"Master, I... did I say something wrong?"

"Hahaha, not only is he not wrong, but he is very right!"

After speaking, he walked forward with a big laugh, leaving behind a blank-faced Ma Mengmei, what is this?

Now Zhou Zhang is in a very good mood, so he hurried back to his room after eating at noon.

"What's wrong with the master today? I've been very happy since the way back!"

Ma Mengmei couldn't help asking Feng Qianxue curiously.

"How do I know this, maybe there is something happy, we can't control it."

This Feng Qianxue has now become a full-time wife. She teaches her children to read and read at home every day. She can chat with Ma Mengmei when everything is fine, and she doesn't have to worry about anything.

There is no shortage of anything at home, and she even has what she wants. Shao Wenlin is very family-friendly and never messes with flowers outside. This is her greatest happiness.

But the family never imagined that there would be an accident when they went to pick Wang Qiang back. If they knew that Dai Zhengyang was unconscious at the moment, it would not be like this.

Chapter [-] Treatment of Diseases

As soon as Zhou Zhang returned to his room, he began to think. He was still thinking of what Ma Mengmei said just now. If he hadn't come here, he would still be Luoyan Village, but now that he is here, he will still be Luoyan Village. Every day has passed, but the essence of Luoyan Village has changed.

Just like the current self, he is still Zhou Zhang, but he has changed from a monk to a businessman, and now he sometimes even forgets his identity as a warrior, enjoying the life of an ordinary person comfortably.

But even as an ordinary person, it is difficult to separate from this world of self-cultivation. After all, this is a world where the strong eat the weak. No one can take refuge, and even an ordinary person will be pushed by ordinary people who are richer than him. Can't get up.

Everything I do is always out of the realm of self-cultivation. Since I can't get rid of this realm of self-cultivation, I need to stop looking at the world as a party.

Hahaha, I'm really a genius. If I look at my life as a bystander, then even poverty and endowment have nothing to do with me, so wouldn't I just jump out?

Zhou Zhang lay in bed and began to rest, and he had to go on with his next life. When "this life" was over, he began to perceive this world from the perspective of a bystander.


Three days passed quickly. Everywhere along the way, Wang Er would take Dai Zhengyang to find a doctor, but unfortunately every doctor said that he could not cure it!

After asking all the way, Wang Erdu himself began to doubt whether Dai Zhengyang could really recover.

Luo Yancun was right in front of him, and Wang Er couldn't help urging Wang Qiang to come.

"Wang Qiang, hurry up! Let the carriage hurry up, Luo Yan Village is in front!"

"Brother Dai, we are back, you will be saved soon!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Qiang couldn't believe his eyes.

"Dad, is this really Luo Yancun? Why doesn't it look anything like what I remember?"

"You still have the face to say, how many years have you not even known home, if you can still recognize this?"

Wang Qiang was embarrassed by what Wang Er said. His sect had regulations, and he was not allowed to go down the mountain if he was not at the god level. He could only concentrate on his cultivation in the sect. Was able to go home.

Soon the group arrived at the gate of Zhou Mansion, and Wang Er hurriedly walked inside with Dai Zhengyang on his back.

"Hurry up, go find the master and come back, something happened to Brother Dai!!"

Ma Mengmei, who heard the voice, saw Dai Zhengyang who was unconscious in one day.

"What's going on here?"

"Hurry up and don't ask, go find the master and come back!"

Ma Mengmei didn't even have time to talk to herself, so she hurriedly went to find Zhou Zhang, thinking that this big brother Dai must have become like this because of her son or her husband!

"Master... Master is not well, you go back quickly!"

Ma Mengmei, who found Zhou Zhang, was out of breath.

"What's the matter, speak slowly."

Since Zhou Zhang wanted to understand, everything has become lighter.

"Dai... Brother Dai, he was injured, and now he is in a coma!"

Zhou Zhang stood up when he heard this, and actually hurt my people?

"Where are you now?"

"Home, Wang Er took him back!"

Zhou Zhang got up and started walking towards his home. Since the last accident of the gathering spirit formation, these people still insisted on staying here and did not leave. Zhou Zhang had already regarded them as his family, although he still called the master on weekdays, But if someone touches his bottom line, this is something Zhou Zhang can't bear! !

When he got home, Dai Zhengyang had been placed on his bed by Wang Er. At this moment, he could only hope that his master could know some people with superb medical skills or know how to treat it.

"Master, go and have a look. He has been in a coma for a few days. If it wasn't for the breath, I... I would have no face to live!"

As he talked, Wang Er also began to cry, if Dai Zhengyang lost his life because of his family affairs, he would blame himself for the rest of his life.

"Who was injured?"

Zhou Zhang's tone turned cold.He had already sensed the situation of Dai Zhengyang lying in the house, and he was not optimistic.

Facing Zhou Zhang's words, everyone couldn't help shivering. Wang Qiang and Ji Ruxue didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Yes... It's from the Tianlei faction. Brother Dai was injured when he fought with them. Although they were all killed, he couldn't hold on after he walked too far!"

"Okay, Tianlei Pie, very good!"

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