Fei'ao already felt that things were not good at the moment. Last time, he only showed a strength slightly higher than his own, but now he has brought a defense, but the strength shown now is still slightly more than the two of them. It's a little bit. At this moment, he has already used the strongest killing move. He still accepts it calmly. Maybe he is comparable to the strength of the man in black.

At this moment, he has no intention of fighting any longer. Now he just wants to escape, he just wants to live.So he hurriedly turned around and fled, ignoring the man surnamed Liu beside him. It was already very difficult for him to survive at this time. Why did he go to inform him? Escape yourself.

At this time, the man surnamed Liu did not notice that Fei'ao was slowly stepping back, and was still shouting loudly.

"Sun Fei'ao, you old man cheated me, didn't you say that you are guaranteed to have nine out of ten? Why haven't you even been stable yet?"

Chapter 135 Die here

After he finished speaking, the man surnamed Liu also glanced at Fei'ao to the side, but when he turned around, he couldn't see Fei'ao at all.

"Are you looking for that old thing? He left you here and ran away alone before you spoke."

Zhou Zhang watched the man surnamed Liu looking for Sun Fei'ao around, and couldn't help but say with a smile, it's enough to run away now, so that Sun Fei'o can really recognize his strength, as if the master behind the scenes was led out.

After hearing Zhou Zhang's words, the man surnamed Liu couldn't help clenching his teeth.

"At the beginning, I was persuaded to say that it was a great benefit. Now it seems that this great benefit will probably kill me here!"

"Hahaha, you can also think so, presumably he lied to you to come here, and he really wanted you to die here."

After Zhou Zhang finished speaking, he directly attacked without giving the man surnamed Liu any chance of respite.

In a hurry, the man surnamed Liu hurried to parry, but how could he resist?At this moment, Zhou Zhang's blow had knocked him to the ground heavily, and his clothes and body were already covered with blood.

After learning that he had no chance of winning, the man surnamed Liu planned to beg for mercy, and now he was lying on the ground and shouted loudly to Zhou Zhang.

"Senior, spare your life, senior, spare your life! The little one has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai, bumped into the senior, and I hope that you, the elder, will not care about the villain, let me go this time, I am willing to be a dog by the adult's side, and of course I will do whatever I want. "

Zhou Zhang looked at the man surnamed Liu with a little playfulness. He didn't expect things to get to this point. He even wanted to surrender in exchange for a life.

"Oh? Then tell me, what kind of allegiance can your dog give to me?"

Hearing Zhou Zhang's words, the man surnamed Liu seemed to seize a glimmer of hope and said quickly.

"My lord, I can assure you that I am willing to be loyal to the Jing'an Empire, and I assure you that if I see that boy Fei Ao again, I will definitely kill him."

After listening to the man surnamed Liu, Zhou Zhang did not stop, but continued to walk towards the man surnamed Liu, and shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I don't need so many dogs. All I need is a dog that can go back with its tail between its tails and report information. It's not your dog that stays by my side."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhang directly shot and killed the man named Liu.

At the moment before this man surnamed Liu died, he begged Zhou Zhang to save his life.

At this time, there were no other people on the battlefield. The enemy's coach had already fled, and the remaining immortal-level powerhouse had been beheaded by Zhou Zhang. Yu Binhong saw such an opportunity, so he Order quickly.

"The whole army strikes and kills these dog thieves of the Han Chong Empire!"

At this time, so many soldiers of the Han Chong Empire have no ability to resist, their coach has fled, and another immortal-level powerhouse has also been beheaded. Some of them have already been killed. started to run away.

He had already lost his spiritual support in Fangben, but now some people are running away. At this moment, the Han Chong Empire's camp is completely in chaos.

Under such circumstances, it was simply too easy for the soldiers of the Jing'an Empire to clean up the people of the Han and Chong Empire. They had no intention of continuing to fight. Under a simple siege, the people of the Han and Chong Empire had already disappeared. Stop resisting.

Soon, these people have already fallen into the disadvantage, those who escaped from the Han Chong Empire have no longer pursued, and the rest have been captured by the people of the Jing'an Empire.

These prisoners this time, Zhou Zhang did not take action to solve them. In Zhou Zhou's view, these prisoners have no need to kill them. But this time, there is no such need. They have enough morale now. Bringing these captives back will surely make the people in the city more hopeful.

So Zhou Zhang sent a voice transmission to Yu Hongbin.

"This battle is over, and the aftermath is entirely up to you."

After he finished speaking, Zhou Zhang flew back to Chuanmen City. After all, he was completely invincible before the enemy's behind-the-scenes attack, so he had nothing to worry about.

At this moment, Yu Binhong, who is located outside the city, is ordering his men to escort the captured prisoners. Although the war is ruthless, the soldiers are all for their own sake. Therefore, under normal circumstances, these prisoners of war are either They will be held together, and they will be sent back after the war is over. In another case, they will be directly incorporated into the victorious side's troops.

This battle from the Han Chong Empire soon ended and the days returned to a state of alert.

On the other side, Fei'ao hurried back.This time he is.Risk of losing your head.It was because he couldn't win Zhou Zhang, and he was already scolded like that, and this time, he brought so many troops, and only lost an immortal-level powerhouse, I'm afraid... it will be difficult Forgive yourself.

The man in black saw that Fei'ao came back so quickly, and thought he had taken it down so quickly, so he sat on it and asked.

"Take that Chuanmen City! It seems that the Jing'an Empire is now completely without reliable help."

Facing the question from the man in black, Fei'ao didn't know how to answer.At this moment, he was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the ground.

When the man in black saw Fei'ao's situation, he immediately understood that it must have failed again, and the man in black was also furious.

"Waste, just one Chuanmen city can't handle it. Now I have sent two immortal-level powerhouses, and I can't even win a Zhou Zhang."

At this moment, Fei'ao replied tremblingly.

"Sir, it's not that we don't want to, it's really that Zhou Zhang is too weird. When his subordinates played against him for the first time, he was only slightly stronger than me, but this time the two of us went, and he even stabilized the attack of the two of us. ."

After listening to Fei'ao's words, the man in black also understood.

"Then what you mean is that this time the two of you joined forces and were also defeated by him."

Hear the change in the tone of the man in black.Fei'ao became even more frightened.If you are not careful now, you may face the danger of death.

"Master Hui, Zhou Zhang's strength was too strong. The five or two were not his opponents when they joined forces. The subordinates only escaped from his hands and escaped from his hands. I hope you can..."

Before Fei'ao could finish speaking, the man in black shot directly at him.

Chapter 136 Is there anyone behind the scenes?

"Why do people like you keep you? Delaying the attack time and losing so many soldiers. Now he still wants me to keep another of you? Don't you know that he deliberately asked you to come back to tip me off? ? Now that your mission has been completed, there is no need to live."

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