The jade plate of good fortune is obviously not in a complete state, and it is even appropriate to say that it is just a shell, but Zhou Zhang heaved a long sigh of relief, and then entered the Buzhou Mountain. Since Zhou Zhang wants to find a clean place, there will never be any area to spy on, so take a good look at this jade plate of good fortune.

The perfect shell, although the three thousand avenues in it are gone, but as long as he holds it, Zhou Zhang seems to be able to see all kinds of rules flashing in the void, and the whole world has completely changed in his eyes. , seems to be cut into countless pieces by silk threads, and each thread contains a supreme power of rules.

Zhou Zhang's eyes gradually lit up, and then he took out the Daoyu in his arms without hesitation, and carefully placed it above the hole in the center of the Fortune Jade Plate, and then the rays of light bloomed, and Daoyu was inhaled into the Fortune Jade without any accident. In the plate, a very clear light blue silk thread appeared on the outermost pure white chaotic jade.

"Sure enough!"

Zhou Zhang's eyes were bright and gleaming with wisdom. He had gradually understood what those light spots were, and couldn't help but raise a smile at the corners of his mouth: "It seems that the operation to capture the light spots has to continue!" This is also one of the reasons why Zhou Zhang re-entered the Buzhou Mountain.

Due to Zhou Zhang's temporary heartbeat, the black and white chaotic jade was combined. Taking advantage of that opportunity, all the spots of light that had been captured disappeared without a trace. However, it is also easy to judge, this day is big, where can they go?There is nowhere to escape except for a half of Buzhou Mountain.

Therefore, Zhou Zhang has never been in a hurry, but he is more determined to re-enter the half-buried Zhoushan.

After researching, Zhou Zhang hid the jade plate of good fortune in his arms. The only pity is that the energy of this thing is too terrifying, and it can't be used in the portable space, which makes people feel a little uneasy.

"However, others have said that this half of Buzhou Mountain is the most dangerous place, but I think it is a treasure mountain."

Chapter [-] Want to lie to me?

In the half-cut Buzhou Mountain, about ten miles into the entrance of the cave, there is a vertical crack, like a poisonous snake with narrow eyes, with a stench and a cold breath, Zhou Zhang quietly stood in front of the crack, his face was calm like an ice sculpture, not in a hurry Not slow, the time has lasted for three days.

Unwavering, Zhou Zhangxin calmly entered the mirror without making any waves.

But at this moment today, the breath of the cracks changed suddenly, as if there was a momentary tremor, but Zhou Zhang's eyes flashed in an instant, his body swayed, and he turned into a bee the size of his finger. , flew into the crack.


The rushing air burst for a moment, and the whistling sound seemed to be an angry roar.

However, Zhou Zhang was not impressed at all. The moment he entered, his body trembled again and turned into a piece of white paper, clinging to the wall. Although the wind was violent, it hardly hurt him in the slightest. Glancing at the space behind the crack, it was empty, but there were countless light spots.

The space is not large, only more than [-] square meters in front and back, and there are no obstacles. Every corner is clearly visible. There is no wind eye that can form the wind, and there is no gap through the other side. However, there are countless light spots rotating in the center, forming a tearing wind, which originally flowed outward.

After feeling that Zhou Zhang entered, it turned the direction instantly. All the light spots revolved around a center, forming a tornado. The strong wind hit the rock and made a harsh bursting sound. The wind reversed and turned into a kind of suction, which would become Zhou Zhang, who was a piece of paper, tore it out.

Zhou Zhang was naturally not in a hurry, his body shook, and he turned into a fierce tiger going down the mountain. His fur was shiny and his forehead was gleaming. When he opened his mouth, he roared, "Ow!"

The sound was like thunder, and the fishy atmosphere hit the pavement, and the light spot was shaken to pieces in an instant, and countless tiny light spots shook off, like a beautiful rain, but they fled to the only hole in panic, but Zhou Zhang was the only one. The figure turned again and turned into a real body, but he took a step back, and did not rush forward to capture those light spots.

Instead, he blocked the entrance of the hole and watched the light spots run away in all directions, like headless flies.

Zhou Zhang was not in a hurry, he just stood quietly in front of the crack, even though a lot of light spots as small as the tip of a pin had already run out of those pin-sized gaps on the wall, he didn't show any movement.

You must know that even the light spots the size of a needle point represent a kind of Tao. They are the shape of Tao Yu dyed light. The three thousand avenues are big and small, but there is no distinction between high and low. Reading and writing is the Tao. Walking forward step by step is also the way. The only difference is that it is difficult to walk, or it is easy to walk. It is only how to walk.

Dao, there is no distinction between high and low, the size of those light spots is all because of the different power they absorb, the light spot and the essence of Daoyu are not the same thing, the light spot is more like the essence derived from Daoyu. The soul is like a rock and the moss growing on it.

In general, the moss and the rock itself are one body, but in a word, the rock and the moss are not the same substance, the Daoyu is the rock, and the light spots formed are the moss.

However, Zhou Zhang still had moss and rocks to escape from his sight, but he was motionless, like an ice sculpture, just blocking the crack and preventing the light spot from escaping on a large scale.

"Smack smack!"

A strange sound like a conversation sounded. Initially panicked, then even more panicked, and then the light spots moved faster. Some of the light spots had already hit the wall and fell to the ground, but some of the light spots were not after all. Holding back, he rushed towards Zhou Zhang, obviously ready to sink the boat.

Zhou Zhang's expression was indifferent, the divine wheel appeared in the back of his head, and the power of merit and belief formed a small insect net, dancing up and down, and every light spot that sprinted over was caught, and then he spit out without hesitation, Shatter the light spot, take out the Tao jade inside, put it in the center of the good luck jade plate in the arms, and let them turn into lines and engraved on it.

Zhou Zhang's expression was relaxed, but he never took a step forward. He just caught every light spot that rushed over. However, those who didn't rush over, even a lot of light spots had already pretended to be dizzy and fell on Zhou Zhang's forward. With the distance that he could hold in his hand with just one step, Zhou Zhang definitely did not take half a step forward.

Even, Zhou Zhang's eyes gradually moved away from the fleeing spots of light and turned to the surrounding walls. The walls here are a little unusual!Those light spots have all the characteristics of ghosts, but they are not afraid of ghost exorcism spells, which are thousands of times more than the existence of ghost spirits.

Passing through the wall is naturally not a problem, but now there is no one passing through the wall, and even the sound of hitting it is louder than the sound of ordinary objects colliding.

Originally, Zhou Zhang thought that these light spots were pretending and wanted to introduce himself, but now, it seems that this wall is indeed different, Zhou Zhang has a lot of interest, and can isolate it. The penetrating ability of these light spots is not an ordinary object.

However, Zhou Zhang still didn't take a single step forward, as if his feet had taken root, he was nailed to the spot.

Time flows slowly, some of those light spots are knocked out by themselves, and some are tired and collapsed. The light spots that can still fly are already a small part. The light spots spread out on the ground, although the biggest is just fist The size is very large, and it is estimated that there should be hundreds or thousands.

Although, the three thousand avenues in the jade plate of good fortune do not mean three thousand, but refer to an all-encompassing one, which can also be described as infinite, but these thousands of Taoist jades are not a few, at least they can make Zhou Zhang's Fortune Jade Plate returned to one-tenth of its strongest state.

It must be said that it was a great temptation, but the more so, the more Zhou Zhang did not move until the space gradually became quiet.

Just when Zhou Zhang faintly felt that he was being too cautious, a voice suddenly resounded in this small space: "What a resolute mind!" The voice came from all directions, with a dreamlike texture. , and a visceral admiration.

Zhou Zhang froze his normal face and showed a smile that he could control. His voice was cold: "Want to lie to me?"

"It's not a lie! It's best if you can solve a little trick, if you can't, then you can't!"

Zhou Zhang's eyes rolled and his voice was aggressive: "Tell me your identity, tell me where you came from!"

Zhou Zhang's words had no room for change, but the words on the other side were not angry, and said in a low voice, "I came across the river of time."

Chapter [-]: Xingtian

"Across the river of time?"

Zhou Zhang had some doubts, but he didn't panic. His ability to accept this aspect was beyond anyone's imagination. After all, he himself was a variable, and he had crossed many worlds. It seemed that he would encounter an existence that could cross the river of time. Not something incomprehensible.

"Aren't you shocked?"

"Why should I be shocked?" Zhou Zhang replied coldly, his voice calm like a slashing sword: "You don't have any qualities worthy of my shock, I'll give you three seconds to show up, otherwise"

The momentum on Zhou Zhang's body burst out, and the whole person was powerful. The consciousness that had already spread out vibrated and locked in the sky. Zhou Zhang's eyes swept the past aggressively. There was a flood of light, the void trembled, and then an arm came from the sky. It came out of the void, and then there was nothing.

The arm jumped flexibly like a living thing, and then the five fingers spread out, the thumb and little thumb were raised downward, as if the legs were stepping on the void, and then the middle finger, the index finger, the ring finger, and the third finger pointed forward, and the middle finger appeared on the belly of the middle finger. One eye, quite a bit like a tiger's eye, and then a big gaping mouth appeared in the palm, which was giving out a hahaha stalwart laughter.

The corners of Zhou Zhang's eyes trembled slightly. The previous sentence was not enough to shock him, but this scene made him somewhat surprised. With a human-like arm, his mind was spinning, Zhou Zhang judged the origin of this thing.

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