But Wang Er is not idle either. Tomorrow will start the second round of selection for the escort team. Today he is going to find someone to find the venue and send out the notice, and now Dai Zhengyang is lying on the bed, the Sanxian Temple. You also need to look at the scene individually. Although Wang Er has no martial arts skills, at least there is someone who can manage things. Going to that one can shock the aura!


Soon the next day will arrive. Today is the most important selection for the escort team. Zhou Zhang and the others went to the assessment site after breakfast. Although they did not go too late, the place was slowly filled with people. , after all, they are afraid that they will not be selected because they are late.

Shao Wenlin stood up and cleared his throat when he saw that the people were almost here.

"Everyone should be quiet first, I think people are almost here, so let's start."

"This interview mainly tests everyone's combat ability, because we will only select one hundred ordinary teammates and ten captains and vice-captains in the end, so now we will divide you into random groups of ten people according to the names on the list in hand. In the end, five people won the fight, but please click until you stop, so as not to hurt the peace!"

As soon as Shao Wenlin's voice fell, there was a lot of discussion, and the people below had all kinds of ideas.

"What, a ten-person team? Doesn't that mean that there is no hope for a few powerful players in the team?"

"Haha, it's exactly what I want, people in my group should be careful!"

The strength of the speaker has reached the middle stage of the god-level, but he chose to be a team member cautiously. After all, the vice-captain has some holy-level greed.

"Hey, I thought it would be fine to write my own strength a little higher, but I didn't expect ten people to fight."

The people next to him were overjoyed when they heard this.

"Hahaha, there are too many opportunistic people like you. What do you think others are doing in the second round of interviews! I advise you, go home quickly!"

"You're so daring, you dare to write it all, and you're going to be a jerk when you come to power without being beaten!"

It seems that because of this person's words, the scene is relaxed. After all, when I think that there will be many people who will write about their strengths, my odds of winning are much better.

Shao Wenlin had a general understanding of the rules after seeing the scene, and the formal selection will begin next!

"Okay, be quiet! Now I'll start reading the names of the first group, Xue Jiaxi, Fu Anguo, Lei Hongzhuo..."

"Everyone who reads the name should stand on this stage. Remember that until the point is reached, no one has a deep hatred. If the opponent admits defeat, they must stop! Understand?"

"I understand."

Watching these ten people step onto the martial arts stage one after another, at this moment, some of these people are happy and some are worried.

"Okay, now that everyone understands, let's start."

It was completely a person who started the competition. After all, there were ten people, and they quickly found their opponents. After all, for them to abuse vegetables at this time, there is no sense of accomplishment!

Fortunately, Zhou Zhang from Wutai ordered it to be bigger, otherwise it might seem that there is not enough space.

"I surrender!"

It didn't take long for this to start, and one person gave in. He also falsely reported his strength. He originally only had the strength of the middle division level, but he wrote that he was in the early division level. As a result, after he came to power, everyone else chose their opponents. I really faced a division level, and I managed to hold on for a round or two. If I persisted, it was not just a matter of injury, so I hurriedly called me to admit defeat.

The person who fought against him was also secretly happy at the moment, but he didn't expect to meet a guy who falsely reported his strength, otherwise there would be a fierce battle!

Chapter [-] Selection II

The battle on the field is still going on, but it won't last long depending on the form, and it's only a matter of time before the winner will be decided.

Sure enough, the results of this competition came out not too long after the freshman year. After all, they had already asked for the point, so after the two fought for more than ten rounds, they knew the strength of the other party. persisted.

"Okay, you played beautifully, congratulations to our first round winner, please come to me to get the exclusive logo of the escort team."

After speaking, he took out a box, which contained the badges of the team members, vice-captains, and captains.

"I think everyone is now very curious about the usage time of the Spirit Gathering Array we have allocated!"

This is for sure. Many people come only because of the number of places to use the Spirit Gathering Array. After all, at that price, they can go there once or twice a month, especially those who have practiced in it are looking forward to it. After all, one day of cultivation on the first floor can equal the results of five days of cultivation, and the second floor can be equal to the results of ten days of cultivation. Especially the third floor, one day of cultivation is equivalent to [-] days of cultivation in the outside world.

"Come on, we're all waiting!"

"Yeah, hurry up, we're all waiting!"

Seeing the high emotions of everyone in the audience, Shao Wenlin can't continue to sell his shit.

"Then listen carefully, this is what our master said personally, everyone will have five days of cultivation time, the team members are on the first floor, the vice-captain is on the second floor, and the captain is on the first floor. At the same time every month Well, I will make an evaluation based on the security situation in the jurisdiction to which each team belongs, and the team with the best security effect will get an extra day of practice time, and I will give you this day!"

The people in the audience originally thought that the time would be very short, two or three days, and they were all on the first floor, but the time was different. Many thought that if they were not satisfied with the result, they would just leave. Now, it would be impossible to drive him away. will go!Especially those who want to compete for the captain and vice-captain, they have worked hard for a month to earn so many spiritual stones for themselves to cultivate, and now there are other remunerations and rewards for free.

"Long live Master Zhou, long live Master Zhou!"

"Long live Sir Shao!"

After the announcement was made, the second round of competition began. Although the rich rewards were known, the gap in strength was not so easy to change.

Soon the morning time was over. All the tests of the security team members were completed in the morning. Since the captain and deputy captain were small, many people did not agree with the ten-man melee, otherwise it could be over in one morning.

The method discussed now is to have two people of the same rank compete in a test to avoid the large disparity in the random ranks of ten people. This is a relatively high voice.

After all, most people agreed with this proposal, and the small group of people who disagreed quarreled for a while, but in the end they couldn't stand the crowd and had to compromise.

When I returned home for dinner at noon, Dai Zhengyang was already much better, and was sitting in the yard basking in the sun.

"The sun is not bad, Dai Zhengyang basks in the sun at noon!"

After saying this, Shao Wenlin felt that it rhymed so well, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas! I have such a talent for literature."

"Shao Wenlin, wait for me, don't cry when I'm healed up!"

"Look at how arrogant you are. I can tell you that I will wipe your ass for your security team."

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