When this person heard it, he thought it was okay. After all, he could still get this cheat book, but he was still more concerned about the price.

When Zhou Zhang heard it, he felt that there was a drama, but he still turned around and asked the president of the auction house.

"I don't know if the Governor also agrees with this matter? Don't worry, these things are still expensive, so we can continue to pay the handling fee."

When the president of the auction house heard Zhou Zhang say this, he was naturally very happy, after all, Zhou Zhang paid the handling fee.

"Then listen to Master Zhou's arrangement!"

"I don't agree! Since we are going to continue the auction here, then we must also continue to be eligible for the auction!"

At this time, the people in VIP Room No. [-] stood up and spoke. His current thought was that he didn't want to cheapen the people in VIP Room No. [-]. He already knew what they looked like at this moment, and he would just grab them after they bought them.

"Okay, I agree!"

Without waiting for Zhou Zhang to speak, the people in VIP Room No. [-] immediately agreed.

"That's even better, then how about the starting price of two million?"

Zhou Zhang saw that the people in VIP Room No. [-] agreed, so this matter would be easy to handle.

"I agree, I'll pay five million."

Since it was the second auction of VIP Room No. [-], it was inevitable that they would win, so the price was directly increased to [-] million as soon as it was exported.

"I'm offering seven million. If you can beat my price, then I'm not bidding."

The person in the No. [-] VIP room is also a man of temperament, and directly threw out his last bargaining chip, and indicated that if he was higher, he would not add it.

"[-] million, this is also my final price!"

The person who spoke was from the VIP room No. [-]. I think this group of people were all refunded by the [-] million just now, otherwise there will be another contest.

"I originally thought that this cheat book could be bought at a lower price, but I didn't expect it to cost so much. I paid [-] million. Although the price is a bit shameless, I'm sorry!"

After the VIP Room No. [-] bid, everyone stopped talking, thinking that this has reached their limit.

After a while, the person who saw that everyone was not in the VIP Room No. [-] said.

"Presumably no one is bidding, so this cheat book will be cheaper."

Although he said so, his heart was bleeding.

"Take it, I can't come up with more money!"

The person in the second VIP room said it directly, obviously he has already withdrawn.

Seeing that everyone did not continue to increase the price, only the last cheat book was sold at a price of [-] million. Zhou Zhang and the people in this VIP room paid with one hand and delivered with one hand.

At this point, the auction has been successfully concluded. According to the rules of the auction, the auction house needs to deduct [-]% of the handling fee for items that are successfully traded.

In the end, the auction charged a handling fee of [-], and Zhou Zhang got [-] Lingyu. Although these fields do not have much effect on Zhou Zhang, it can be regarded as empty gloves. White wolf, after all, Zhou Zhang obtained these few cheats without any effort.

Chapter [-] Help Zhou Zhang

The auction ended soon, but the auction did not end either. The people in the VIP Room No. [-] took so many things, and at this moment, other people would definitely not let them leave easily.

At this time, the people in VIP Room No. [-] were in an inn in Luoyan Village, and they were thinking about how to escape.After all, it is because of them that they live. If you are not careful, you may be besieged by a group of people. If you are yourself, you will lose your wife and lose your army.

"Master, what do you think we should do? We are already beleaguered at the moment, and no one will help us now!"

This servant asked his grandfather worriedly. After all, this matter is too big. They have already spent so much Lingyu and bought two cheat books, but now they have to think about how to get back to their own home. .

"What are you worried about, I'm not in a hurry, what are you worried about, just let them spend it slowly, we will stay in this Luoyan Village for a few days, I believe they will not dare to act rashly in this Luoyan Village. "

This old man is indeed a prudent person. At this moment, there are so many pairs of eyes staring at him, but he is not panic at all.

But having said that, the house prices here are not very expensive. If they can live here all the time, other people can definitely live here.

After staying for several days in a row, he looked around in Luoyan Village every day, looking for opportunities to go out, looking for opportunities to go out.

However, his idea is very good, but the reality does not give him such a good opportunity. Every day, there are people around the village who are in control and do not give him a chance.

There were a total of eleven VIP rooms that day. At this moment, except for Zhou Zhang, there are nine forces that are eyeing the two exercises in his hands.After thinking about it, he really couldn't think of a good way.After all, if these people were to rush hard, they would definitely not be able to hold so many people.

One day, one of his men suddenly gave him an idea.

"That day, after the man who wanted to refuse to buy it ran away, Mr. Zhou's subordinates quickly chased him back, and this Luoyan Village is definitely also under the management of Mr. Zhou, so if you ask for help, Mr. Zhou will also If so, we may have a way out!"

The man thought about it and felt that this was indeed a method.Immediately set off to Zhou Zhang's house.

However, when he got there, he found that Zhou Zhang was not in the house.

"Where did Mr. Zhou go? I have something to ask him."

"Our master, our master went to the painting shop. If you want to find him, go to the painting shop to find him!"

"Painting shop? What painting shop! Is it a painting shop? Where is the specific location of the painting shop?"

He really can't figure out why a person with high power wants to spend flowers, open a flower shop, and go to paint every day?

"Well, the specific location of the painting shop is on the commercial street. Hey, I can't describe it to you. It's easy to see when you get there. It's really not good. You go there and ask the people on the roadside and they all know."

Ma Mengmei couldn't think of how to describe it to him for a while, so she had to tell him, go there and ask the people on the roadside, after all, many people know about her master's reputation in this Luoyan Village.

"Thank you!"

After asking about the specific location of the people painting shop in the mansion, he set off immediately. After all, the fate of their group is all in Zhou Zhang's hands at this moment.

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