The people here are very warm and hospitable. Knowing that a new family has moved in, after returning home in the evening, they come to visit with some small gifts, although they are all sold in their own fields or in their own small shops, But Zhou Zhang was a little overwhelmed after seeing how enthusiastic these people were.

Looking back, when I was living an ordinary life, it was not like this. Whenever there were new neighbors, everyone would bring something to visit them, so that they could adapt to the life here.

Zhou Zhang had just come here, and he had already forgotten about these things, so Shao Wenlin took the gifts one by one and kept them in his heart. These people will need to visit them one by one in the future.

After a brief chat, Zhou Zhang instructed Shao Wenlin to buy some food and drink to come back and treat him well.

"Looking at how neatly dressed the son is, he certainly doesn't look like someone from the neighborhood. How could he come to our remote place?"

A group of people asked first. After all, Zhou Zhang was dressed very differently from them, and looked like a rich man.

"It's like this. I made some money by doing some business outside, but I really didn't want to live so hard every day, so I thought about finding a place where I can spend my life well."

"That's it, then you can rest assured, we can't guarantee anything else, but if the young master wants to live an ordinary life, it's the best place, everyone is saying it is not!"

"Hahaha that's right, you really came to the right place. Although we are a little out of the way, there are not as many twists and turns outside. You can rest assured to live here."

Chapter [-] People in Luoyan Village

Zhou Zhang felt the enthusiasm of this group of people towards him, an outsider who was completely unfamiliar, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Look at you, as soon as you come up, you ask so many people, but you still don't know what their son is called."

"Ah, my name is Zhou Zhang, the article's chapter."

"Hey, Young Master Zhou is a literate person. In the future, I will make my baby want to learn from you more."

Everyone chatted like this, and after a while Shao Wenlin came back with wine and food.

"Since everyone is here, I don't have anything to entertain, so I have to go buy some food and drink back, and let's sit down and have a drink together."

Everyone looked straight at the wine, but he rarely drank this champion red on weekdays. This week, Young Master Zhou really made a lot of money.

"Okay, you go back first! I'm going to have a good drink with Young Master Zhou this week."

Everyone sent their mother-in-law back one by one, and then it was a man's dinner. Naturally, women could not be present. They all told them to drink less and then left.

Although they were told to drink less, they didn't want to drink less of this rare wine that they could only drink on weekdays.

Everyone got the wine and vegetables from Shao Wenlin's hands, and they began to set them up. The dishes they bought soon were all set up. After opening the wine, one person poured a bowl.

"Come on, Young Master Zhou, I'm a rough guy and I don't know how to say anything. In short, Young Master Zhou is welcome. I'll finish this bowl first."

After he finished speaking, he drank, and he was also a refreshing person.

"Okay, I'm here to thank you all for coming here. It made me, a foreigner, feel at home. I did it too."

After Zhou Zhang finished speaking, he also picked up the wine and drank it in one gulp.

"Young Master Zhou has a good appetite, come and fill it up!!"

Zhou Zhang did not use his cultivation to hangover when drinking with them this time. He wanted to live an ordinary life, so even though it was ordinary wine, Zhou Zhang slowly began to get drunk.

"Come to Zou (Zhou) Gongzhi (Zi), let's drink a bowl at home!"

At this moment, the unnamed person has a big tongue, and it is entirely because of Zhou Zhang's hospitality that he continues to drink.

"Ok, I'll drink"

Zhou Zhang is already a little weak at this moment. Looking at these people, there are already some double images, but no, these six people have already drank ten jars of wine at this moment. down.

Slowly, someone could not stand still and sat down on the ground, which attracted laughter from everyone.

"Hahaha, I said Wang Er, you have to drink so much without that amount of alcohol, you see what's wrong with me!!"

"Yeah, Wang Er, it's uncomfortable to sit on this floor!"

At this moment, this man named Wang Er has no intention of retaliating with everyone. He just feels that the world is spinning and he wants to lie down on the ground.

At this time, some women have already started to feel that their men have not come back so late and started to come to Zhouzhang to pull people.

"Come back with me quickly, look at what you've been drinking. Young Master Zhou has to rest, so you can't go away, right?"

"Don't pull me, Young Master Zhou and I haven't had enough fun yet, what are you doing here!"

"You told you to go back, why are you still here! Ah?"

This man was unconscious after drinking. He didn't even know that his wife came to call him, and he thought that his wife had never left.

"Are you going to leave! If you don't go back, I will take the child back to my parents' house!!"

As soon as he heard this, this person was gone. The wife and children were still important, so he was dragged back.

At this time, the others also felt that it was getting late, and the family who claimed it went back with their own mouth. If they didn't come to look for it, they also went back wandering, shouting before leaving.

"Young Master Zhou, let's drink it another day. Today is really bad! Uhh"

The wine burp started, and it seemed that he was really drunk. Zhou Zhang was sitting there with no strength, and he didn't want to move at all.

After watching everyone leave, Shao Wenlin helped Zhou Zhang back to his room to rest.

The night passed, and those who went to Zhou Zhang’s house the next day still told their friends that the wine tasted really good last night, which made the intestines of those who couldn’t visit with them regret blue. Ah, only when a big family in the village is having a wedding, a jar of wine is distributed on a table. They even drank more than a dozen jars last night! !

However, when her mother-in-law heard it, she scolded her.

"What else? Who came back last night and wanted to drill into the pigsty, but he couldn't pull it, but he insisted that it was his own home. I think you should sleep in the pigsty tonight. "

"Hahahaha, Liu Qiang, I didn't expect you to have this ability. Brother, I have really learned a lot."

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