Interestingly, there are actually thirteen levels. According to this calculation, Zun corresponds to Da Luoxian, and Xian is a quasi-sage.

I didn't expect that such a small frontier land would have such power. Thinking about it like this, this continent should be a more advanced continent.

"What is the strength of the county master of this county?"

"It's the fifth-order immortal level. I heard that I have been in retreat some time ago, maybe I have broken through."

Zhan Taizhengxiang was still bowing at the moment, not daring to raise his head to look at Zhou Zhang.

"Okay, I've got a general idea, let's go."

"Thank you senior, I don't think senior has a place to stay, so why don't you go to the humble house and take a break."

Zhou Zhang thought about it for a while, after all, in this barren mountain, there is really nowhere to go for a while.

"Let's lead the way."

"Senior, please come with me!"

Following behind Zhan Taizhengxiang, he arrived at his residence after a while.

In front of the door are two large stone lions, with fierce appearances and high buildings. It can be seen that this person has been guarding the gate for many years, but he has lived a good life.

"Master is back."

"Well, go and arrange the best room."

"Yes, sir."

Saying that, he walked back.

Zhan Taizhengxiang led the way, and Zhou Zhang followed, looking at the mansion along the way.

"As expected of the great general defending the city, this mansion looks so lively!"

"Senior is joking, please come in."

It can be seen that this pass should be relatively peaceful on weekdays, otherwise the scene in this city is like this.

"Master is ready."

This is the next person walking over.

"Senior, I will take you to your residence to see if you are satisfied."

"it is good."

After Zhou Zhang replied a word, he stopped talking, and Zhan Taizhengxiang hurriedly got up and led the way.

"This is the residence of the seniors. The seniors can rest here for a few days and make plans after they are familiar with it."

"Okay, I don't like to be noisy, it's good here, remember not to let the next person disturb me."

"Yes, senior, I will order now"

"Don't always call each senior. It's uncomfortable to hear, so call me Zhou Shao in the future."

"Yes, Young Master Zhou."

Saying that, Zhan Taizhengxiang withdrew.

Zhou Zhang looked around, presumably no one passed by here on weekdays, which saved a lot of trouble.

Walking into the house, the interior of the house is very delicate and spacious.All furniture is available.

After dispersing the consciousness and confirming that there is no one around, he began to practice.

This time, he was inexplicably teleported to an unfamiliar continent. Listening to his narration, this continent is vast, so there must be a lot of natural resources and treasures.

Thinking about it this way, it is a good place to advance, and after thinking about it, I started to practice.

The night passed, and the next morning was still practicing.

I just came to this continent, and the spiritual energy in my body seems to be a little uncomfortable and needs to be adjusted.

In the afternoon, I felt that there was no serious problem and stopped practicing.He became familiar with the use of this spiritual energy in the courtyard.

Just when I thought about it, a voice came through.

"Young Master Zhou, I didn't mean to disturb you. Your house has prepared food and drinks. Can Young Master Zhou appreciate your face?"

At this level, even if you don't eat or drink for a month, you won't feel hungry, but you can taste the food here.

Thinking of this, he said to Zhan Taizhengxiang.

"Okay, got it."

Then he pushed the door out.

When I got to the dining table, I looked around. There were three sons in the family. It seemed that they were all martial arts practitioners who were influenced by their father, and they all participated in guarding the border.

"Young Master Zhou, please take a seat. The dishes are ready, Master Zhou please enjoy."

Zhou Zhang sat there unceremoniously, and everyone else took their seats, and the banquet began.

The food here tastes pretty good, it's not like it's a problem with the material, it should be the reason for the production method.

When the food is in the mouth, it feels like breathing.

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