After seeing Shao Wenlin's gesture, the group of people all walked out one after another.

After seeing everyone go out, Shao Wenlin continued.

"I suspect that this matter was done by our master."

After listening to Shao Wenlin's words, Dai Zhengyang was stunned for a moment and asked.

"When is our master coming back?"

Shao Wenlin wanted Dai Zhengyang to explain.

"A few days ago, this group of people came back in the morning when they went to attack Luoyan Village. After hearing the news, the master disappeared quickly, but these people were later resolved. This matter I also understand, so I didn't say anything, and I didn't ask our master."

Dai Zhengyang listened to Shao Wenlin's analysis, nodded and said.

"You are right, this group of people is estimated to be solved by our master, because I had a general understanding of this group of people that day, there should be more than a thousand people, and their strength is not some mediocre generation, if If it is just relying on officers and soldiers or people from the security team, there will be a fierce battle, but if you solve it so easily, it must be our master."

After listening to Dai Zhengyang's words, Shao Wenlin also clapped his hands and said.

"Yes, that's what I mean, and the last time the emperor was in our house, he wanted to ask our master for help, but based on the information I have found out now, the difficulties of the Jing'an Empire now are the matter that the Han Chong Empire came to attack. , But in the past few days, I have heard about the withdrawal of the Han Chong Empire, and our master came back in the past few days, so I am even more convinced of this."

After listening to Shao Wenlin's analysis, Dai Zhengyang couldn't help getting more nervous, and quickly covered Shao Wenlin's mouth and said.

"Brother Shao, it's enough for you and I to know about this matter, but don't tell me about this matter. Since our master can defeat the Han Chong Empire by ourselves, we can imagine it. How powerful it is, I am staying in this shelter from the rain, there must be some reason, let's let the master live as an ordinary person, and this matter must not be messed up after my lover Discussed."

When Shao Wenlin heard Dai Zhengyang's words, he also reacted immediately. They should not discuss this matter in the future.

Shao Wenlin slowly took down Dai Zhengyang's hand over his mouth, meaning he already knew.

At this time, Dai Zhengyang walked out of the barracks and checked it out. The remaining people in the village were all killed. At this moment, Dai Zhengyang's inner anger was not a little bit. He trusted them so much before, but in exchange for it The current situation.

Now that Dai Zhengyang has been rescued, the two quickly returned with the security team.

Back at Luoyan Village, Dai Zhengyang first went to visit Zhou Zhang. After all, he had just experienced such a thing. First of all, he had to inform Zhou Zhang first, and then his master had been out for so long, so he always needed to see him.

"Master, you're back. I was brought back by Shao Wenlin just now. I'm a little ashamed to say it."

Before Dai Zhengyang could finish speaking, Zhou Zhang interrupted him directly.

"It's good to come back, this matter has passed, let it pass, why do you always have to suffer a little to learn to grow, next time you will definitely not be so careless."

Dai Zhengyang was very grateful to Zhou Zhang at the moment, and didn't ask himself why he went out. He didn't come back for more than half a month, and he didn't even have any news.

"Thank you, sir, for not pursuing my dereliction of duty for so many days."

Seeing that Dai Zhengyang was still blaming himself, Zhou Zhang waved his hand and said.

"Since people have come back, it's the best thing, so don't worry about other things, just do your job well."

Dai Zhengyang said gratefully after listening to Zhou Zhang's words.

"Yes sir, I will definitely work hard to do the job at hand."

"Well, I believe you, go back and rest, you must be exhausted this time."

"Yes, sir."

After Dai Zhengyang finished speaking, he left directly. Now he is not going to rest. He wants to check the work that he has not managed these days to see if there are any omissions.

Watching Dai Zhengyang leave, Zhou Zhang also withdrew his gaze, hoping that the two of them could let themselves worry less in the future.

On this side, Lin Shaoqing was also worried, and his daughter kept clamoring to find Zhou Zhang all day long.

"Dad, let's go take a look at Uncle Zhou, shall we? It's been so long, I've missed Uncle Zhou."

Lin Shaoqing glanced at what his daughter said.

"No, you say that every day, I'm bored, aren't you bored?"

Lin Linger said with some dissatisfaction.

"You also know that your daughter says it every day, that you don't know it every day. Promise your daughter once."

Lin Shaoqing's head went up when he heard this. Since the last time he came back, his daughter's temperament seems to have changed greatly. Before, she was a gentle and sensible daughter, but since she came back last time, she seems to have changed. Getting more and more surprised.

"Just get rid of this idea, what are you doing so far away when you have nothing to do?"

Lin Linger blinked and replied.

"Nothing, I just want to see my Uncle Zhou. After all, they gave us such a big gift."

But what Lin Linger said is quite reasonable. The painting Zhou Zhang gave him does have a very obvious effect. Now Lin Linger's realm can be said to be on a rocket-like climb. Originally, the realm of her own daughter Only at the level of a teacher, but in the past few months since he came back, he has continued to climb, and now he has reached the holy level, and even his father is a little ashamed.

Lin Shaoqing actually wanted to visit Zhou Zhang. After all, Zhou Zhang gave their family such a big gift. At that time, he had nothing to thank, so he always felt a little indebted.

Thinking of this, Lin Shaoqing was finally relieved.

"Okay, then I promise you, this time, we will set off for Luoyan Village in a few days."

Lin Linger jumped up happily when she heard that her father had agreed to this matter.

I knew Dad was the best and would definitely agree to this.

After hearing this, Lin Shaoqing shook his head helplessly, afraid that if he didn't agree again, his daughter would definitely keep entangled.

Chapter 153 Arriving at Luoyan Village

As for Lin Linger, after saying this, she jumped back to her room to prepare to pack up. Since her father had already promised to go to Luoyan Village, she had to pack up and put the things in order. I have brought everything I need to bring. Now that I have gone out this time, I have to stay in Luoyan Village for a few days. Because of the auction, I didn’t even play with me, this time I must. make up for this regret.

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