In fact, there is nothing too deep or brain-intensive to think about. The wind cannot be sticky, so naturally this space cannot be real.

However, after Zhou Zhang crossed over, he felt a sense of trance. Compared with the situation in front of him, the corridor that was clearly constructed just now seemed to be full of reality. The corridor actually appeared in front of a village entrance.

A few dead woods were built to see the crumbling entrance of the village, but when it was not about to collapse, a faint purple awn would pass by and support the collapsed area. It was not repaired, but simply kept it from collapsing.

Looking further into the depths, the whole village was deserted, covered in dust, with a desolate atmosphere, without the slightest popularity, without the slightest sound, just like a barren village, even if a few grievances popped up now. Ghost, Zhou Zhang will not have the slightest accident.

Chapter [-]: Styx Village

Di Hengjing stuck her head out of Zhou Zhang's arms, her eyes were looking at the front with interest, but she had a similarity with Zhou Zhang, so confident, so confident that she was fearless, so confident that there was no one else around, looking at the building in front of her. In the empty city, she tilted her head and thought, "I seem to have seen this city there."

Zhou Zhang did not rush into the city as if he had never heard of it. Instead, he looked up at the few rotten trees that had been erected. There was a crumbling sign hanging on the top. The lines seem to be combined into one word, and they seem to be drawn and drawn a few times.

In a word, this village is full of weirdness, Zhou Zhang looked at it, Di Hengjing pondered, and without Zhou Zhang asking, she had already racked her brains, tilted her head, and revealed a bit of cuteness that people couldn't put it down, and then His eyes lit up and he said, "This is one of the Three Thousand Demon God Villages in ancient times. I once read it in my grandfather's book."

"Three Thousand Demon God Village?"

Zhou Zhang frowned and asked carefully. Although he could explain it well, he always felt a little bit incompatible with the situation. He had also heard about things in the ancient times of the prehistoric era, but it was at the end of the prehistoric era when he inquired about these news. The period is more than hundreds of millions of years away from the ancient years, and some things are really blurry.

However, I also know that the three thousand demon gods do not only refer to three thousand living beings, but three thousand tribes. The demon god is the leader of each tribe and is also the totem of the patron saint. Of course, due to the age, Zhou Zhang also But only to understand this level.

Therefore, he never thought of refuting Di Hengjing's words. After all, the era she lived in was many years earlier than the era in which he collected information, so she naturally knew a lot more clearly.

"Yeah! I once read the records about the Three Thousand Demon Gods in my grandfather's book. I also know this totem style. It seems to be the character of the underworld. This is the village of the ancestor of the Three Thousand Demon God Ming He."

Zhou Zhang raised his head and looked at the irregular lines, which made him feel a little dazed. The ancestor Ming He was famous in the world, but he seemed to be a long, long time away from him. Although Zhou Zhang felt that in terms of his own characteristics, It is very likely that we will meet once or twice, but I did not expect to see his village here.

The ancestor of Ming He, the sea of ​​blood will not dry up, and the river will not die. Among the three thousand demon gods, he is the one who shines through the ages. Moreover, it is said that he is the only one of the few remaining demon gods after the fall of the great god Pangu during the prehistoric times. , and also fought with the future Dao Zun Hongjun for many years. These characters are simply brilliant.

Regardless of whether it is good or bad, this strength is definitely beyond imagination!

Zhou Zhang suddenly felt a bit like visiting the former residences of famous people. Even Di Hengjing's eyes softened a lot, and the aggressive self-confidence inside also restrained a little. Of course, God Pangu may not recognize it, but the Wu people are proud of it.

The three thousand devil gods are the real enemies of Pangu. Although the winner is Pangu, the first person to eradicate the chaos and wilderness, but, because of this, Pangu is still unable to escape with his shocking strength. The fate of falling, so, it can not be said to be a real one-sided victory, it can be regarded as a lose-lose ending!

Therefore, for the Wu clan whose ancestors are the great god Pangu, these three thousand demon gods are real feuds. However, they will not deny their power. After all, it is a history that has long been buried in the sand. Heng Jing's eyes are more full of interest, and there is very little hatred.

The two of them observed it carefully for a while, and then they were ready to go in and have a look. Anyway, they came, after all, they wanted to go in and take a look!However, at this moment, Zhou Zhang's eyes turned cold, and Di Hengjing's slender and fit right leg kicked out fiercely. There was a burst of air as if it would break at any time, but he kicked in the air.

A black shadow was like a shadow, and it merged into the ground from an upright state. It ran past the two of them like a stream of water. The two of them rushed directly into the Minghe Village. The laughter was wild and full of ecstasy. : "Haha, thank you two for exploring the way for me, the fiery red lotus of the [-]th grade industry belongs to me!"


Zhou Zhang burst out, and his speed was extremely fast. In an instant, he shortened the distance in space, and caught up with the shadow like a light. He completely integrated into the ground, but it was only a shape that could not see his appearance at all. Zhou Zhang was basically able to tell that it was that person, and sneered: "I'm afraid you came here with your life, but you won't take it!"

Say it!Zhou Zhang stomped his right foot down hard.


The ground trembled violently, a village the size of a city trembled violently, countless houses collapsed, and dust filled the sky, but the shadow split apart and avoided Zhou Zhang's stampede, converged in front, and moved towards the sky faster. He rushed to the depths, obviously not thinking about entanglement with Zhou Zhang, or in other words, he already knew that he was not Zhou Zhang's opponent.

However, at this moment, a tornado rolled up, and the Emperor Hengjing descended from the sky with terrifying flying sand and rocks, just in front of the shadow. Like a sharp blade out of the sheath, aggressive.

"It's not that easy to pick peaches, come on!"

With a domineering coquettish shout, Di Hengjing's slender calf was pulled out. Seeing that there was no terrifying power, however, the air was evacuated in an instant, and one foot jumped out, like a landslide and the earth cracked. Being pulled up, a ravine about ten meters wide and hundreds of meters long appeared.

In the smoke and dust, a figure was kicked out, and the person spat out a large amount of blood, broken bones, and rotten flesh in the air. One foot was almost kicked into flesh, but that figure burst out with a shadow. Extremely cold wailing: "Thousand-picture demon, you must die!"


With a scream, the figure smashed heavily on the ground more than ten miles away, and suddenly, the land collapsed, the gravel pierced through the air, and the scene was sensational, but Zhou Zhang sneered: "As expected. !" Di Hengjing's eyes were curled and he was a little puzzled. He was clearly kicked at that moment, why did he give the impression of being avoided.

The figure who was smashed to death in the distance and was kicked to death was also a real figure. He was three or four meters tall, like a bamboo pole. familiar.

It was this time that one of the four leaders of the demon clan, Hongfeng, the grandson of the great demon Red Devil.

is it him?There was a trace of doubt in Di Hengjing's heart.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Second The anger is not worth the life!

Of course not, not to mention other things, just the hateful cry of Hongfeng being kicked out is enough to show that there is another person, and the name is clearly pointed out, Qiantu, the only one Not the leader of the second generation of demons, a demon clan with only one pair of eyes shrouded in black robes.

Although Zhou Zhang was verbally contemptuous, and because of the appearance of Jin Tianqi, the performance of these monsters seemed to be really trash, but Zhou Zhang never ignored the existence of that person, although he deliberately showed a bit of trash appearance, but, Zhou Zhang never underestimated him.

At the moment when Di Hengjing was blinded, Zhou Zhang started again, like a stream of light passing by Di Hengjing's side, suddenly his heart moved, and the speed slowed down, as if a light shot suddenly stopped, and then again. Shooting out, only one sentence floated: "Well! It's very sweet!"

Di Hengjing touched the corners of his lips that were fleeting to the touch, his domineering arrogance disappeared in an instant, his eyes were tender and watery, and he muttered angrily: "What time is it, really?" The human mind seems to be shaken.

Then, a loud noise was heard, countless houses collapsed, and in the smoke and dust, Zhou Zhang walked through the dust with a black robe in his hand, and walked back.

Di Hengjing glanced at him a little embarrassedly, and rolled his eyes angrily: "Let you make a fool of yourself, now you're being run away!"

Zhou Zhang shook the black robe in his hand, his face was pale, and a sneer raised at the corner of his mouth: "I let him run away on purpose! The reason why I did it repeatedly is just to make him sure that he escaped by his own strength!"

"Stay stubborn!" At this moment, Di Hengjing's heart felt like a drum, and he didn't know what to say, but he felt that it was wrong not to say anything. A heart was completely sunk.

Zhou Zhang didn't explain it. He was also moved on a whim. Her domineering and sideways look was so beautiful. It was a huge loss if she didn't move her mouth. Moreover, she was more beautiful than before when she was embarrassed and angry. It was a change. The fairy, but every aspect of her is not deliberately pretended, but it is real, which is even more touching.

Zhou Zhang couldn't help licking the corners of his lips, Di Hengjing saw his action, his heart seemed to be grabbed by someone, and his mind seemed to be blank for a moment.

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but let out a faint smile. He didn't hate this woman, but, before the tenderness in his eyes bloomed, Di Hengjing's eyes suddenly narrowed. Although his face was still red, he was shy. But it dissipated, and then, like a female warrior, he walked straight towards Zhou Zhang.

That aggressive, vast imposing manner is simply overwhelming, every step of the fall, the ground will tremble slightly, even Zhou Zhang was stunned for a moment, this imposing manner is very strong!

Then, Di Hengjing stood in front of Zhou Zhang, raised his head slightly, his eyes reflected Zhou Zhang's cheeks, stretched out his hand to grab Zhou Zhang's head, pulled down a little, then stepped on his feet, closed his eyes, and kissed it heavily, all in one go. , Domineering natural.

"I'll try yours!"

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