Wang Eryi didn't make a sound when he heard this lying on the bed.

Chapter [-]: Take Wang Qiang

On the second day, Wang Er got up early to find Dai Zhengyang, but he had to finish things quickly to pick up his son!

"What's the hurry, I said Wang Er, if you don't want to pick up a son, you came here just after the light of day!"

Dai Zhengyang complained when Wang Er interrupted his practice so early.

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen my son for many years!"

As a result, the two of them posted all tomorrow before Zhou Zhang got up. When Zhou Zhang got up to eat, the two of them were already sitting at the dining table.

After breakfast, Zhou Zhang went back to the painting shop. Wang Er and Dai Zhengyang also set off, but Dai Zhengyang thought the horseback was too slow, so he took Wang Er and flew away. When he got there, Wang Er's legs were still a little weak.

"Look at your promising future, you can't stand still!"

Wang Er was not happy when he heard this.

"Wow! You're too embarrassed to say that, I think you're just revenge for calling you so early in the morning, I almost vomited out of my meal this morning!"

In fact, Dai Zhengyang did mean this, but he wouldn't say it.

"Humph! I'm not as conscientious as you are. I'm not worried about you. In order to let you see your son earlier, I dare not slow down along the way!"

After a while, he walked to the Tianlei School's mountain gate, and there were two boys standing in front of the gate.

"Where did you two come from, is there anything wrong with my Tianlei faction?"

Wang Er hurriedly ran over and said to the questioner.

"I'm here to see my son, my son's name is Wang Qiang!"

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll let me know!"

After a while, the boy received the order.

"Okay, you can come in, I'll take you to find Wang Qiang."

Following in the footsteps of the boy, the two quickly arrived in front of Wang Qiang's residence.

"Wang Qiang! Someone is looking for it!"

The boy shouted and turned around to talk to Wang Er and Dai Zhengyang.

"I have brought you the place, and please don't walk around in the sect."

After the boy finished speaking, he left. Seeing that there was no response inside, Wang Er hurriedly pushed open the door and went in.

At this moment, Wang Qiang was lying on the bed, obviously suffering from serious injuries. Wang Er couldn't help crying when he saw this.

"Child, what's wrong with you!"

"Dad, it's's okay!"

This is when Wang Qiang found out that the person who came was his father, and he thought it was the person who injured him who came to laugh at him again.

"What the hell is going on, tell your father that your uncle Dai will ask for justice for you!"

Wang Er didn't expect his son to suffer so much grievance outside, but he could only hope to be with Dai Zhengyang.

"Don't worry, kid, tell your uncle who hurt you, and I'll go find him!"

Although Dai Zhengyang has only met Wang Qiang once, since he came, Shao Wenlin and Wang Er have treated him well, and the three of them can be good buddies now.

"Don't! Don't wear Uncle, we can't afford that person!"

"Silly boy, your Uncle Dai is amazing. Come on, I'm here today, and no one dares to bully you."

Dai Zhengyang still knows a little about this Tianlei faction. It is a very small sect, and the sect master is at most a saint. If he was in the past, he might not be so arrogant, but now he has broken through the emperor. Already fearless!

"Yes... it is the son of the first elder."

"Humph! The son of the first elder, it seems that he is nobody on our side, right? Why did he beat you like this?"

Dai Zhengyang is already a little angry at this moment. There are not many good birds in this sect. Can the son of the first elder be able to hurt people like this?

"It's because of Ji Xiangxue, she's also from our Luoyan Village, but because her qualifications are relatively average, she's just an outer disciple. I'm a disciple of the outer sect elder. Since they all come from the same place, I'll help him. One to two..."

Before Wang Qiang could finish speaking, Dai Zhengyang interrupted him.

"It's long-winded, I don't want to hear how the two of you have no guesses. If you already know the reason, it's easy to deal with. Can you still walk?"

Wang Qiang shook his head, apparently unable to walk on the ground, Dai Zhengyang took out an elixir from the storage ring.

"Come and eat it!"

This is a healing medicine. For Wang Qiang, who is only at the division level, one pill is enough to repair his injury.

"Come and get out of bed and take a walk to see if there's anything wrong?"

Listening to Dai Zhengyang's words, Wang Qiang tried to move his body. Sure enough, he could move. Then he tried to see if he could go to the ground. He stood on the ground and felt his body. Now he has nothing to do!He quickly bowed to Dai Zhengyang!

"Thank you, Uncle Dai!"

"Okay, hurry up and take me to find the person who hurt you. You don't need to stay here anymore after the matter here is settled today!"

"It's Uncle Dai!"

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