Qi Jiashu has always been around Zhou Zhang, because he felt that these two newcomers should help more, and he couldn't help saying when he heard the conversation between the two.

"I said Brother Zhou, it's better not to be so optimistic. Now facing these three sixth-order vicious beasts, it is inevitable to fight hard. If it wasn't for the injuries of the three-turned-bird, I'm afraid we would have lost our lives."

Zhou Zhang smiled and stopped talking. When his interests were not threatened, he would not take it lightly.

Going back to this battlefield, the three beasts surrounded the cave like this, they dared not come in easily, and the people inside couldn't get out.

As time passed, Zhou Zhang kept analyzing the application of the exercises to Zhan Tai Congxue, and every time Zhan Tai Congxue thought a little, he could do better.Zhou Zhang is still very happy to teach in the face of such 'students'! !

Compared to the leisurely nature of the people in the cave, the confrontation between the few people is not enough. Every trial and confrontation will consume some physical strength, and these people and beasts are a little tired.

Finally, the reinforcements of the Banyue Hunting Group arrived, and this time there was one more monarch-level powerhouse. The situation became four dozen and two and a half. Everyone also got their spirits up and threw themselves into the battle, trying their best to give these Beast attack.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang suddenly noticed that there was a king-level person nearby who seemed to have noticed the fight here, but he didn't have any action at hand. This person was very likely to want to take advantage of the fisherman, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but think. Laugh, the identities of the prey and the hunter are constantly changing.

With the help of the reinforcements, this battle has been released, and soon these beasts were defeated with the concerted efforts of everyone. This time, the Banyue Hunting Group took the most credit. The moon leopard is a trophy.

Chapter [-] Baizhang Yuyunlian

This time they won a great victory, and everyone gained a lot. Pang Liqiang also generously gave half of the Five Elements Giant Leopard to Miao Tianjie. Just as everyone was cleaning the battlefield, the man who had been watching here came out.

"Hahaha, I would also like to thank you little friends for solving the troubles of these beasts for me. Now you go away with these corpses!"

As soon as this middle-aged man appeared, he planned to let the two teams leave. His small abacus was really good. If he were to face the three beasts by himself, I am afraid it would be more fortunate. Now these people have already been with these few A fierce beast consumes little energy, and it is just right for him to appear now.

"What do you mean? We've worked hard for a long time, and you want a baby now when you come out?"

"Oh? Didn't I tell you to let you take these beasts away? Isn't that enough?"

The middle-aged man laughed, completely ignoring this group of people.

"It's too deceiving, let's go!!"

"It's just you? The young boy, I'm afraid I don't know how big the difference between the king level and the king level is."

Before he brought Miao Tianjie and others to attack, the old man launched an attack.

"Eight changes in the sky!!"

The four of them had been fighting with the four beasts for a long time, and now they have not had a rest, their physical strength is already a bit unbearable, and at this moment, the middle-aged man beat them out with one move.

"I can't think of my own strength, I don't want to leave quickly, and I want to throw you out?"

At this time, Zhou Zhang came out and said while walking.

"I didn't expect a shameless person like you! I feel ashamed for you."

"Is this person dying? I don't know what level the other party is?"

"He must not be confused, the thing makes this person angry, maybe we can't get away!!"

"Brother Zhou, come back soon, he is not something we can deal with, you must not do stupid things."

"Miss Cong Xue, hurry up and persuade you Brother Zhou!! Maybe he will listen to your words!"

"Ah Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou will be fine!"

"Alas! What are you doing!!"

At this moment, Qi Jiashu is also anxious, why didn't he pay attention just now, why did Zhou Zhang suddenly walk out without paying attention! !

"Senior, this time we consider ourselves unlucky, we will leave now!"

"He speaks a little out of proportion, and I hope the seniors will calm down!"

Miao Tianjie also hurriedly said that although it had nothing to do with Zhou Zhang, he didn't want to lose his life because of a person's confusion.

"Thank you for your concern, this fair Zhou will get it back for everyone today!"

"Where are you from, just because you want to seek justice? I tell you, strength is justice!"

"Let's stay together today!"

This middle-aged man was obviously provoked by Zhou Zhang, and he was absolutely unbearable when a junior said that! !

"Are you sick!! I don't want to live, but I'm still pulling us!"

Some words of waiting came from the crowd at the back. Obviously, everyone was very dissatisfied with Zhou Zhang, and they couldn't leave now.

Miao Tianjie sighed at this moment, it seems that he has already accepted his fate, but he did not expect that he would end up like this today.

Zhou Zhang was very angry when he heard everyone's remarks! !

"The journey of martial arts is a matter of changing your life against the sky. You succeeded only with an unyielding vigor. You are so spineless!!"

"Today, just to save your life, what's the difference between you being alive and dead!"

"Then I'll tell you what's the difference between living and dying!!"

Miao Tianqian already had an opinion on Zhou Zhang, but now because of his words, everyone couldn't get away, and he was even more angry, and when he heard that he was talking about big truths, he rushed over and shot Zhou Zhang!

"I'm really disappointed in you!"

As he spoke, he pointed at Miao Tiangan, but the seemingly innocuous gesture of the crowd quickly magnified in Miao Tiangan's eyes.

In the end, he fell with a thud without even a scream.

quiet! !The silence was terrifying at the moment, everyone was frightened by Zhou Zhang's sudden move, and with just one finger, an emperor-level master died without screaming!

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