Lin Shaoqing also hurried upstairs at the moment, he wanted to tell his daughter the good news.

Lin Shaoqing walked to the door of his daughter's room, knocked on the door, and asked.

"Linger, are you asleep yet?"

"No dad, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, Lin Linger said lazily while lying on the bed.

"I have good news for you, do you want to hear it?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Linger hurried over to open the door and asked Lin Shaoqing excitedly.

"Is it about Uncle Zhou's painting? Uncle Zhou promised to sell it to me?"

"You have to see how listless you were just now. Now, when you say there is good news, you are so happy that you want to jump up."

"Father! Just stop making fun of me, just say it!"

At this moment, Lin Linger was already a little shy.

"It's really about your Uncle Zhou's painting, your Uncle Zhou, he said he would give you a pair for free, and let you pick it up in the shop when he opens the shop in the afternoon, and whichever one you choose is the one you choose. One pair, do you think this is good news?"

"Really? Uncle Zhou wants to give me a pair for free."

After Lin Linger heard the news, she jumped up with joy.

Lin Shaoqing laughed when he saw his daughter was so happy.

"Your Uncle Shao just came to tell me in person, can there be a fake?"

Lin Linger was already a little bit happy at the moment, but she didn't expect her Uncle Zhou to promise to give her a painting for free.

"Then I'll go find Uncle Zhou now!"

Saying that, Lin Linger is about to go out.

Lin Shaoqing couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this.

"Have you forgotten what I just said? Your uncle Zhou said you were there when he went to the store in the afternoon. Now your uncle Zhou is still on a lunch break. What are you doing there now?"

Only then did Lin Linger think that Zhou Zhang had the habit of taking a lunch break, and said a little angrily.

"Humph! This Uncle Zhou is so lazy, he doesn't do anything all day, he paints after eating, and he sleeps after lunch!"

When Lin Shaoqing heard this, he quickly covered his daughter's mouth.

"Oh my darling, don't dare to talk nonsense. If your Uncle Zhou finds out, do you still want this painting?"

Chapter [-] is late

Hearing this, Lin Linger suddenly didn't dare to dance anymore, she really wanted to get a picture of Zhou Zhang.

"Well... Uncle Zhou must not have heard what I said."

"Hahaha, my daughter is really cute!"

Lin Shaoqing felt so funny seeing his daughter like this.

"I know, I'm going to rest!"

After saying that, Lin Linger pushed Lin Shaoqing out, and was ridiculed by her father one after another, and some ignored him.

"Okay, I'll go out first, remember not to oversleep!"

"Don't worry, I know when the door opens, so I won't be late!"

Lin Linger responded to Lin Shaoqing while closing the door.

Soon Zhou Zhang was over from his lunch break. He seemed to have forgotten what he promised in the morning. He drank a cup of tea slowly before going to the painting shop.

When he arrived at the painting shop, he found that Lin Linger and Lin Shaoqing were already waiting here. At this time, Zhou Zhang realized that he had promised in the morning to give Lin Linger a painting when the shop opened in the afternoon.

"Sorry, today's lunch break is a little long."

Zhou Zhang said a little embarrassedly.

"Really, didn't Uncle Zhou sit in the yard and drink a cup of tea leisurely before coming here?"

Lin Linger said a little unconvinced, she clearly promised to open the store in the afternoon, but she came here half an hour late, but she had already arrived here half an hour earlier, which means that she had been waiting here for a long time. It's been an hour.

"Linger, why are you talking to your Uncle Zhou! Quickly apologize to your Uncle Zhou!"

Lin Shaoqing hurriedly discouraged his daughter from being unreasonable. I am afraid that the new born calf is not afraid of what the tiger said. If she knew Zhou Zhang's terrifying strength, her daughter would not talk like this.

"It's okay, I promised you, but now I didn't come on time."

Zhou Zhang smiled and said, he didn't think there was anything wrong, he did miss some appointments today.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhou!"

Lin Shaoqing pulled his daughter and said.

"Thank you Uncle Zhou..."

Although Lin Linger was a little dissatisfied, she still said thank you to Zhou Zhang.

"By the way, since you got the two cheats, I also accidentally got the one that you didn't have that day. These three cheats are only comparable to the strength of the later stage of the Holy Grade when they are cultivated together. If the cultivation technique is used to replace it, I am afraid it can only barely have the meaning of the later stage of the saint."

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