and then it was sluggish, and then it was fear.

"cause and effect!"

"That turned out to be the power of cause and effect?"

"Amitabha, how can there be such a terrifying power of cause and effect, it has formed the essence!"

"Not only that, the power of cause and effect actually contains in the world, this is a huge karmic fruit about life and death!"

If there is a cause, there must be an effect. Depending on the cause, the effect is naturally different. The general cause and effect will not cause too terrible turmoil. However, once it involves reincarnation, life and death, heaven and earth, then the more a trace is enough to make a quasi-sage die. If The involvement is too deep, even a saint will have a chance to fall.

Not to mention those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, even the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, the Taishang Laojun, and the Queen Mother of the West are the most powerful beings in the world today, but their faces are discolored, and they are all lost, and the power of cause and effect is obviously Not a lot.

"I have never seen such a terrifying power of cause and effect."

The Jade Emperor's voice trembled a little, and Taishang Laojun also felt a little cold in his hands and feet, and even had an urge to turn around and run, which turned into actual cause and effect, God, how is this possible?

"And" Immediately, as the first person, Tathagata Buddha also trembled slightly with his fingers, his eyes almost frozen, staring at the half of the Buzhou Mountain, and said in disbelief: "The power of cause and effect seems to have accumulated beyond the limit, It broke through half of Buzhou Mountain's interior."

"how can that be?"

"How terrifying this is!"

Everyone who heard this sentence felt cold in their hands and feet. With such a terrifying power of cause and effect, could it be that someone has reopened the world?Back then, the great god Pangu opened up the heavens and the earth, and opened up the heavens and the earth, and the power of cause and effect caused by it is nothing but the same, right?

Who is it that can cause such terrifying causal power?

"Moreover, the power of karma has not dissipated, does that mean that the person who caused such a terrifying karma is still alive?"

Chapter [-] Mastering the Power of the Lamp of Life

According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to be involved in the great cause and effect of heaven and earth, reincarnation, life and death. These four people who are in shock will have a crisis of falling even if they are contaminated with a trace, and even the probability of such a crisis is very high.

So, how could such a terrible cause and effect occur?

"Is it possible?" The Jade Emperor's face suddenly changed, pale as paper: "Because we have that thought." He didn't say the rest, but turned to look at the Taishang Laojun beside him, although he was full of heart I know it well, but, after all, the Tathagata Buddha is by his side, and some words still have to be hidden and tucked away.

Taishang Laojun naturally understands the meaning of the words of the Jade Emperor. He even thought of this possibility one step earlier. Naturally, one person can't afford such a terrible cause and effect, so it can only be a force, so, could it be them? Unwilling to sink in this, so seize that glimmer of hope, will provoke such cause and effect.

Shaking his head slightly, Taishang Laojun's smile was extremely bitter, and he didn't know whether he was saying he didn't know, or he wasn't sure. Anyway, his expression didn't look very relaxed.

Tathagata Buddha is such a person, just glanced at it, and he has a certain idea in his heart. Just now, he was a little worried about the emergence of variables, but seeing the expressions of these two people, he felt a lot more relaxed, right!Today, the change in the world is to respect the Buddha and suppress the Tao, and the protagonist of the world is about to become a Buddhist.

Whenever the world is involved, it must be powerful with oneself, so why should I worry about it?The only pity is that this thing can't involve that variable Zhou Zhang, otherwise, wouldn't it be a beautiful thing to make him lose his soul?That way, nothing is lost.

"Look at the power of cause and effect spreading over."

The Jade Emperor was a little frightened, and his face was pale and bitter. He never thought that one day he would not be able to see the power of cause and effect that he could not touch, but he was able to capture it with his eyes, but it was still against himself.

When Taishang Laojun heard the words, he hurriedly turned his head to look at it. As expected, there were several dark black and mysterious lines, and there was a faint causal force of thousands of creatures' mourning. More than a meter wide, exactly three.

Although most of them are still surrounded by a half of Buzhou Mountain like a layer of dark clouds, but these three are enough to make people feel terrified.

Taishang Laojun's heart shrank a little, he only felt cold in his hands and feet, and a cold air climbed up along his spine, and he shivered firmly. : "Whether good or bad, the three of us avoid it first, just in case."

It is really a mutation of heaven and earth, the protagonist is in a different position, heaven and earth are too unfriendly to Daomen Tianting, and the three of them have to be careful.

Naturally, the Jade Emperor nodded frequently. He didn't care to find out what was going on. He turned around and wanted to run. Then he saw that the Queen Mother of the West did not say a word from beginning to end. The figure in the blazing ray of light felt the convergence of eyes, and lightly opened the red lips and said, "Don't you realize that the figure looks familiar?"

"Huh? When is this?" The Jade Emperor complained, and he looked over subconsciously. At a glance, he also whispered: "Hey, I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

"He seems to be" Taishang Laojun suddenly stunned, his eyes almost popped out of his eyes: "Once on the Demon Slaying Stage, the shadow behind Sun Wukong, that's right, it's him, the one who holds the lamp of life! "

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