Shao Wenlin was a little puzzled when he saw his wife mysteriously pulling him over, but he didn't expect to ask himself this question.

"Just the door. When I came back, I saw a person standing at the door. When I got closer, I realized that it was Miss Lin, so I called him home for dinner."

After Feng Qianxue heard this, she said oh.

"I see, I guessed right."

"What did you guess right? What are you talking about!"

Shao Wenlin was even more confused by what his wife said, what is this all about!

Feng Qianxue pinched Shao Wenlin and said.

"You're a pig's brain! Can't you see it so obviously? Miss Lin, she must be looking for her master when she came so late. It's not obvious that it's interesting to our master!"

Shao Wenlin understood at once, but had some doubts.

"Our lord, he is already a man in his thirties now. This young lady of the Lin family is probably only eighteen or nineteen years old now. Does he really like our lord?"

"If you say you are a pig's brain, that's a pig's brain, so don't worry about it. Anyway, what I said is right, that's right, now you hurry up and persuade and let Miss Lin live in our house tonight, remember , no matter what, let Miss Lin stay at the mansion tonight."

After speaking, Feng Qianxue pushed Shao Wenlin. Shao Wenlin was taken aback by the push. He turned his head and glared at Feng Qianxue, but Feng Qianxue didn't care about this. After the push, he did not forget to wink at Shao Wenlin.

Shao Wenlin was also a little helpless, cleared his throat and walked towards Lin Linger and said.

"Miss Lin, if it's already so late today, why don't you stay at the Zhou Mansion tonight."

Lin Linger was very happy when she heard this, but she couldn't agree immediately. After all, a girl still needs to be reserved, and she can't just agree to live in someone else's house!But he was afraid that Shao Wenlin's words were polite, so he thought about it and said.

"Thank you Uncle Shao for your kindness. I'll go back later."

When Shao Wenlin heard it, this is not acceptable. Now he has to sign a red line for his master.

"Miss Lin, it's getting late now, but there are some unsafe things in Luoyan Village. You'd better stay."

"No, Uncle Zhou has a guard in Luoyan Village! It's fine."

After Lin Linger said this, she regretted her mouth. What happened to her mouth?Now that Uncle Shao has kept him, he said that Luo Yancun is very safe, safe ass, doesn't it mean that he doesn't want to stay here!

Shao Wenlin couldn't answer this sentence. The security in Luoyan Village is now harmonious, so what's the danger? Feng Qianxue can't stand it any longer. Why can't her husband keep him alone? Linger is leaving!So he came over and said to Lin Linger.

"Miss Lin, you'd better stay here, our room is ready for you, and the inn is far away, so you won't have to run again, anyway, you will be familiar with it after staying here for a few days. Well, just stay!"

Lin Linger seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and sewed one by herself. It was too timely. If Feng Yi hadn't opened her mouth, she might have really left tonight, so she said quickly.

"Then... then thank Aunt Lin for your kindness."

Feng Qianxue said happily after hearing this.

"Hey, what's the matter, who let me your aunt!"

Shao Wenlin was also stunned to see the situation that his wife had taken care of so quickly. He didn't expect that Lin Linger would be kept so easily.

Now that she had decided to stay here, Feng Qianxue took it with her. Lin Linger had already tidied up when she entered the room, but this room was cleaned every day, but it was not specially prepared for Lin Linger. .

Feng Qianxue was also pleased for her diligence. If she hadn't cleaned the house every day, Lin Linger would have left tonight.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang returned to the negative room, and felt that what he said during the day was a little too much. After all, a girl's family, no matter what, there is always some, self-esteem is there, but he said that must hurt others' hearts Yes, coupled with his performance at the dinner table tonight, Zhou Zhang is even more certain.

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhang still decided to apologize to Linglinger, um, but I don't know if Lin Linger has left at this time?After walking out, I asked a little and found out that Lin Linger was staying here tonight, which was more convenient, so Zhou Zhang walked to Lin Linger's room.

Chapter 159 Apologize

When Zhou Zhang walked to Lin Linger's door, he pushed the door in without hesitation.

At this moment, Lin Linger was changing clothes in her room. She had not changed her clothes on the way to Luoyan Village. After arriving at Luoyan Village, she went directly to Zhou Zhang, so she has not changed her clothes until now. So when Lin Linger first entered the house, she couldn't wait to start changing her clothes, and she even had Aunt Ma burn the bath water just now.

In addition, now that I have a place to stay at night, and I am still at my Uncle Zhou's house, my mood has become unusually cheerful, so I happily hummed and started to undress.

Lin Linger, who heard the door opening, looked at the door subconsciously. Zhou Zhang and Lin Linger looked at each other, but at this distance, although they were looking at each other, they could see everything in front of them. I found myself taking off my clothes at the moment, and now I can say that I have finished taking off my clothes.


Lin Linger called out loudly, and she was actually seen by Uncle Zhou!

After hearing Lin Linger's cry, Zhou Zhang also found Lin Linger who was undressing in the room, and quickly turned his head away, but it was already a little late. He threw something at Zhou Zhang, and Zhou Zhang was also hit by this unexpected throw.

Zhou Zhang, who was hit, also quickly took a step back and quickly closed the door.

Lin Ling'er in the house was also blushing at the moment. She was changing clothes in the house, but she never thought that her Uncle Zhou didn't even knock on the door and came in directly.

But he was too unguarded. He didn't even notice when someone walked to the door. He was really careless. Lin Linger, who was in a panic, found a simple dress and put it on.

Zhou Zhang outside the house only heard the rustling voice inside the house, and soon Lin Linger's voice came from inside.

"Does Uncle Zhou have anything to do with me?"

Lin Linger asked this and walked away from the door.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang is still thinking about how to answer it at the door!Originally, I wanted to apologize for what happened in the afternoon, but something like that happened just now.

At this time, Lin Linger had already opened the door and stood at the door. Seeing Zhou Zhang who was still in a daze, she asked another question.

"Anything with me? Uncle Zhou?"

Zhou Zhang heard the voice and turned his head to see Lin Linger who had already dressed and walked out. If it were normal, Zhou Zhang would have spoken his thoughts immediately, but today he took another look at Lin Linger unexpectedly.

Lin Linger had just changed her clothes, so she was simply looking for a piece of clothes at the moment. With such a large beam as Zhou Zhang, she suddenly felt that her whole body was being seen through. Lin Linger hurriedly covered her body with her hands. ashamed.

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