Washing the mountain with blood, not only did not destroy the mountain, but on the hill, the flowers were more colorful, the trees were more high-spirited, and even the fish in the river were more active.

Of course, even so, it's hard to change the apocalyptic feeling of a row.

Therefore, the demon clan chose to watch the battle for the time being, and did not show up rashly. Of course, they could choose to watch the battle, but other existences could not be so indifferent. In the distance of Buzhou Mountain, on the second-highest mountain, a figure appeared from ten thousand feet away. The high mountain jumped down.

Passing through the thick clouds, he cut the sky into two halves like a sharp sword, and then, like a meteor, smashed into the ground heavily.


Even Buzhoushan trembled slightly, and then, a black figure jumped out of the deep pit that he had smashed down, with a handsome face, lightly patted the dust of his black robe, and walked towards Zhou Zhang, Zhou Zhang Resisting the waves of fighting intent in the blood, the black and white wings disappeared, and the whole person fell down. Then, when he stood [-] meters from the ground, the wings appeared again, flapped gently, and stopped steadily at a height of [-] meters.

From extreme movement to extreme stillness, the power did not pour out a single point, and it was wonderful. There was a flash of shock and envy in the eyes of the handsome man opposite. Although the Wuzu body is strong, it has become an insulator of the Tao, and it is impossible to use any It is almost impossible to fly in the sky so freely.

"Wu Clan Xiao Wu Bai Zhangyi, I have seen it"

"Zhou Zhang!"

"Zhou Zhang" after reciting these two words, Baizhang Yi bowed and saluted. He is not a fool, and the Wu clan is not a monolith. In addition to watching the battle not long ago, he naturally would not swear to death as soon as he appeared on the stage. Therefore, if he is not from the same family, he is also in the same group this time, and he really does not want to show his face.

Chapter [-] Dare to fight with me?

The Taishan Mountain that Zhou Zhang evolved out of, is still flamboyant, standing in the center with a flamboyant and majestic force. The real thing seems to be a mountain that was born here. The little Wu Xingshen of the Wu tribe was nailed to the top by Zhou Zhang with a golden spear, as if he was at the top of the mountain. The corpse was displayed in public, arrogantly in a mess.

However, there was not much hatred on Di Qing's face. Some only had emotions towards Zhou Zhang. He didn't have the slightest change in his emotions because of what happened to Xingshen. He just raised his head and looked at Zhou Zhang's sincerity. Said: "Can I trouble you to put down that God Xing, after all, we are of the same family, I have to ask for one or two."

"Furthermore, I think that no matter what your anger is, you should be gone, and it's not like you have to take on a deadly vengeance with the Wu clan, and you will never die!"

There is a vague sense of threat, but it is not strong. In general, this person speaks very decently, and Zhou Zhang is not unreasonable. Just like what Di Qing said, he will not say that he has to take a deadly revenge and take it lightly. Nodding lightly, he snapped his fingers, releasing the power of the God-destroying Spear.

The god-destroying spear shattered and turned into immortal energy, and Xing Shen's body fell straight down like a falling rock. Zhou Zhang didn't look at it, and Di Qing didn't look at it for a second.


The earth roared, and another figure jumped down from the top of the mountain in the distance, smashing the ground into a deep pit of more than ten feet, then stepped on the ground, rolled up the wind and sand in the sky, ran towards God Xing, and then fluttered to the ground. Xing Shen took it in his arms, and then, half bent his knees on the ground, put Xing Shen softly on the ground, although he didn't look at Zhou Zhang, Zhou Zhang could clearly feel the hostility in him, and he still felt his hostility. There is a rolled-up killing intent.

"Please forgive me!" Di Qing introduced calmly: "He is Xing Shen's brother Xing Feng! One of the top ten among the little witches!"

"No wonder!" Zhou Zhang's heart moved, and he looked over carefully.

It is also a black robe. I don’t know if this is the rule of the Wu clan or the existence of the Wu clan. They like to wear a black robe. There are silver patterns on the black robe, which adds a bit of nobility to the mystery of the black robe. His physique is strong but not intimidating, like a leopard, with a lean aura all over him.

Just as Zhou Zhang was observing, he also got up, turned around, and looked at Zhou Zhang for the first time. If he tried to retreat, Zhou Zhang naturally wouldn't dodge, and even looked directly at each other as a matter of course.

It can't be said to be handsome in appearance, it can only be said that it is not ugly, but, with eyebrows like swords and eyes like knives, the whole face gives people a feeling of incomparable sharpness, and there is an undisguised murderous intent in his eyes, but it is a good bet. Kind of calmly pressed down, looking at Zhou Zhang, he couldn't help showing a hint of amazement.

Zhou Zhang's appearance is the essence of a man. Just by looking at it, you will have a feeling that the world is so big that you will never find an existence that can surpass his appearance. Even an enemy has to admit this. Of course, here In a world where strength is respected, this is not worth showing off too much.

Therefore, Zhou Zhang is never proud of this, and the enemy will naturally not pay too much attention to it, but if they look at each other, Zhou Zhang knows that there will be a battle sooner or later.

"I already know the situation. This place is supposed to be a no-man's land, but my brother's subordinates want to kill you without inquiring clearly. It's really not right. My brother knows the situation, not only I didn't apologize and admit my mistake, but I want to kill you to vent my anger, it's really not right."

"So, don't say that you only seriously injured him, even if you kill him, it should be, but since you have done this, then I have the right to challenge you."

"After this matter, can you dare to fight me?"

A familiar feeling came to his face. Zhou Zhang could clearly feel an aura similar to Xingtian from his body. In fact, it is not difficult to infer that Xingshen, Xingfeng, and people from the Wu clan, these three points are enough for Zhou Zhang to conclude. They must be related to Xing Tian. To be honest, he has a good impression of Xing Tian, ​​but he also knows that Xing Tian at this moment is completely different from that Xing Tian who has only one hand with meaning.

However, after all, it can be regarded as a source of origin, Zhou Zhang did not shout or shout, and said lightly: "It's okay, as long as you want, no matter when, no matter where, I will accept your challenge."

"It doesn't matter if you live or die, the hatred is only limited to me!" Xing Feng's eyes shone with blazing light, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent, but it gave people a weird feeling. It's a challenge under the guise of revenge.

Although he was an enemy and was destined to have a bloody battle, Zhou Zhang still listened to and admired this type of people, nodded lightly and said, "Yes!" Then, he didn't look at Xing Feng again, and still set his eyes on Di Qing. On the body, and then the corner of the line of sight casts a further distance, and asks lightly: "There are four people leading the demon clan over there, you shouldn't be the only three of you here!"

"Accurately speaking, there are really only three of us!" Di Qing smiled brightly and his eyes were sincere, but suddenly pursed his lips and said with disdain: "It's just that Xing Shen is not worthy of being one of these three!" After all!He raised his hand high and made a signal.

However, three minutes later, there was still no movement. Di Qing was a little confused and embarrassed. He roared angrily: "Why don't you come over quickly?

Before he could finish speaking, a crisp voice interrupted his persuasion.

"I can't fly, but I don't want to run over and let the one with beautiful wings come and pick me up."

Di Qing's arms were stiff, his mouth grew involuntarily, and he was even a little embarrassed to look at Zhou Zhang, and said with a belly: "When have you paid attention to your image, and you still don't want to run over, how can the Wu clan have grace at all? , not a human race."

Even Zhou Zhang was stunned for a moment. Unlike Xing Feng's words, where the murderous intention collapsed, there was a hint of appreciation in this voice. Although the words were a bit rough, every single word contained in the voice was filled with admiration. The tone is what it means.

Zhou Zhang was suddenly interested. Although he didn't know what he looked like, at least the voice sounded very comfortable. Although Zhou Zhang was not a so-called womanizer, after all, he was not a cold man who didn't eat human fireworks. He treated girls like ordinary men. There will always be more tolerance.

Hearing this, without waiting for Di Qing to answer, the corners of his mouth were slightly the same, his right hand raised, pointed at a towering mountain thousands of miles away, and said, "Da Ri Yan Hua Yin · Water · Bana Flower!" , but it was used by him for other purposes at this moment, it was simply

The light blue other side flowers bloomed one by one along Zhou Zhang, paving a flower road, extending to the top of the mountain.

Chapter [-] She is my sister

The light blue mist spreads out, shrouding the entire mountain range in a layer of mystery, adding three points of beauty and seven points of gentleness. No one knows the power of this other side flower. The witch tribe of the demon clan in the distance, Most people's eyes are focused on the extended flower road.

Beautiful, beautiful, there are blood-colored stamens in the middle of the pale blue petals, and the strange beauty instantly eroded this group of people who can't use spells at all, but the physique is strong and the eyes of the witches.

Even if it is the killing wind of Zhou Zhang, even if he is a pure and pure man, seeing this magic like a dream, the whole person falls into a small sluggish state, envious and jealous, although not hate, but There is a desire to have it for yourself.

The Wu people have always been proud of their physical strength, but, in a word, because they have no other tricks, they are naturally isolated from the Tao, and have lost the root of magic. Said that they are somewhat envious of the human race. Although this race has a short lifespan and a weak physique, they have infinite possibilities.

And it is absolutely impossible for them to use the simplest spells, not to mention the almost dreamlike spells of Zhou Zhang. Of course, they don't know that Zhou Zhang's other side flower is beyond the level of spells, called evolution. !

However, this did not prevent them from looking at them with an appreciative look. Di Qing's eyes lit up, and he kept looking at the other side of the flower that stretched to the top of the mountain thousands of miles away. .

"Huh" Di Qing let out a long sigh, and said in a tone of envy that was too fake: "Brother Zhou Zhang, you are so graceful! Your manners really make me envious!"

Say it!His whole person showed a sigh that was not fake: "Although I can jump down from a height of ten thousand feet unscathed, but I can't fall to the ground as light as a feather, although I can leap to a height of ten thousand feet at will, but I can't resist the wind. Flying, although the spell is not necessarily powerful, but the word chic is dominant, especially the demeanor of Brother Zhou Zhang, which really fascinates me."

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