Zhou Zhang had already detected the conversation between the two without the forbidden master being aware of it.

"Then General Zhou, you must be satisfied with the conditions we offered by now."

The man known as General Zhou nodded at this moment and said.

"Thank you to General Lin for fighting for me, otherwise these conditions will not be so easy to give me!"

"Then what do you do next? I don't need to remind General Zhou anymore."

"That's natural. Soon I will inform my soldiers to open the city gate and let the soldiers of the Jing'an Empire pass through."

"Haha, then there is General Lao Zhou."

When Zhou Zhang heard this, it seemed that the two of them had already concluded their discussions. Zhou Zhang, who was originally the atmosphere, became even more angry when he heard that the general of this city was also named Zhou. Unexpectedly, the one named Zhou appeared A traitor like this is really a shame for Zhou, and Zhou Zhang can't stand it anymore.

When no one in the camp found out, Zhou Zhang slipped into the main general's camp like a gust of wind. Only at this time did General Lin realize that someone was coming.


"Haha, is it a little late to find someone at this time?"

Zhou Zhang couldn't help laughing when he saw that these two people had just discovered his arrival.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you break into my camp?"

At this time, the general surnamed Zhou spoke up, and even claimed to be his own camp.

"Hahaha, is this your camp? Isn't this the camp of the Han Chong Empire?"

Zhou Zhang smiled even more when he saw General Zhou's shameless appearance.

"It seems that you are dying without a trace of repentance?"

General Zhou still did not understand Zhou Zhang's strength at this moment, and still said loudly and arrogantly.

"Boy, it seems that you still haven't seen the situation clearly! Now that the two of us kill you here, no one will know!"

It's no wonder that General Zhou would say that. At this time, Zhou Zhang had already recovered his original appearance. At this time, he was already a young man in his twenties.

"Hahaha, you're right, no one will know that the two of you killed me."

Zhou Zhang felt that this General Zhou was very interesting at the moment, so he wanted to tease him.

"Boy, you still have some eyesight, it's still too late to beg for mercy, maybe I'll let you go if I'm in a good mood!"

General Zhou saw Zhou Zhang begging for mercy even more frantic.

"Really? So what if I don't want to beg for mercy and want to live? What should I do?"

After hearing such rampant threats, Zhou Zhang even more wanted to know what Zhou Zhang would do next!I didn't expect that I would be threatened by others after so long!

"You're thinking too much. You don't want to ask for mercy if you want to live, boy, I can tell you very clearly, I'm in a very bad mood now! Even if you beg for mercy, it's useless!"

I didn't expect that General Zhou was still so arrogant at this time, and he didn't have the slightest sense of danger!

"General Zhou's tone is really not ordinary, and now there is not even the slightest panic in collaborating with the enemy and treason!"

Zhou Zhang felt that this week General Zhou is now hopeless, and he has not repented in the current situation. It seems that his desire to treason is not for a while.

"You can't comment on my tone, but I know one thing, you won't survive today after you know about me!"

General Zhou now feels that Zhou Zhang is settled. Although this ignorant young man does not know how he slipped into the barracks, he is already a dead person in this barracks.

"General Zhou, I think this is the best opportunity for you to express yourself. If you kill this person, I think the Han Chong Empire will believe in your sincerity even more! I will create a barrier, but don't accidentally hurt my soldiers! "

This is what General Lin, who has not spoken for a long time, opened his mouth. Perhaps in their opinion, this is a matter of hand.

"Don't worry, General Lin, everything is under control, haha... boy, maybe you will have a more perfect life, but now you have come to a place where you shouldn't be, so what will happen next? Get ready to die!"

After saying this, this General Zhou started to walk towards Zhou Zhang. Zhou Zhang couldn't help showing a trace of pity in his eyes when he saw all this. It happened that General Zhou also saw it, so he asked Zhou Zhang angrily.

"Boy, what do you mean by that look! Could it be that you look down on me?"

Zhou Zhang didn't answer him, instead the pity in his eyes became stronger.

General Zhou saw that Zhou Zhang dared to ignore him, and his right hand directly blasted towards Zhou Zhang!

In the imagination, the scene of Zhou Zhang being bombed and killed did not appear, Zhou Zhang still stood there unharmed, as if the punch General Zhou just hadn't hit!General Zhou was already a little panicked at the moment. The punch he just punched out solidly, and even the enchantment laid by General Lin gave feedback, but the person in front of him was still standing here!

"I thought you might still realize your mistake, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn!"

After Zhou Zhang finished speaking, he shook his head and walked towards General Zhou step by step.

"Now I also send you what you said, this is the best place to bury you, and I can guarantee that no one will find the two of you dead here!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhang stretched out his left hand to instill spiritual power into the camp, and soon the right hand held a barrier, and the camp was completely separated from the outside world, unless there were people higher than Zhou Zhang, otherwise It's completely isolated!

Seeing Zhou Zhang walking towards his General Zhou step by step, he was even more frightened. The strength this person showed was beyond his imagination!

"What are you going to do! This place is the territory of the Jing'an Empire, I am the city owner of Chuanmen City, you can't kill me!"

"Tsk tsk tsk...I only know regret now? But what I need first is a corpse, not a city lord who may repent!"

When General Zhou heard this, he turned around and wanted to run out of the barracks, but when he took off, he was shocked by a force and came back!

"I already said, this is the graveyard of the two of you, and you are still thinking of running away at this moment?"

Chapter 115 Taking Over the City Lord

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