After a while, Zhan Tai walked out of the breakthrough from the snow. Now she has reached the realm of the middle emperor level, and there are faint signs of wanting to break through again.

"Congratulations, I have been promoted to three small stages in a row, and I have become an emperor-level powerhouse."

"Brother Zhou, you are making fun of me again. In terms of your strength, I am still very weak!!"

"Haha, if you compare it with me, there must be a big difference, but it's already pretty good."

"Okay, since you have broken through, let's leave."

When I walked out of the retreat, it was still bright outside at this time.

"Wow, I'm really refreshed, I didn't expect the breakthrough to be so fast, and I can still catch up with dinner!"

"Dinner? You really don't have any sense of time. Don't you know how long you've been in retreat?"

"You started to break through yesterday afternoon, but now it's the morning of the next day??"

"Ah, why do I feel like it's only for a while."

"Okay, you can get used to the body after the breakthrough. I need to go back to the room to rest first."

"Thank you Brother Zhou for protecting the law for me!"

Zhou Zhang returned to his room. He is now starting to think about what Zhan Taizhengxiang said to himself yesterday. This matter cannot be underestimated. There are so many people behind it that Zhou Zhang can't figure it out.

Looking at the treasures related to the Yellow Dragon Empire, it is not as simple as imagined. Otherwise, in such a big aggressive battle, no one in this continent will stop all this, and there is a feeling of tacitly doing so.

But why not just open this treasure directly?Why must war be waged to solve all this.

But nothing is important anymore. All this has nothing to do with him. What he is looking forward to now is what kind of treasure this so-called treasure is! !

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, so Zhou Zhang had no choice but to give up and enter the practice.

At noon, Zhan Taizhengxiang's family was eating at the table, but Zhan Taizhengxiang had no appetite at this moment, so he decided to tell all of it.

"You all go down."

"It's my lord!"

After instructing some idle people to wait, Zhan Taizhengxiang began to speak.

"I need to say something very serious today, everyone stop for a while."

Zhan Taizhengxiang sighed and began to speak.

"Everyone knows the actions of the Luanfeng Empire a few days ago. I thought it was a trivial matter."

"But since listening to Zhou Gongzi's analysis, I have to pay attention to this matter."

"I think at this critical moment, I have to make some choices. This matter is relatively important, so I hope everyone can listen to me carefully and obey my arrangements!"

"Now there is a mysterious force that controls the Luanfeng Empire. Now the Luanfeng Empire has infiltrated our Yellow Dragon Empire. I don't think it will be long before they will launch an all-out attack. At that time, the Dragon Emperor City will become A very dangerous place."

"So I hope I can get you guys out and get you guys somewhere safe."

"Dad, is it really that serious? Even if they call, we are afraid that they will fail? We are completely capable of fighting!"

"My child, if it's really what you think, why would I choose to send you all out?"

"This time, the Yellow Dragon Empire has no chance of winning. Even if we win a war, there will be a more powerful enemy waiting for us. We have no chance of winning, and even the invincible strong enemy is waiting for us at the beginning. "

Chapter [-] Leaving

"Is there really nothing left? We can ask Brother Zhou for help!!"

Just now, Zhan Tai Congxue was still immersed in the joy brought by the breakthrough. He didn't expect his father to announce such a thing just before noon.

"Cong Xue, don't rely on Zhou Gongzi for everything. Let's not say whether Zhou Gongzi will agree to our request. Even if Zhou Gongzi agrees, it will be of no use. I also asked Zhou Gongzi about this."

Zhan Taizhengxiang understands his daughter's thoughts very well, and he doesn't want to leave this land.

"Did Zhou Gongzi agree?"

Zhan Tai asked Cong Xue with a hopeful look on his face, now he is completely pinning his hopes on his elder brother Zhou.

"Master Zhou didn't give any answer. He thinks this matter is not as simple as he imagined. Even if he does, it can only be delayed for a while. Master Zhou has done enough, and he has nothing to help us. It is necessary, so Cong Xue should not ask Zhou Gongzi any more."

"This is the fate of Huanglong's empire. Now there is no one who can save the Huanglong Empire. All we can do is to give ourselves some precious time as much as possible, live a normal life, and try to delay the enemy's attack as much as possible. "

"This can also give me more time to arrange your whereabouts. Now the situation is really powerless."

"I have already decided on this matter. In the next few days, I will arrange for someone to send you out of the city. Don't talk about it anymore."

After speaking, Zhan Taizhengxiang first left the dining table and went back to the room, leaving everyone sitting there in a daze, digesting what Zhan Taizhengxiang said. It seemed like a bolt from the blue to them, and it came too suddenly. Makes people feel unprepared.

At the same time, the Yellow Dragon Empire had already been attacked on three sides, but they didn't know it at all. Except for Zhan Tai Zhengxiang, the other city lords were still living their normal lives, unaware that the danger was approaching them step by step.

Time flies fast. In the past few days, Zhan Taizhengxiang has smuggled some things out of the city, so the next thing he needs to do is to think about how to send his family to a safe place without being discovered. place to go.

Presumably these people will not be able to kill them all, they just want the Yellow Dragon Empire, so now the one to watch out for is Fu Liangji. The death of his son will definitely be blamed on Zhan Taizhengxiang, so as long as he can There will be no problem if you hide this from Fu Liangji.

In the past few days, Zhan Taizhengxiang has been considering whether to let his daughter follow Zhou Gongzi, but he can't do anything until he gets an accurate answer from both parties. Thinking of this, Zhan Taizhengxiang first walked outside Zhou Zhang's room.

"Young Master Zhou, I'm sorry for my sudden visit. I have one thing I need to ask for your permission."

"Come in, I think I've guessed what it is."

"You want me to help your family get to a safe place."

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