"I understand dad, I know you are doing it for my own good, otherwise I wouldn't be working so hard today."

Zhou Zhang also came back at this time. Seeing that the father and son were so harmonious, he was embarrassed to disturb them, but now it seems that it was a good choice for him to let Wang Er go to practice. After all, he has now returned to the right track.

But everyone didn't know Wang Er's true thoughts. Wang Er just didn't want to leave Ji Ruxue. If everyone knew this was the case, they would have known how to rule Wang Er.

That night, the two father and son who were reunited sat together as if they had forgotten what happened before.

Zhou Zhang was also very happy to see this. At least he didn't do anything wrong. It was a good thing that Wang Qiang could practice again.

In the evening, Shao Wenlin found Zhou Zhang after eating.

"Master, I think we need to recruit some more people. I think there are still a few people in the security team. Now that the monk exchange is about to be completed, these people are still relatively small."

Chapter [-] Guidance

Zhou Zhang listened to Shao Wenlin's words and thought for a while, Shao Wenlin, what he considered was indeed a problem, after all, these people are completely enough now, but there is no guarantee that the monk exchange will be enough after the opening, but Shao Wenlin really thinks less. a little.

"You don't have to worry about this. If you wait for the opening of the cultivator exchange, I believe that the overall strength of the current security team will be improved. After all, I rewarded each of them for five days of cultivation time. I don't believe it. These five days plus five days a month, they still can't improve their realm."

Zhou Zhang thought for a while and continued.

"But some people died in the last battle. We need to recruit some people as soon as possible to fill these vacancies. I have forgotten about this recently."

"Since the master thinks there is no problem, then there must be no problem. I will do what you said tomorrow."

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can go back to rest early. I believe that you must be exhausted these days. I will give you a day off tomorrow and have a good rest. I will let Wang Er go for you for a day."

For so many days, Zhou Zhang didn't see Shao Wenlin, but he forgot that Shao Wenlin had been busy recently, and he should have a rest.

"Don't worry, sir, I've been here for so many years, and I'm still not tired of this."

Shao Wenlin was also very moved, the master was still worried about him, but after all, he had been working for so many years, and he just spent more time to see them during the day, and he really didn't feel tired.

"Master, you should rest early, I'll retire."

After speaking, Shao Wenlin closed the door and backed out.

After Shao Wenlin left, Zhou Zhang suddenly thought of something. When he went to find Dai Zhengyang last time, he wanted to give him some good fortune. As a result, Dai Zhengyang was frightened into that way by himself, and he only gave him a secret book. just left.

Just as it was still early after dinner, Zhou Zhang also went out and walked in the direction of the Sanxian Temple. It was still early, and Dai Zhengyang must have not rested.

He quickly walked to Dai Zhengyang's house and knocked on the door, but there was no response, so Zhou Zhang knocked again.

At this time, the door of the house was opened, and Dai Zhengyang opened the door and saw his master.

"It's my lord, what's the matter with me so late?"

The moment Dai Zhengyang saw his master, he was a little frightened.

"It's nothing, it's just that when I came to see you last time, you looked like that, so I forgot about it. I just came here today to give you some pointers."

Dai Zhengyang didn't believe his ears. He had been expecting his master to give him some pointers, but he never thought that this wish would actually come true.

"Master, please come in, please come in."

Zhou Zhang walked into the house and asked Dai Zhengyang.

"What difficulties did you have during your recent cultivation? What bottlenecks did you encounter that you couldn't break through?"

"Master, when you say this, I have really encountered a little problem recently. The cheat book you gave is too advanced. I was originally a mountain boy. When I first started practicing, I didn't think there was any problem, but After a long time, I feel that this practice is too profound."

Dai Zhengyang was just studying this exercise, and he couldn't figure out the difficulties he encountered.

"It seems that I came back right this time. Let me take a look at the exercises."

Dai Zhengyang hurriedly took out the exercise book and handed it to Zhou Zhang, who took it and started to read it.

After a while, Zhou Zhang discovered the problem and looked up at Dai Zhengyang.

"Do you feel that it's a little difficult to cultivate in this place, and you can't cultivate what he said?"

While Zhou Zhang asked Dai Zhengyang, he pointed at the place he said.

When Dai Zhengyang saw it, he was really amazing. He didn't expect his grandfather to know where his problem was after just watching it for a while, so he nodded quickly and said.

"Yes, that's what it is, and I hope the master gives pointers."

With Zhou Zhang's realm, he can understand these exercises at a glance, and naturally it is easy to find out where Dai Zhengyang's problem lies.

"Listen, this place doesn't cultivate like this..."

Then Zhou Zhang explained to Dai Zhengyang a few points to pay attention to in this exercise. After Dai Zhengyang heard it, he sat down quickly and started to try it.

I don’t know if I don’t try it, but if I try it, it’s true. According to my master, the problems I encountered before have been solved, and I have also corrected the wrong and correct places in my previous cultivation.

"Thank you sir for the pointer!"

Dai Zhengyang said quickly after trying it.

"Well, yes, it seems that your understanding is quite good. This is a martial arts book. I didn't read it carefully a few days ago, but now I have discovered it. This martial arts book and that practice method complement each other. Practice well."

After Zhou Zhang finished speaking, he took out a book of martial arts. A few days ago, he was not very interested in the storage ring of the group of people, but just flipped through it.

"Thank you sir, I will not be humiliated, I must practice hard."

Dai Zhengyang said quickly after taking the martial arts book.

"Okay, I'm fine. You can think about it slowly. If you have any questions, just ask me again. I need you very much now. You have to improve your strength."

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