"And if you dare to cause trouble in our Baixiaolou, you should also consider whether you have the strength!"

It seems that Bai Xiaolou really has some strength, otherwise it would not have been able to operate for so long and still stand still.

"Okay, then you wait for me to go up and take a look, and then leave when I come out."

"Okay, okay, I know, I've been shopping with you since I came out, I haven't bought anything yet!"

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, yes, he had been out for so long, and he had been buying things by himself, he really forgot that this Murong Congxue wanted to sneak out.

No matter how much, let's go upstairs first.

As he said that, he went upstairs, no matter what Zhan Tai went from Xue to.

When they reached the entrance of the seventh floor, there were two people standing on both sides. Their strengths were all true immortals, but these strengths seemed to Zhou Zhang to be like ants.

"Is your son going to the seventh floor?"

"If so, please wear this veil first."

Unexpectedly, Bai Xiaolou is quite thorough and has a special veil.

After wearing it, Zhou Zhang found that this can not only hide his own breath, but also change his appearance and clothes. It is not very real, but it is a very interesting design, which has a great effect on protecting privacy.

Going to the seventh floor, most of the seventh floor is some kind of exercises and the like, and there are buyers and sellers next to some of them. It seems that this is a real-time transaction.

However, looking at the feelings of everyone, it is indeed necessary to take out items that make people feel excited before they can be exchanged.

Now there is a bloodthirsty gun of Slaughter God, and the rank is not bad. Before, it was only the level of the innate spiritual treasure. Now that the seal has been unlocked, it has reached the level of the innate treasure.

Zhou Zhang wanted to buy a good book of marksmanship. Although the rank here is not high, he really doesn't have any marksmanship cheats, but right now he really doesn't have anything to exchange.

However, now that Zhou Zhang is in possession of Xuanfeng Leitian Art, Eight Nine Mysterious Art and other cultivation techniques, ordinary cultivation techniques are naturally disgusting.

Don't stay too much, continue to the eighth floor, go up to the eighth floor, surrounded by some weapons, swords and sticks are almost the same as the seventh floor.

After a rough look, most of them are sacred weapons and there are very few weapons of the innate spiritual treasure level. Zhou Zhang is really not interested in weapons of this level. It may be that the place where Bai Xiaolou came from is a little too small. There is nothing meaningful.

What will the ninth floor be?Check it out, maybe there will be something unexpected.

Just before the stairs on the ninth floor, the guard stopped the way and explained.

"Senior, the ninth floor is no longer about exercises and weapons, but some secrets that may cause an uproar."

"We have no other intentions, but this ninth floor can only be entered by one person at a time. Please forgive me, senior, don't make us embarrassed, and wait a little longer."

The guards naturally knew that the person who wanted to go to the ninth floor was not only of amazing strength but also of amazing power. Although he stopped Zhou Zhang, he was very respectful.

"Oh? There is such a thing, then I will wait for a while."

"Senior can hold this card. If the person above comes out, there will be a reminder of this card, and then the senior can come back."

Speaking of which, the guards took out a white jade token with the word "Xiao" engraved on it. In this way, the token also matched the name of Bai Xiaolou.

Zhou Zhang took the token and had nothing to do but walked around on the eighth floor.

The eighth floor is also considered spacious. I just took a cursory look at it, but I didn't expect it to be so big now.

Walking and walking, Zhou Zhang was suddenly attracted by the object in front of a man in black. This was a fan that was plain and white, but if you say that he was plain and plain, he exuded a faint terrifying fluctuation.

This fluctuation is at most the level of an immortal. Although it is very curious that a fan can emit such fluctuations, it is not this fluctuation that Zhou Zhang cares about.

Instead, he felt an aura that he was familiar with.Although I can't remember which continent it was, it was indeed a familiar aura.

How can such a thing happen?Zhou Zhang couldn't understand it. I dare to say that this breath must be from the previous world. How could it appear here?

Seeing that Zhou Zhang was looking at this weapon, the man took the initiative to ask.

"Why, aren't you interested in this folding fan?"

Listening to the voice is the voice of a woman, it sounds tactful and pleasant, and she must be a beautiful woman.

Zhou Zhang has experienced so many people, how could he reveal his fault, and immediately explained.

"I saw that the first floor is written with holy or god-level weapons. Only your folding fan has only the level of a divine weapon. Why is it here?"

"Although this folding fan is only at the level of an artifact, it has also reached the level of a superb artifact."

Zhou Zhang said nothing, quietly listening to the woman continue to speak.

"I brought it here to sell it definitely not because of the fluctuations he exudes. If the fluctuations were placed elsewhere, there might be people competing for it. But it seems a little mediocre here."

Zhou Zhang nodded when he heard the words. Indeed, she was right. If this weapon was of a higher rank and the fluctuations were stronger, it would be a rare treasure.

"But have you noticed that the fluctuations emitted by this weapon are a little unfamiliar. It can be said that he is unfamiliar, but he is still very familiar."

Zhou Zhang did not expect this woman to be so delicate, and after observing the breath contained in this folding fan.

Zhou Zhang naturally knew that this breath did not belong to this world, but it made the woman feel familiar. It should be because the owner of the folding fan spent a long time, so it was contaminated with his own breath, so she felt familiar.

Although Zhou Zhang really wanted to buy it, he didn't pay any attention to what the woman said.

"The breath you are talking about is probably the mutation of the owner of the folding fan who has been fighting for many years and is contaminated by your same hostile aura."

The woman shook her head upon hearing this. Although she was not sure that this was not the breath of this world, it was definitely not the result of years of fighting as the person in front of her said.

Chapter [-] Secret?

"I don't think you want to buy it. You should go and see other things."

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