"Let mother see if you have lost any weight over the years."

"Without a mother, I've had a good life these years!"

"I'll have to stay for a few more days when I come back this time. Mother can't bear to let you go!"

"Mother! Xueer won't leave this time! I'm at home with you every day!"

"Really? Not leaving?"

Qin Haoli couldn't believe her ears, is her girl really not leaving?

"I won't disturb your family's reunion. I'll leave after this meal in a while!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Qianxue went to call her man to come back for dinner. Today's meal is a bit early, so he probably wouldn't know if he didn't call him.

Soon Wang Er and Shao Wenlin were called back by Feng Qianxue.

"Hey... It's delicious, what are you doing today?"

"It's just your nose, go and call the master, it's time to eat."

At this time, Ji Ruxue's family was already sitting at the dining table. Ji Zi was obviously very uncomfortable.

"Master! Master!"

Shao Wenlin knocked on the door outside and shouted in a low voice.

"What is it?"

"It's time to eat, sir!"

"Huh? Why is it so early today!"

"It's not that Wang Qiang came back, but also brought back a little girl named Ji Ruxue. Sister Wang was happy, so she made it ahead of time."

"Okay, I see, I'll be there in a while."

Only then did Shao Wenlin go to the restaurant. At this time, everyone was already seated, and Shao Wenlin also came to his seat and sat down.

Slowly a table of dishes, but Zhou Zhang did not come, no one dared to use chopsticks, even Shao Wenlin's two children sat there obediently.

After a while, Zhou Zhang also passed, looking at the neat table of people, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Everyone, eat quickly. You're welcome. You're still waiting for me to come."

Although Zhou Zhang said so, but no one moved, Zhou Zhang had to sit there and move first.

"Okay, let's have dinner!"

After speaking, they started to eat, and this time everyone moved their chopsticks.

After eating for a while, no one at the table spoke, so Zhou Zhang had no choice but to speak first.

"Wang Qiang, just stay at home when you come back this time. I'll ask your Uncle Shao to find you something to do tomorrow. Staying at home is much better than Lei Pai that day. When your Uncle Dai recovers, let him call you. practice."

"Yes, Uncle Zhou!"

Wang Qiang stood up after a swipe, and he was very respectful. He told Uncle Zhou from his father's mouth on the way. Wang Qiang couldn't believe that his Uncle Zhou was so powerful!

"Sit down, everyone is eating, why stand up!"

Zhou Zhang hurriedly waved his hand to let Wang Qiang sit down. It was too much of a fuss, how could he stand up again!

"This is Ji Ruxue, I think you and Wang Qiang are wearing the clothes of the Tianlei faction."

"Yes Uncle Zhou!"

This Ji Ruxue also stood up. It was really that Uncle Zhou's performance was too terrifying before, plus Wang Qiang's slap just now, Ji Ruxue also stood up subconsciously.

"Sit down, sit down, Wang Qiang, look at your head, eat is to eat, and everyone sits down to eat."

Zhou Zhang also hurriedly asked Ji Ruxue to sit down. This other person couldn't eat it by himself. Wang Qiang, who was taught by Zhou Zhang, was slapped on the body by Wang Er.

"Stinky boy, remember what you said!"

Wang Qiang, who was eating, was so frightened that he almost choked and said quickly.

"Remember, remember, Uncle Zhou, I will pay attention in the future."

"Who told you to hit my son! If my son is choked, I won't kill you."

"I said, sister-in-law, you scared my brother Wang, and I can't eat well!"

The originally embarrassing dinner party was instantly relieved by this trick, and everyone laughed.

"It's not a loss to him. My son just came back and the pain still doesn't come back. He's better. He started fighting first."

The crowd laughed again.

This is Feng Qianxue pinching Shao Wenlin, and he explained to him on the way back that he wanted to facilitate two personnel affairs tonight, but Shao Wenlin was slow to speak.

Shao Wenlin was stunned for a moment after being pinched.

"What are you doing, eating!"

Feng Qianxue was killed by Shao Wenlin, is this a fool?I didn't know what to do if I pinched him myself, and asked me why I pinched him, Feng Qianxue really wanted to hammer him to death now!

Looking at Feng Qianxue's cannibalistic gaze, Shao Wenlin suddenly remembered how he had forgotten about this matter. It was just that everyone was sitting and waiting for Zhou Zhang, and he felt a little uncomfortable. Speaking of which, he was still eating at his own house Woolen cloth!

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