Even if you Zhou Zhang is arrogant and dares to show his confidence in Ritiancao, he will not dare to show too much. The jade plate of good fortune can start a bloody war in an instant, in any hell, in any group. Originally He thinks he has got the perfect shell and just needs to add Daoyu to it.

Originally, this was also the purpose of Zhou Zhang's entry into the end of the prehistoric period.

Chapter [-] Pathfinder Lich

It's just that Zhou Zhang didn't expect that he heard the words "Good Fortune Jade Plate" again at this moment. Fortunately, it was his always indifferent temperament. , I also have some doubts, since it is a fragment of the jade plate, even if it is only a fragment, even if it is just a piece of news, it will not only come with so many crooked melons and cracked dates!

No wonder Zhou Zhang was puzzled. Fortunately, Di Qing explained in a low voice: "This is my own guess." While speaking, he kept his eyes on Zhou Zhang's profile, apparently it was somewhat intentional, seeing that he did not It fluctuated a little, and his eyes were even more satisfied.

Zhou Zhang's expression was undisturbed, but his heart trembled, and he almost twisted his brother-in-law's head in a fit of anger. If it wasn't for the fact that he was Di Hengjing's brother, he wouldn't be tempted by a casual sentence. He trusted him. He, he is a little more tentative.

However, shaking his head slightly, Zhou Zhang didn't have any anger because of this trivial matter. He has a little sister who has been favored by others, and it's nothing to be tested a little.

However, it was obvious that Di Qing was not aimless either, while Zhou Zhang was busy inlaying Jin Tianqi and approaching the rock wall, his expression changed and he continued: "However, I am [-] to [-] percent sure that the contents here must be It has a certain relationship with the jade plate of good fortune, I can't practice cultivation, but reading is good, I have read countless related books, and I can probably judge."

Zhou Zhang naturally pulled Jin Tianqi out, as if he pressed it crookedly, adjusted it down, pressed it up again, and said in a low voice, "Oh? Are you the only one who knows about this?"

"I don't know if others can detect anything from it, but, as far as I am concerned, I have never told others that my original purpose was to try to fish in troubled waters. It is said that the jade plate of good fortune can make anyone Walking on the Great Dao is the most powerful magic weapon to change your life against the sky, I want to see if I can change my life!"

Zhou Zhang was attentive, nodded indifferently, and couldn't waste time too much. He pressed Jin Tianqi, a few other flowers floated beside him, his wings fluttered away from the cliff, his eyes looked at the crack, and he said: "I want to ask, who of us will go first?"

They once thought that this was an outsider who rushed in and would show mercy if they didn't kill them. Then, they thought that Zhou Zhang had the power to participate, so they also regarded him as a part of the temporary cooperation, and they would not turn their face until they discovered the value of the treasure. , But, now, Zhou Zhang looks like a leader, but no one thinks there is anything wrong, and even if the treasures inside are not too precious, no one will rob him.

The three demon clan's faces were a little ugly, but they all said in unison: "If brother Zhou Zhang is interested, then brother Zhou Zhang will go first. If not, we will naturally have road-seeking demons, and let them go first." They did. Although he resisted, he was very unconvinced, but when he looked up at the miserable Jin Tianqi, he trembled in unison. This is a lesson from the past!

Although Jin Tianqi was revealed to be a liar, his deterrent power was equally terrifying, and even Xing Feng didn't dare to show his teeth-baring expression, he said unwillingly, "You decide!" It was the most lonely one, and it was terribly miserable.

The Wu clan sent four this time, and the number was comparable to that of the demon clan. Moreover, due to Di Qing's request and Di Heng Jing's self-assertion, the power on their side was obviously stronger. However, their younger brother was beaten madly. After a while, it seemed that they were seriously injured and difficult to participate in the battle. Not to mention the two Di Qing brothers and sisters, they had completely excluded themselves from the ear-biting just now.

Xing Feng even suspected that if he did it himself, without Zhou Zhang resisting, Di Hengjing would be able to beat himself into a puddle of mud. Looking at her appearance, she was simply stuck on it, making the corners of his mouth twitch. .

Zhou Zhang did not hesitate. Hearing the words, he nodded slightly and instructed: "Compared to the Wu clan, there are so-called pathfinders, so let the demon clan and Wu clan come together! Let's be more cautious!" People, since others have prepared death squads, why do you want to take risks yourself.

Hearing the words, Di Qing nodded lightly, raised his hand and waved it. The six witch clan hanging below climbed to the edge of the altar, and then nodded to Zhou Zhang and saluted respectfully. For the demon clan, the witch clan obviously Zhou Zhang is more accepting, because the group hanging in his arms is the little princess of the Wu clan.

Zhou Zhang took a closer look. The eyes of these people are exquisite and strong, and they are obviously not the kind of existence that purely uses life to explore the way. There should be some special means. Then, the demon clan not far away There was also news, and the monsters with unnamed thieves and eyes appeared more and more.

Most of their faces are very wretched, with small noses and small eyes, like mice, and their bodies are thin and curvy. The heart should not match the appearance. Obviously, they are not the kind of things that use life to explore the way.

It was also a respectful salute, and one of the demons stepped forward and introduced himself: "Our five brothers are treasure-hunting rats, named Rat One, Rat Two, Rat Three"

Rehearsing with numbers is very easy to remember, and it can also be seen that at least here, in the hearts of this group of characters, Zhou Zhang is still much closer to the Wu clan, at least the Wu clan feels like their own, and the demon clan needs to Being much more polite, Zhou Zhang smiled slightly. He didn't care about the details, he stepped back a little and said, "It's hard work!"

As soon as these three words came out, the three demon clan leaders over there changed their color slightly, and their breath became a little thicker. This is his own subordinate. Thank you very much. Could it be that you have forgotten your status?You have nothing to do with us. The good point is a temporary partner, and the ugly point is an enemy who can change his face at any time. It only depends on the value of the treasure.

However, they didn't dare to stay for a long time, but the five brothers all showed a little excited expression, and suddenly, the three roared in their hearts: You are so excited, we are the team leader.

"You're welcome!"

After a brief chat, the five brothers were also ready. The three of them stood behind the six members of the Wu clan. The bits are relatively rough, arranged from top to bottom, fingers inserted into the gap, obviously preparing to break the door violently.

Zhou Zhang didn't feel that he was acting in his place, and said naturally, "Open the door!"

Chapter [-]: Those who dare to enter will be killed without mercy


The unpleasant sound of grinding teeth resounded, irritating people's eardrums, and the unpleasant itching in his heart, Zhou Zhang frowned slightly, somewhat surprised, but didn't say anything.

The six Wuzu death squads who opened the door also gritted their teeth and forced the gap to the two sides. In an instant, a half-person-wide gap was revealed, and a bit of rancid smell swept out, as if opening a dusty cellar for a long time. The same, dust, unpleasant breath rolling.

Zhou Zhang stepped back a little. He was slightly obsessed with cleanliness, and at the same time, he was somewhat disappointed. This is not a treasure hunt in the ordinary world. This is at least a fairy treasure level existence. How could such a reaction be possible? Even if it is disappointing, is it possible that such a big movement is just an ordinary void?

Not only Zhou Zhang, but many people were a little disappointed. The six closest Wu clan shook their heads slightly. The next four people were all squeezed in the middle, carrying one side on their backs, their feet on the other side, and their strength exploded instantly.


The sound of grinding teeth sounded again, and the gap was completely pushed open, like a door full of dust. The moment it was pushed open, it seemed that there was a heavy atmosphere of history blowing towards the face, which was a kind of hallucination. Feeling, what I saw on the front was overwhelming dust, and there was a rotten and heavy breath pouring into the nose.

Zhou Zhang gently swayed his right hand to disperse the dust that was blowing from his face. He took the Emperor Hengjing and flew a little further away. He frowned slightly, he didn't like these things very much.

However, at this moment, Zhou Zhang's eyes trembled slightly. He saw the dust spread, and a little red light flashed in the depths of the black hole. The speed was beyond imagination, as if it had crossed the space. In an instant, screams were heard.



The red light instantly turned into a long spear, pierced the head of a witch who dared to die, and protruded more than [-] meters. The speed was so fast that it seemed that it was not sticking out, but originally existed there. The gun barrel was blood red, giving people a sense of suffocation.

"So fast!"

Di Hengjing's eyes flashed with surprise, and he sighed in a low voice, she was considered a quick response, and the rest of the sound paused for more than a second before the shock echoed through.

"Dangerous, run!"

"Be careful! Everyone hurry up and hide!"


The last scream did not sound. The owner of the scream had already been pierced through his head like a piece of sausage, hanging above the tip of the gun, shaking, even his eyes were still rolling, but the blood and brain It has flowed all over the place, and it fell bit by bit, and the scene gave people a suffocating horror.


Everyone took a deep breath. They seemed to be eroded by time and turned into slow motion. The situation had already happened, and they exclaimed. Then there was a loud noise, and countless people began to retreat. In an instant, the black hole that opened the hole was empty, only a blood-red spear drilled out from the depths, and a corpse was hanging on the tip of the spear.

Among the people present, only Zhou Zhang did not move, and the corpse was closer to him. Zhou Zhang turned his head and carefully observed the blood-red spear. He only felt as if he had seen a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Fierce aura envelops his body like the sea in an instant. If Zhou Zhang's temperament is not condensed and he is not afraid of any impact at all, I am afraid that he will not help but retreat.

However, for some reason, he was unwilling to retreat, and even waves of fighting intent surged in his blood.

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