"Then let them come over first and call up the escort team. It's not for nothing to raise them. It's time to use them."

"It's the master, I'll call them all here."

Although Dai Zhengyang thought that his master might be very powerful, he did not slow down in the slightest.

At this time, Zhou Zhang stood up and said to himself, it seems that these people really think that my Luoyan Village is easy to bully, and everyone wants to touch it.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhang also stood up and walked towards the south of the village. On the way, he encountered another sentinel who came to report.

"Report to the master, this group of people did not change direction, they are coming towards us!"

"How long until they arrive? About how many?"

"There are about a thousand people. If we follow the current speed, we will arrive in about an hour."

"Okay, I know, let's explore again."

Zhou Zhang thought for a while, if there was still an hour left, there would be plenty of time, and he needed to try his best to pull the battle line outside Luoyan Village.

Soon when Zhou Zhang walked to the south of the village, Dai Zhengyang had already gathered all the members of the security team to the south of the village, and when he saw Zhou Zhang coming over, Dai Zhengyang hurried over.

"Master, why are you here? Just leave these people to me for a while and I'll beat them all back!"

"There are more than [-] people on the opposite side? I think these [-] or so people will definitely be unstoppable."

"Don't worry, sir, the sentinel just came to report. From the other party's clothes, it looks like four forces have assembled, about a thousand people, but there are three forces behind, which seems to be the first."

"Are you in the lead? It seems that this person knows us very well. He didn't come when we recruited soldiers a few days ago, and he didn't come during the second round of selection. It took a few days to come. It must have been a plan for a long time. There are only a hundred people in the smoke village, and anyone can eat it."

"Humph! Then we have to see if their teeth are good or not. Luo Yancun is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch!"

"Since everyone has come now, it is necessary for us to move the front line forward, otherwise the war will easily spread to Luoyan Village."

Dai Zhengyang was also stunned when he heard this, thinking that he was waiting for them to attack, but he forgot about this.

"Master, I'll let them move forward."

After speaking, Dai Zhengyang went to instruct the captains of each team to move their troops to the south.

"Now, before the enemy arrives, let's move the group forward ten miles to avoid affecting Luoyan Village, let's go!"

After receiving the order, a group of people marched forward in a mighty manner, and Zhou Zhang also asked for a horse to follow.

Soon it was ten miles away. At this moment, the first wave of people to lead the line had appeared in front of me. It seemed that it was going to be faster than expected.

The confrontation between the two armies began immediately. This was Dai Zhengyang, but he found that his master came over on a horse from behind.

"Master, why are you here? Just leave this to me. If there is a fight this time, you have to stand farther away."

"Don't worry, I'll come and take a look. You can tell them in a while, if you win this battle, no one will increase your training time in the Sanxian Temple for two days, don't let me down."

"These people can't help us!"

After speaking, Dai Zhengyang returned to the team, and now he needs to cheer up his soldiers.

"Brothers, this battle is related to our future survival in Luoyan Village! So we will win this battle! In addition, there is good news to tell you that if we win, the training time of the Three Immortals Temple will be per person after returning. Two more days!"

Chapter Sixty-Three

The Three Immortals Temple added two days of cultivation time, which exploded in the crowd like a bomb. People who had no hope in this battle suddenly became motivated, what a joke, and two more days Ah, as long as you keep going, it's not a great future waiting for you!

"Sir Dai, you're not bluffing us, what if you go back and don't agree with the victory!"

Some people still don't believe it. After all, these two days are a bit long, and more than a hundred people have almost banned all the income of the Sanxian Temple for two days!

"That's right, Mr. Dai, these two days are not a small number. After all, there are so many of us."

"Liar to you? The lord is here too. This is something that the lord told me just now. This is not what I promised you!"

These little bastards, is it any good to deceive them by yourself, and you still want to deceive them!

"Okay! Mr. Dai, since the master said it himself, we can rest assured. You can let the old man wait and see how we drive this group of people back!"

"Then brothers, if we don't work hard, we will be a little bit down on the high reward that the master has given us!"


There was a burst of laughter from below, and the tense atmosphere disappeared, which could have a great impact on the battle for a while.

At this time, the vanguard has arrived, and the enemy is very jealous when they meet, and the troops on both sides are on the verge of attack!

"Brothers, as long as we eat them, the gathering formation in Luoyan Village will be ours, come on!

The person who came was the leader of the Vanguard Army. It was a fool's dream to think that Luo Yancun could be eaten by the advantage of numbers.

"Now the enemy is at hand! The brothers from Luoyan Village are rushing with me!"

"Go on, fuck him!"

"Beating so much that he doesn't even know his mother!"

Don't look at the fact that there are only a hundred people in the escort team in Luoyan Village. This is a hundred people who have been carefully selected. In the face of more than [-] enemies, they don't flinch at all. In addition, half of the [-] people on the opposite side are all It is a soldier level, and the disparity in strength makes it extraordinarily easy for them to fight!

The battle didn't last long. The so-called vanguard had already been beaten to pieces. The opponent's generals had suffered indistinct injuries, and the weak soldiers had all died.

Looking at the more than [-] people he brought with him, there are only more than [-] people left at the moment. The leader of this pioneer army also has no intention of fighting. I am afraid that if they continue to fight, their group will be discounted here!

"Brothers, let's withdraw!"

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