Zhou Zhang is also extremely embarrassed at the moment, what is a man's vision is very bad, can it be said that his own vision is also very bad?

Lin Linger didn't know what Zhou Zhang was thinking. If he knew, she wouldn't say it at this moment.

Lin Linger was a little embarrassed to see that the two of them didn't speak at the moment, but now she is not the shy little girl she used to be.

"Uncle Zhou, would you like to accompany me around this Luoyan Village? The last time I came here, I didn't have a good time here."

Zhou Zhang was a little confused.

"There's nothing to see in Luoyan Village. It's all people who come and go and do business."

Lin Linger was almost hurt by Zhou Zhang's words, and she asked him to go shopping with her to get such a reply.

"How would you know if you didn't go out and have a good look? You don't know this town very well."

After Lin Linger finished speaking, Zhou Zhang rolled his eyes.

Lin Shaoqing saw this scene and understood what happened to his daughter. His own thinking was not wrong at all. His daughter was indeed fascinated by Zhou Zhang. Lin Shaoqing couldn't help sighing, although he knew clearly The two are not from the same world, but since my daughter already has a choice, I, as a father, need help no matter what.

"Master Zhou, you don't have anything important to do in the afternoon anyway. We are here to visit you this time. I still need to settle down, so please ask Master Zhou to accompany the little girl first."

After hearing her father's words, Lin Ling'er blinked at Lin Shaoqing, thinking that her father had always refused to come here before, but what her father said just now was so handsome that she didn't realize herself for so long. His father has such a handsome side.

After listening to Lin Shaoqing's words, Zhou Zhang also thought about it. Seeing the current situation, they really turned to see themselves, and they really need to enter the friendship of the landlord.

Seeing Zhou Zhang who was still thinking, Lin Linger asked.

"Have you made up your mind, Uncle Zhou? We are here to visit you. We didn't stop by to see you, so just accompany me!! My father still has things to do."

Seeing Lin Linger's high emotions Zhou Zhang couldn't refuse.

"Well... well then, anyway, I just paint every day, and I don't have anything important right now, so I'll accompany you for a walk."

"That's great, Uncle Zhou, let's go now!"

Lin Ling'er jumped up happily, holding Zhou Zhang's hand and was about to pull it out, and Zhou Zhang was directly dragged out of the studio.

When Zhou Zhang was pulled out, he realized that his painting shop was not yet connected, and shouted loudly.

"Wait a minute, don't leave in a hurry, my painting shop isn't closed yet."

Lin Linger also discovered that Zhou Zhang's shop was not related.

"It's okay, there's nothing valuable in the shop, and no one would dare to steal from Uncle Zhou's shop."

Zhou Zhang was also speechless. Although what he said was true, it was always unnecessary to close the door.

Lin Shaoqing said to Zhou Zhang after seeing this scene.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou, just go. I'll close it for you here."

After speaking, she waved at Zhou Zhang, Lin Linger also waved at him when she saw that her father was so supportive of her today.

Lin Shaoqing watched the two people disappear from his sight, turned around, closed Zhou Zhang's shop, and went to look for the inn.

Lin Shaoqing hesitated until he arrived at the inn when the second inn asked Lin Shaoqing how many rooms he needed.

Now I need a room, and my accompanying servant needs two, but do I need a room for my daughter?According to common sense, your daughter will come back, but now there is an area where you can't tell, and your daughter is likely to live in Zhou Zhang's house...

Thinking of this, Lin Shaoqing's face couldn't help gloomy. He had worked so hard to raise his daughter for so many years, and now it has such an ending. It's really nerve-racking. After thinking about it, Lin Shaoqing still said.

"Well, we want three rooms."

"Okay guest officer, please come here, I'll take you to the area in the guest room."

After saying that, the shop assistant took Lin Shaoqing and everyone to the guest room on the second floor.

Chapter 155 Buying Food

The few people who followed Lin Shaoqing were stunned when they heard Lin Shaoqing say that he wanted a room. How could he want a room?

"Patriarch Lin, did you remember it wrong? Shouldn't we want four rooms?"

Lin Shaoqing stopped when he heard the questions from the people behind him, turned around and said to them.

"No, I remember correctly, we really need three rooms now."

Hearing Lin Shaoqing's answer, the people behind him quickly asked.

"But sir, we still have a young lady, don't you care about the young lady?"

Lin Shaoqing was also a little depressed, he didn't really want to open only three rooms, but now he can only do so.

"It's really three rooms. I think Ling'er probably won't be back tonight."

It was only then that everyone understood. Just now they only saw their owner and the young lady go out, but they didn't follow the past. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid it has something to do with the fact that a few of them didn't know about it.

Seeing that everyone was still thinking, Lin Shaoqing patted a few people and said.

"Don't think about it, hurry up and tidy up the room, I will live here in the next ten days or so."

Then everyone came back to their senses, and hurriedly took their luggage and walked upstairs.

Here, Lin Linger took Zhou Zhang and walked in Luoyuan Village. Originally, Lin Linger was very interested in walking in the direction of the monks' exchange, but when she got there, she realized that there was nothing fun there, and they came and went. People are all buying and selling things, and they are not interested at all right now.

Zhou Zhang also discovered Lin Linger's thoughts and state, but since Zhou Zhang was following others, it was not easy to express his own opinions, so he let Lin Linger continue to lead the way.

At the cultivator exchange again, I walked for a while and went into several stores to watch the situation, but in the end Lin Linger really couldn't help it.

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