Shao Wenlin, who was eating, almost choked on Zhou Zhang's words.

Zhou Zhang didn't really want to go and collect the rent from the shop every month. He might as well sit there and have a cup of tea when he has the time.

"Ah? My lord! I heard right, I'm a rough person, how can I manage this thing."

"Yes, you heard it right, I just want you to take care of the commercial street for me. Now I don't have anyone I can trust. I think you are the most suitable person!"

"You, don't hold back. I think you can do it. You can learn if you don't understand, and you can practice slowly if you don't understand."

"You can't have fun, sir, I'm going to find you a bookkeeper or something, he will definitely be able to do it!"

This frightened Shao Wenlin, he has no culture, and now let him manage a commercial street, he dare not.

Chapter [-] Immortals

"Don't talk about gossip, it's settled like this. After you finish your meal, go to see the store you bought."

Zhou Zhang felt that he needed to be tougher, otherwise he wouldn't be able to find a second person to do this in this place. He also wanted to have nothing to do with painting every day, yo-yo, and enjoy the rural life!

"Okay, I'm done, it depends on your own abilities, but don't screw me up."

After Zhou Zhang finished speaking, he went into the room for a lunch break like a normal person, which made Shao Wenlin feel embarrassed and couldn't even eat.

I used to be just a coolie. If I collect rent, I have to keep an account. He has seen an account, and there are so many things on it that I can't understand it!

Although Shao Wenlin was still very reluctant in his heart, his master trusted him so much and entrusted such a heavy task to himself.

After making up his mind, Shao Wenlin quickly finished his meal and went out. The neighbors of this street, Shao Wenlin, are still very familiar with him. After Shao Wenlin walked once, many people greeted him. A few days ago, he greeted each of them at home. , and they all know what they call each other, so what I need to do now is to write down these people who didn't pay attention a few days ago.

Shao Wenlin ran from store to store, what each store did, how big the store was, and he was anxious. After finishing all this, Shao Wenlin found that it was not that difficult.

After collecting the information by yourself, you only need to collect the funds according to the size of the tenants every month in the future, and you can think of other things when you think about it.

On this side, Zhou Zhang returned to the bedroom. He was not sleepy, lying on the bed and did not fall asleep.

It’s been almost a month since I left Dragon Emperor City. I think the Luanfeng Empire has already made a big push. I don’t know how Zhan Taizhengxiang’s family is now. Although they are not related to them, they came to this world by themselves. Some of the first people I met.

Now that I think about it, I might have been able to take Zhan Taizhengxiang's family with me. It would be better to go to other places than they are now wandering around.

Zhou Zhang didn't know if what he was doing was right or not. Maybe it might not be a bad thing for them to take a look at this world of the weak, but if there were any accidents, Zhou Zhang was a little reluctant to forgive himself.

After thinking about it for a while, I don't know how to fall asleep. Now that Zhou Zhang has stopped the spiritual power in his body, there are ordinary people's sleepiness, hunger and so on every day.

Shao Wenlin wanted to report to his master after finishing the work, but he went back to his own business when he saw that the master fell asleep.

Slowly, Zhou Zhang's painting level continued to improve, and Zhou Zhang also built a shop for himself, which was filled with his own calligraphy and paintings.

In the past, children from neighbors would always go back to their own shop to watch their own paintings, and sometimes they would borrow tools from themselves, and they would also paint in a similar way.

Zhou Zhang felt a little bit back when he was a child. At that time, he was like this too. There was a gallery nearby. He would always go inside to play and watch other people paint. Sometimes I just paint and play.

On weekdays, they come to play in their own shop, and Zhou Zhang will also give them some money to buy some candy, so they are all happy to come here and talk to Zhou Zhang about everything.

"Uncle Zhou, I heard from my father that immortals will come to us to choose disciples in a few days. Wow, I can become immortals in the future!!"

This is Liu Xingwang, the son of Liu Qiang's family, who is talking with hope at the moment.

"Yes, yes, Uncle Zhou, those immortals are amazing. I heard from my father that immortals can fly."

Zhou Zhang looked at these innocent children. They didn't understand the cruelty and ruthlessness of the world of self-cultivation, and they still yearned for it.

"Then do you know that cultivating immortals will also be dangerous, and you may die at any time."

"I'm not afraid! By becoming an immortal, I can protect my father and my mother, and let them live a good life, without the hard work of getting up early and late every day."

Wang Xiaole's family is somewhat poor, and his parents are farmers. This may also be an opportunity to change his life.

Zhou Zhang bent down and touched the heads of a few children, and checked the bones for them, but these people were all mediocre, and it was estimated that only Liu Qiang could be admitted.

"Uncle Zhou, Uncle Zhou, do you think I can become an immortal? I heard from my father that Uncle Zhou used to travel south and north, and he must know immortals very well. Can you tell me about immortals!"

When a group of children heard that Zhou Zhang knew about immortals, they couldn't help but get excited. After all, they didn't know what immortals were all their lives.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about immortals."

Zhou Zhang told them about his past events, but he didn't tell them about himself. A group of children listened with gusto and became more interested in this immortal.

"Xing Xing has dinner, don't go to your Uncle Zhou's shop all day!"

A group of parents began to ask their children to go home for dinner. Their children went to Zhouzhang's store every day, but none of their paintings were sold, and they all felt that their son was making trouble there.

At this time, only Wang Xiaole hadn't left. His father would go home late every day when he worked for others, and dinner at home would be very late. Zhou Zhang would sometimes take him home to eat something.

It was fine at first, but later the family felt that it was not very good. They ate and drank at other people's houses every day. After that, Wang Xiaole stopped going to Zhou Zhang's house.

Today Zhou Zhang felt that it was necessary to help this Wang Xiaole. He didn't know if he was right or not, but he always felt that if he could become a martial artist, it might be a good thing for the family.

"Let's go Xiaole, I'm going to my uncle's house for dinner today."

"If I don't go to Uncle Zhou, my mother won't let me go. I'm going home."

"Listen to my uncle, go to my house, I'll tell your mother today if you have anything."


Wang Xiaole still hopes to go to Zhou Zhang's house to eat. After all, Zhou Zhang's house is full of big fish and meat every day, and his family rarely eats meat.

Following Zhou Zhang back home, Shao Wenlin had already bought the food, and the three of them sat down to eat.

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