Lin Shaoqing, who walked to the door after hearing these words, was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Zhou Zhang, but at the moment Zhou Zhang was cleaning up his own brush.

Sound transmission is secret, this... This is a method that only Wang level can master, and looking at Zhou Zhang's calm expression at the moment, it seems that it is not only as simple as Wang level!

Lin Linger asked when she saw that her father didn't leave suddenly.

"What's wrong, dad? Is there something wrong?"

When his own daughter suddenly interrupted his thoughts, Lin Shaoqiang turned his head and said.

"'s nothing, let's go back!"

After speaking, she walked forward, Lin Linger turned her head to look again, and found that there was nothing unusual and left behind her father.

After the two left, Zhou Zhang also raised his head and looked in the direction where the two were walking.

This painting is the one that Zhou Zhang is most satisfied with so far. After all, it has been given to Lin Linger, so I still have to tell them some necessary things in advance. If the mystery contained in this painting is leaked out , I am afraid that even some king-level people will want to fight for it!If you don't tell them, it is very likely to bring them disaster.

Now Lin Shaoqing and some of his family members no longer need to stay in Luoyan Village, they packed up their things, and they are ready to return the next day.

Before leaving, Lin Shaoqing also went to Zhou Zhang's painting shop to let him know, but Zhou Zhang just said a word after being careful and didn't say anything else, and now Zhou Zhang has returned to an ordinary person.

Lin Shaoqing looked at Zhou Zhang and didn't want to say anything, so he didn't bother and left directly.

The turmoil of the auction is also over.Luoyang Village has returned to its normal life, and after the turmoil at the auction, many people who wanted to fight Luoyan Village also gave up the idea.

The level of well-informed information is unimaginable. Now many people know that Luo Yancun was besieged by two emperors during the auction, but in the end, these two emperors disappeared like the world.

These robbers must ask themselves that they must not have the strength of the emperor, so I am afraid that those who dare to attack Luoyan Village now are some fools.

Days passed like this, and Zhou Zhang was still enjoying the growth of his cultivation brought by the prosperity of Luoyan Village every day.

On this day, when Zhou Zhang was painting in his shop, suddenly Shao Wenlin hurried in again.

"Master, something is bad."

"What can I do! Every time I have something to come to me, I'm in a panic."

Zhou Zhang said angrily.

"No, sir, this time is really a big event. A group of officers and soldiers suddenly came to the mansion and said they were looking for you. I was at home and asked them briefly, what's the matter? But the leader Don't say anything, only say that after seeing grandpa."

Shao Wenlin took a breath and continued to explain to Zhou Zhang.

"And I see that man's posture, like a battle-tested general, it will not be a trivial matter to find the master, so I hurried over and told the master."

"Oh, there is such a thing, why didn't you even say why you were looking for me?"

"Yes, grandpa, he didn't say anything. I'm afraid he will only say it when he sees you."

"Okay, I want to see what is going on with me?"

Zhou Zhang has found it more and more interesting. A battle-hardened general suddenly came to his mansion and said that he had something to look for. It seems that this matter is definitely not a trivial matter.

Soon, Zhou Zhang and Shao Wenlin returned to the Zhou Mansion. At this moment, the Zhou Mansion was crowded with officers and soldiers, but these officers and soldiers did not stop when they saw Shao Wenlin brought back a person.

At this time, the general also noticed that Zhou Zhang was back, so he hurried out and said.

Chapter [-] There is something important

"Under Su Wenxuan, you must be Zhou Zhang, Lord Zhou?"

"Yes, I'm Zhou Zhang, do you have anything to do with me?"

Zhou Zhang hit the beam and asked Su Wenxuan.

"Lord Zhou, there are a lot of people here. Can you go in?"

Su Wenxuan looked around and whispered to Zhou Zhang.

"Okay, then go to my study and talk about it."

After saying that, Zhou Zhang walked into the mansion, and soon the two of them arrived in Zhou Zhang's study.

"Now you can speak."

After Su Wenxuan saw that there was no one around, he still felt uneasy, so he reached out and set up a soundproof restraint.

After Zhou Zhang saw it, he couldn't help feeling a little funny. With such a ban, he could detect everything inside even if the person who placed the ban didn't notice it.

Seeing Su Wenxuan's nervous appearance, Zhou Zhang helped him, and arranged a more powerful restraint.

When Su Wenxuan saw the restriction arranged by Zhou Zhang, he couldn't help but curiously probed it. It didn't matter if he didn't detect it. After probing, he found that the restriction of Zhou Zhang was so ingenious, that the restriction would be absorbed by the consciousness after touching it.

Seeing that Su Wenxuan was still looking at his ban, Zhou Zhang not only asked a question.

"It's safe now! What's the matter?"

Only now did Su Wenxuan realize his rudeness, so he said quickly.

"Lord Zhou, please forgive me! This time the villain came here because of the order of the Holy One, and I want to invite you to the palace for a chat."

After Zhou Zhang heard Su Wenxuan's words, he couldn't help but become curious.

"Then what did he have to do with me? He even asked me to go there in person."

After Su Wenxuan heard this sentence, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Now in this Jing'an Empire, who would dare to use him to refer to the emperor?

However, Su Wenxuan quickly recovered. After all, before leaving, the emperor had repeatedly told him that after seeing Zhou Zhang, he must be polite, and then invite him back politely.

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