"I see the two of you going to the Black Front Mountains alone. This mountain range is very dangerous. It's not like our Yulu hunting group will go together. There are more people on the way to take care of them."

Zhantai Congxue naturally didn't want to, but she finally came out with Big Brother Zhou. If there were more of these people on the way, it would be very embarrassing.

But Zhou Zhang doesn't think so. If the two of them really go to the Heifeng Mountains together, there may not be any danger, but Zhou Zhang can't guarantee what Zhan Taicongxue will do. Now there are just this group of people. The road will be much calmer.

Zhou Zhang scrutinized the crowd again and responded.

"We really want to go to the Ebon Front Mountains, so we'll have to do it."

"Great, by the way, I haven't asked you what your name is!"

"Zhou Zhang, next to me is Zhan Tai Congxue."

"My name is Qi Jiashu, and I'll talk to our captain."

The man named Qi Jiashu turned back and went back to the center, talking to the captain.

"Captain Miao, those two are also going to the Black Front Mountains, why don't we let them go with us?"

"Qi Jiashu, it's you again. Every time you pull people into the team, do you know where those two came from?"

"We have something important to do this time. Can you take care of it?"

Before the captain could speak, the deputy captain yelled at Zhe Qi Jiashu first.

"Forget the second brother, there are many people and many strengths, this time I am not very sure that I can capture the evil beast."

He couldn't help but touched his left arm. It seemed that this man not only failed in the battle not long ago, but was seriously injured.

"Brother Zhou Zhang, I have already agreed with our captain, we can leave after a while."

"The two of you must have heard the conversation just now, don't forget to take it to your heart."

"Not long ago, when our captain was surveying the Black Front Mountains, we accidentally bumped into the territory of a sixth-order vicious beast. Although our captain is also a strong man at the monarch level, the beast is a beast after all, and in front of the same level, it still occupies Certain advantages."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang roughly understood that these sixth-order monsters were probably at the same level as that of the monarch, and they were still at the level of immortals.

It's no wonder that man suffered a loss. The monsters are all based on physical cultivation. Attacks of the same level can only cause damage, and it is difficult to kill him.

"After our captain had a fierce fight with the beast, we couldn't win the beast, and we had to leave as a last resort."

"After I came back, I started to practice hard, and finally broke through to the late Monarch level a few days ago, and then I gathered a team to hunt the beast."

"Cong Xue, what do you think? This is a good opportunity to try."

"Well, I listen to Brother Zhou."

"Hmph, it turned out to be two hairy boys!!"

Although this person's voice was very low, Zhou Zhang still heard it, and Zhou Zhang smiled and ignored it.

When Qi Jiashu heard the conversation between the two, he was stunned for a moment. I hope there will be no mistakes between the two.

"You have to follow the team closely along the way. The Black Front Mountains are full of beasts. I think you are the first time to enter the mountain range. If you encounter danger, you will be in trouble."

"Thank you Brother Qi for reminding me."

Qi Jiashu saw that the two of them didn't respond to him, so he stopped persuading them. You'll know when you enter the mountain range! !

"Also, our captain is called Miao Tianjie, and the person who yelled at me just now is the vice-captain called Miao Tiangan."

"Hey, could these two be brothers??"

Zhantai Congxue interrupted before Qi Jiashu finished his introduction.

"Yes, the two of them are indeed brothers, but the older brother has a mild temperament, while the younger brother has a somewhat hot temper."

At this time, Miao Tianjie saw that it was almost time, and greeted the group to prepare to enter the mountain range.

"The purpose of our trip is to be a sixth-order listening to the moon leopard. If this time is successful, we will receive a lot of goods!"

This is to tell those who come to the Yulu hunting group for the first time, and also to let those who are greedy for life and fear of death quit at this time, so as to save the chain at a critical moment! !

"This Tingyue Leopard is a sixth-order vicious beast. Wouldn't our group of people die when they go to the site of the sixth-order vicious beast?"

"You don't have to worry about this, that Tingyue Leopard just broke through the sixth rank not long ago, and there must be some kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure in that cave, otherwise it would not stay in the sphere of influence of the fifth-ranking beast and refuse to leave. "

It's no wonder that this person is worried that different levels of beasts have their own scope, and only the deeper beasts will be stronger.

If this Tingyue Leopard is within the sixth-order range, I am afraid that they will encounter many sixth-order fierce beasts and be destroyed by the group before they can find Tingyue Leopard.

"I'll ask again, is there anyone who wants to quit now, if it's too late to quit now, if your legs get weak after a while and drag the team's hind legs, I, Miao Tiangan, will let you all walk around!!"

After saying these words, seeing that everyone did not want to leave, Miao Tianjie led everyone into the mountain range.

The place where we fought last time still has some impressions. Although it has been more than a month, the beast will definitely not leave, nor will it be easily beheaded.

Now, relying on the impression, he led the crowd to the Black Front Mountains.

"Cong Xue, if you really see a beast in a while, are you afraid?"

Zhou Zhang asked Congxue Sound Transmission, this sound transmission is a supernatural power that can only be mastered by reaching the Da Luo Xian level, that is, the noble level, and Zhou Zhang is not afraid that others will perceive it.

"Don't talk, you just need to nod and shake your head. The purpose of this time is to experience you, so it's best not to expose my strength!"

Zhan Tai shook his head from the snow, she is not afraid, even if she is afraid, she can't show it. She has to work hard to become stronger, otherwise, how can her elder brother Zhou see her, and with elder brother Zhou, what does she have? How scary?

Seeing that Zhan Taicongxue shook his head, Zhou Zhang also felt relieved, it was really bad, and he could solve it himself at the critical moment.

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