These remarks attracted a burst of laughter from below, right? After the opening, the boss left, and just after announcing the news, another person left. At this time, even if Dai Zhengyang wanted to leave, this group of people would not let him go.

Dai Zhengyang didn't bother everyone's interest, and he opened his mouth again after the laughter subsided.

"As for the registration, it is natural to register with me, but I didn't expect him to reveal the news today, and I have no preparation at all."

"What, we are all waiting, you must not run away too!"

"That's it!! What does it mean to be unprepared? You must have been prepared for this kind of thing!"

"Yeah, don't give a shit!"

Hearing that Dai Zhengyang said that he was not prepared, everyone was a little dissatisfied. He said it well just now. What does it mean to say that he was not prepared.

"Don't worry, everyone, don't worry, don't worry, I know the news a long time ago, but I really haven't made any preparations, so now you need to put your names, strengths, and what you want to do. Wait for it to be written clearly, and then hand it over to me one by one."

Dai Zhengyang actually made preparations. After all, he knew about it, and he would be in charge of it next.

But he didn't expect the news to be announced today by Shao Wenlin, and he planned to post a notice in the village in a few days!

"Everyone can wait for news after they have written down their information. This is only the first round of testing. Please fill in according to your own strength. We will post those who have passed the primary election so that everyone can see it. , and then schedule the next interview."

"When will the second round of interviews start? Give us a rough date, right?"

"And what to do in the second round of interviews, let's prepare a little bit."

"The content of the second round of interviews is temporarily kept secret, and the deadline for registration is two days later. We will give those who did not come a chance, and then the places for the primary selection will be announced three days after the deadline for registration."

"I will register at this place every day from now on!"

After Dai Zhengyang finished speaking, he asked someone to bring the tables and chairs. He was about to receive the registration form from this group of people.

"There are already so many of us here, those who haven't come, don't ask for their registration form."

Hearing that the registration date has ended the day after tomorrow, some people with low strength can't help but worry.

"Yes, with so many of us, can't we protect the security of this village?"

As soon as someone starts, others are also worried, yes, the chance that this person has more himself is not even smaller.

"It's wrong to think this way, and it's not up to me to decide. My master's request for me is three days for registration and three days for screening. Write it out so you can stand out!"

This is indeed what Zhou Zhang said to himself. The three-day registration period is already very generous. At the same time, he has to select [-] candidates for the ordinary security team in three days. As for the captain and vice-captain, there are [-] people each.

Dai Zhengyang didn't quite understand what the intention of doing this was, but since he told himself to do it, he did it.

After this group of people found that the registration time could not be changed, they hurried to buy pen and paper. Some people specially asked someone to write it for themselves. Maybe their words were too ugly, or they could not stand out?

On this day, the paper in the grocery store in the village was snapped up. The shopkeeper didn’t know what was going on, and there was nothing left, so many people who came to ask the shopkeeper could only say that they were sold out. He really hated himself. Did not buy more.

Of course, not only the paper sellers and the brush sellers are also sold out, but also those who write for others on weekdays are all approached by a group of people asking to write for themselves.

Although this group of people didn't understand what happened, they were very happy to make money.

Soon someone had written their registration form and handed it over to Dai Zhengyang.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, but now Dai Zhengyang doesn't know that the news has been spread. People in many places have learned the news, and there is a guard team that anyone can sign up for.

They were all rushing to Luoyan Village. If Dai Zhengyang knew that there would be so many people, he probably wouldn't have made the promise so easily, but Dai Zhengyang didn't know about it yet.

On the other side, after Shao Wenlin left, the editor found Zhou Zhang. Zhou Zhang said that he had something to tell himself, and he rushed over. Shao Wenlin was stunned by his master now. This move really made Shao Wenlin never dream of it.

"Master, I'm back!"

At this moment, Zhou Zhang was already sitting in the courtyard waiting for him.

"Well, you find that there are not a lot of people here today. Are there usually so many people?"

"I didn't pay much attention to this, but there are indeed a lot of people! Every sentence you say to me is all human voices!"

Shao Wenlin thought for a while, but he really didn't pay attention to how many people there were in Luoyan Village.

"Here we are, we need to expand. I hope you can go for a trip and let the above allow us to expand the scope of Luoyan Village!"

Chapter [-]: Keep an Eye

Zhou Zhang didn't have such a big ambition to develop Luoyan Village into a city or something, but now as more and more people come to Luoyan Village, Luoyan Village has become more and more prosperous.

Especially with the opening of the Sanxian Temple today, more people know about him, and now it seems that all the time, there will be a cultivation base flocking to his dantian.

He ordered to play Shao Wenlin and Zhou Zhang went to the store again. Now he has turned painting into a kind of fun, and only when painting can he experience short-term peace.

Zhou Zhang always thinks back to the old days, so that he integrates them all into his paintings, and paints some places he has been to. In the old days, I could only feel at home, but no matter how I tried to paint, I couldn't finish it, and I always felt that something was missing.

Looking at the appearance of the home in his memory, no matter how hard Zhou Zhang tried to recall, no matter how hard he tried to express it, and then went to see him after the painting, there was no such feeling of home, it was clearly such a familiar place, I have lived there for so long, but I just can't feel the slightest sense of familiarity.

On this side, Shao Wenlin is already on the way. The Luoyan Village where they are located belongs to the Jing'an Empire, but not everything needs to be reported to the Imperial City. For things like this that only expand the scope of a village, you just need to find A subordinate supervisor will do.

Shao Wenlin has dealt with this inspector many times. In the past, every expansion of a commercial street required the occupation of civilian housing, and it was necessary to report here before construction could start, and to arrange a new residence for the residents whose houses were demolished. This kind of thing benefits the people and oneself, not only giving the people a new home but also showing the prosperity of their own jurisdiction.

But this time, Shao Wenlin ran into trouble. The fact that there was a spirit gathering formation in Luoyan Village was too important. Usually, only those middle-level gangs had the funds to hire someone to make an intermediate spirit gathering formation. It can only make a low-level spirit gathering array, but now a small village has a spirit gathering array, and it is also in the hands of a businessman.

The inspector hurriedly reported the news after learning the news. After all, if this gathering formation could be owned, it would give the soldiers a better opportunity for development, and they would also be able to achieve better results in front-line combat. results.

Shao Wenlin naturally didn't think about it so much. He didn't know that the current imperial court would do something like a robber, but before leaving, Zhou Zhang told him that he went there to keep an eye on it, and come back and let me know if something changes.

The inspector rejected him, and told him that this gathering circle is not something you can have, and that Luoyan Village is likely to become a martial arts training ground in the future.

After learning the news, Shao Wenlin had completely forgotten the joy brought by the opening of the Three Immortals Temple. It was very likely that the matter had developed to this stage, and he had to tell his master quickly.

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