"This trick is really high. Well, I understand. If something goes wrong, I will wait for her daughter here as soon as possible, and then go to the master together."

Dai Zhengyang couldn't help laughing when he heard Shao Wenlin's words. He didn't expect this Shaolin to be very clever. If Lin Shaoqing's daughter was brought next to his master, then the master would not be able to turn over any big prodigal son in this group of people. .

"Presumably this Lin Shaoqing is still uneasy for a while, and will come to you, or he will naturally give you some remuneration, at this time you must not refuse."

Shao Wenlin thought about it again and said to Dai Zhengyang, he was really afraid that Dai Zhengyang would not take the money again this time, after all, the money was hard to come by.

"But you are not afraid that our master will know about this matter?"

Dai Zhengyang asked worriedly.

"Do you think our masters don't know about the things we are doing now? When you take the money, as long as you don't use it yourself, but reward the members of the security team who participated in the war after the accident, don't you say the money? Clear."

Shao Wenlin explained to Dai Zhengyang patiently.

"I really listened to Jun's words. It's better than ten years of study. I didn't expect your kid to be so smart."

Dai Zhengyang suddenly realized that he didn't expect to be able to do it like this, seconds!

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, then it's up to you to do it yourself, I'll go first."

"Don't worry, I can still do this little thing."

After speaking, the two greeted each other and left.

Besides, after Lin Shaoqing went back, he immediately instructed his subordinates that he would go out for a few days and would be back soon, so that they must protect the safety of the young lady, and the old housekeeper who entertained him, if anything unexpected happened If so, immediately go to the Zhou Mansion and ask for help.

After Lin Shaoqing explained it again and again, he was still a little worried, so he found his daughter in person.

"If your father is away these few days, you have to take good care of yourself, but don't be impatient, you know? If you are in danger, go to the Sanxian Temple to find Dai Zhengyang as soon as possible, and then he will take you to Zhoufu."

Dai Zhengyang said earnestly that the one who is most worried about now is his daughter.

"Father, I understand, but why can't I go directly to Zhoufu?"

Lin Shaoqing's daughter was a little puzzled. Wouldn't it be faster to go directly to the Zhou Mansion?

"It's not easy to explain this matter to you directly, you just need to remember what Daddy said!"

"Dad's trip is not guaranteed to be safe, so these two cheats are kept here first. I think it should be the safest here."

Lin Shaoqing thought about it and decided to give these two cheats to his daughter.

"Father, is it possible that you won't be able to come back?"

As he spoke, Lin Shaoqing's daughter started to cry. It was really terrifying that Lin Shaoqing acted.

"What nonsense are you talking about, it's just that Daddy thinks it will be safer to put the cheats here. How could something happen to your Daddy and I?"

"Okay dad, I understand! Then you must take good care of yourself, I'll be here waiting for you to come back."

It seems that Lin Shaoqing has a sensible daughter.

After making sure that nothing happened, Lin Shaoqing left the inn, and now he needs to find Dai Zhengyang before he leaves.

After all, in a sense, the safety of his daughter still needs to be handed over to Dai Zhengyang.

Soon, Lin Shaoqing arrived at the Sanxian Temple, and after being informed, Lin Shaoqing waited.

Soon, Dai Zhengyang came out, and Lin Shaoqing said quickly after seeing Dai Zhengyang.

"Thanks to Brother Dai for helping this matter. Presumably without Brother Dai, this matter would be a big trouble."

"Where? I just tried my best."

Dai Zhengyang shook his head and replied.

After all, this incident was almost entirely Shao Wenlin's idea, and he just told it like Shao Wenlin.

"Brother Dai, don't be humble. Here is [-] yuan of low-grade Lingyu. I hope Brother Dai can protect my daughter when I am away."

Speaking of Lin Shaoqing, he took out [-] pieces of low-grade spiritual jade from the storage ring and handed it over to Dai Zhengyang.

"It's impossible. It's too much to give."

Dai Zhengyang didn't expect that Lin Shaoqing was only [-] spiritual jade last time, and this time he directly took out [-] spiritual jade.

"Brother Dai, don't shirk any more. There are bound to be many risks in this matter. This money right should be a little compensation. And if you don't accept it, my heart will always be at ease."

Dai Zhengyang saw that Lin Shaoqing had already said this, so he put away Lingyu.

"Don't worry, Patriarch Lin, as long as your daughter is in this Luoyan Village, I can assure you that she will never have an accident."

"Then there is Brother Laodai, and Lin still needs to go home quickly, so I won't say more and say goodbye!"

"Safe travels."

After speaking, Lin Shaoqing turned around and walked out. At this moment, he needed to return home as soon as possible to get [-] million Lingyu back.

After all, for him, only when his daughter is by his side can he rest assured.

Chapter [-] Cooperation

After Lin Shaoqing left, he rushed out of Luoyan Village.

All forces must have discovered Lin Shaoqing's trace at the first time.

These people who besieged Lin Shaoqing did not expect that Lin Shaoqing would rush out at this time, and he was alone, so there were not so many people.

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