Only then did Zhou Zhang realize that it turned out that in this black soil city, the Han Chong Empire did not send anyone to guard it.It's just that it doesn't make sense.For you, every city will have corresponding people stationed there, but it is not long after the battle, how could they retreat?

"Then what do you mean by looking for me now?"

Seeing that Zhou Zhang finally asked, Yu Binhong quickly replied.

"Master Zhou, at this moment, the subordinate wants to continue to move forward. Now this black soil city is unmanned, presumably the situation will be the same in several cities after that."

Zhou Zhang thought for a while, and felt that what Yu Binhong said was not unreasonable. Since there is no assistant in a city, the remaining honesty will definitely not be stationed. It seems that this time the Han Chong Empire is afraid of being under his own leadership. More soldiers will be lost.

"Okay, I'm sure about this matter. Let's continue to take those soldiers forward, but one thing to remember is not to go too far. I will also send troops to the rear to support you."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it."

Now that there is the assurance of the Lord of the City, and now the rear will send troops to the front to support him, he can transfer all the soldiers in the Chuanmen City to recover those lost cities.

Soon, Yu Binhong arrived at the school grounds. At this moment, many of those who were not selected just now were still looking down with dejection. Yu Binhong looked at these people and roared.

"Now everyone obeys my order, all gather, we will continue to recover the remaining cities."

Hearing Yu Binhong's words, the people below couldn't believe it.

"Really Commander Yu? Can we go on to recover the other cities?"

"This is still fake. Now the people of the Han Chong Empire have been frightened by us and they have already fled. Now there may be no one in the next few cities. We must pursue the victory and give back all the lost land. Take back."

"Great, Commander Yu!"

Soon this group of people will be assembled, and Yu Binhong will bring them to meet the people you just had, and continue to move forward to regain the lost ground.

On the other hand, after Yu Binhong left, Zhou Zhang also took out the jade and quickly contacted Ye Xinghuai.

"Senior Zhou, I don't know if it's good for you to find me this time?"

Zhou Zhang was also happy after hearing this.

"How do you know that it's a good thing for me to find you this time?"

Ye Xinghuai couldn't help laughing after hearing Zhou Zhang's words.

"Now, with Senior Zhou's strength, there will definitely not be any bad news. As long as you contact me, there must be some good news."

"You guessed it right, today is indeed good news to tell you, we had another big victory yesterday, this time, I'm afraid the people of the Seoul Empire will not be attacking in a short time, and their coach is also I have suffered a loss in my hands. I think I must be worried that if I pursue the victory at this time, it will cause their subordinates to lose more, so I have already transferred all the troops and horses back, and now there are not many cities that have fallen. People are stationed there, and now I have sent people to recover, but these people in Chuanmen City are definitely not enough, so I need to mobilize a large number of troops and horses from the rear to Chuanmen City to achieve faster recovery. Those lost cities."

Ye Xinghuai couldn't believe his ears. There had been such great good news a few days ago, but he didn't expect even bigger news to come back today. If this momentum is followed, the Jing'an Empire will be invincible this time. down.

"Don't worry, Senior Zhou, I am now like other generals delivering the news, asking them to mobilize their troops to go to Chuanmen City as quickly as possible."

After Ye Xinghuai finished speaking, before Zhou Zhang could respond, he cut off the connection between Zimuyu and Zimuyu.

Seeing that Zimuyu suddenly lost its light, Zhou Zhang said angrily.

"Look at you in a hurry, and cut me off without even finishing my words."

But this is no wonder Ye Xinghuai, what he shoots every day is to find some cities that can recover those lost cities. Now that he has such an opportunity, how can he be unhappy?

Soon, Ye Xinhuai contacted the generals in many cities behind and asked them to send troops to Chuanmen City as soon as possible to assist in recovering the lost ground. Although these generals did not usually help Ye Xinghuai, but in such a good situation Next, they were all excited. At this moment, they ordered their subordinates to mobilize their troops to go to Chuanmen City.

Chapter 139 Investigate the news

If this group of people was a plate of loose sand before, then now this plate of loose sand is filled with water, which slowly condenses, and the water poured into this loose sand is the appearance of Zhou Zhang.

Although these generals were reluctant to listen to Ye Xinghuai's words on weekdays and did not want to hand over their military power, but now the country is facing a crisis, although there are some people who are greedy for life and fear of death, most of them are still unwilling to give up their country, and now finally Given an opportunity, a counter-offensive can be launched. How could these generals refuse such a good thing.

And among them, they have heard some deeds of Zhou Zhang more or less. Although they were a little unconvinced before, but now even one of the enemy's immortals has been dealt with, I wonder if any of them would have such a situation. ability.

Soon, those who were close by personally brought their soldiers and those who were farther away sent a few subordinates to lead them. When they arrived in Chuanshui City, Zhou Zhangyi met them and explained the situation to them in detail. The generals who were dispatched brought their troops to recover the lost city.

This group of generals also knew the specific location of the lost city, and soon they each led their team to occupy it. Before leaving, their generals had told them that it would be a credit if they could recover one more. Working hard to do it.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and the common sense that those trivial matters were lost was quickly recovered after the support of the rear troops. At this moment, a question arose in everyone's heart, that is why the Han Chong Empire People haven't fought back!It was not as hard as before to capture so many cities, but now there is no one to garrison here.

In a few days, the troops of the Jing'an Empire were already stationed in these fallen cities. At this moment, the doubts in everyone's hearts became even greater. They have recovered all the cities, except for the more reliable ones. Outside the next few cities, all the heavy soldiers were guarding the front line, but now there is not even a single figure in the Han Chong Empire.

So that the generals who were not guarded in the city were gathered in the city lord's mansion in Chuanmen city at the moment, sitting here to discuss this matter together, it is really too strange for the Han Chong Empire to keep an eye on it.

"I think this matter should be that the Han Chong Empire is waiting for an opportunity. They are mobilizing troops from other places, so there is no conflict with us at this moment."

"I don't think so. If they are mobilizing troops from other places, other wars will be delayed. After all, the Han Chong Empire is now fighting against three empires at the same time."

"This makes sense, they probably think that our Jing'an Empire is not so easy to eat, but maybe they have retreated now, and if they don't retreat, they have no reason to have so many cities without people. stand guard."

Hearing that everyone held their own opinions, Yu Binhong couldn't help feeling a little bit. This group of people had never even been on the battlefield, but they were pointing fingers here at this moment.

"You've said so much, then go and verify if what you said is correct. We fought hard here for so long. Now you are here? It's not helpful at all, it's a bit unreasonable."

When these people heard what Yu Binhong said, they were instantly unhappy.

"What do you mean we didn't help? If we didn't help, would you be able to recover those lost territories so easily? Weren't all those soldiers sent by us?"

"Really, it's like how powerful your Chuanmen City is. If they get to the back, we will drive him back."

After the man said this, he suddenly felt that he had said the wrong thing. He just wanted to brag, but his words were too much. At this moment, there was no one to pick up his words. Everyone turned their attention to Zhou Zhang. After all, these things are all done by this adult.

I didn't get angry until I saw Zhou Zhang, everyone.My group of people are here, and they were punished for offending Zhou Zhang. Even their own generals couldn't keep him. Lord Zhou is now the savior of the entire country of the Jing'an Empire.

"You guys, don't quarrel anymore. Regarding this matter, I think it's better for me to come forward and check the news in person."

When everyone heard Zhou Zhang say this, they were very happy in their hearts, but they couldn't show it directly. At this moment, everyone showed a more reserved look.

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