After searching aimlessly and carefully in Luoyan Village, Lin Linger finally realized the reality, and her Uncle Zhou probably left here.

Depressed, Lin Linger had no choice but to go back to the inn. After talking with her father, she decided to go back.

"Okay, daughter, Daddy will take you home! We're not here anymore!"

After listening to her father's words, Lin Linger finally couldn't help crying.

Lin Shaoqing felt heartbroken when he saw his unsightly daughter crying in his arms. He never imagined that such an ending would happen, and that Zhou Zhang would leave such a lovely daughter alone. He even thought about it. Many results, but only did not expect this will be the case.

Seeing her daughter's sad appearance now, Luo Yancun didn't need to stay any longer, so she directly packed her luggage and prepared to go home.

But in fact, it is not Lin Linger who is thinking of Zhou Zhang at the moment. Zhan Taicongxue, who is far away in the Han Chong Empire, is also thinking of his elder brother Zhou.

It has been more than ten years since I left the Yellow Dragon Empire, but during this period, the only news I heard was probably about my eldest brother Zhou, that is, the white clothed boy who appeared in the Jing'an Empire. Other news.

Even Zhou Zhang himself did not think that he would make the two women think of him all day long.

However, Zhou Zhang definitely didn't have the time to think about these things at the moment. At this moment, he was laying hard and thinking about the reasons why his cultivation was stagnant.

I used to think that this path was very correct, but now I found that there was a deviation. Now I can clearly perceive that it seems that I have reached a bottleneck and there is no way to move forward.

Although I have thought before that this is not a long-term solution, but now it has arrived a little too fast, and I have not enjoyed it enough, and the growth of cultivation has stagnated.

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhang really couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it first, but took out the dragon veins from the storage ring and began to study it. Since the last time I received it, I really haven't read it well. .

After taking out the dragon veins, the four walls of the cave were illuminated golden, and the spiritual energy in the cave became richer.

Zhou Zhang saw such a big change in the cave, so he took out a small part of the spiritual vein and swallowed it into his mouth. Although the dragon vein was liquid, after entering Zhou Zhang's mouth, it became hot and hard, as if bitten A piece of hot iron.

Zhou Zhang quickly spit it out and held it in his hand. Zhou Zhang was a little puzzled. He could hold it in his hand according to the formula, but when he wanted to swallow it, it turned from liquid to solid, and it was incomparable. With his current cultivation, there are not many things that can make him feel hot, and it is still too hot to hold on.

Seeing such a result, Zhou Zhang also understood that this dragon vein is not something that can be swallowed. If it were swallowed into his stomach like this, he would probably burn himself to death.

It seems that this formula is also very clever. After having the formula, I can control it, but once it is put into my mouth, it suddenly loses control.

"Maybe I'm not mistaken, this thing can indeed be taken orally, but I haven't used this formula to become skilled."

I have to admire Zhou Zhang's idea. This dragon vein is not actually taken orally. Even if the formula is really integrated, it can't be done, because even if it really enters the stomach, it will not have much reaction. Dragon vein It's not a pill after all.

But at this moment, Zhou Zhang had already made up his mind and started slowly, to master his own formulas.

Chapter 168 Failed to open the altar

Day by day, Zhou Zhang is still trying hard, how can he swallow the dragon veins, but every time it ends in failure, the dragon veins give him the feeling that he can't be swallowed at all. , and gradually Zhou Zhang has lost confidence.

Every time I enter my mouth, the feeling is so hot that I don't even see any improvement. I have used all my strength to control it, but at most it is when I swallow it, but according to this process, if I really He swallowed into his belly, but he suddenly became hot, what should he do?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang didn't dare to try again. It is true that his cultivation can be improved, but his life is more important.

At this moment, as the day progresses, the progress of the Han Chong Empire is also very smooth. After all, in the Tianshui Empire and the Kaiyang Empire, there is no such powerful foreign aid as Zhou Zhang.

In addition, after the Han Chong Empire had external assistance, it was originally a three-front battle, especially the troops to attack the Jing'an Empire were also dispatched, and the Han Chong Empire almost broke down the two empires. It was to endure the humiliation of handing over the dragon veins in order to protect their own country. Fortunately, the dragon veins did not need all of them, but only the dragon veins of six different countries, but they also took away [-]% of the dragon veins. Greatly hurt.

So after collecting the dragon veins of the six kingdoms, the opening of the secret treasure in the Yellow Dragon Empire has also been on the right track. As early as when everyone collected the dragon veins, they began to look for the location of the secret treasure in the Yellow Dragon Empire.

Now, before the collection of dragon veins is completed, the secret location in the Yellow Dragon Empire has been found. At this moment, a group of people are standing in front of a huge altar, and there is a person standing at the front of the altar. What is floating in front of him is the dragon veins of the Six Kingdoms. .

Carefully put the dragon veins into the six parts of the six-pointed star array, and I can no longer calm down.

As the dragon veins were sent into the hexagonal star formation, the formation gradually flickered. Soon, the dragon veins disappeared completely, but the rays of light on the formation became more and more dazzling.

At this moment, the person standing at the front of the altar is even more excited. The plan that he has worked so hard to manage for so long can finally be completed today.

But what makes it hard for everyone to imagine is that after the dazzling light gradually faded, the formation returned to its original appearance, without the slightest change, as if the scene just now had not happened.

"tmd, what is this! What's going on! It's obviously been sent to the dragon vein, what does this altar want?"

This person couldn't help but swear directly. He had put the dragon veins of the Six Kingdoms into the altar according to what was said on the secret scroll that got this news. After the dazzling light, there will be a secret entrance, but now the light has dissipated, but the entrance has not been opened. This entrance is obviously under the altar.

He couldn't help but slammed the altar, but his moves disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

If he hadn't been able to attack, he would definitely not have worked hard to make a promise, and then asked a group of people to find the dragon veins for him. At this moment, this person turned to look at the few people who were collecting dragon veins behind him, and his eyes seemed to have murderous eyes.

"Tell me! Are these dragon veins collected from the six countries?"

Everyone was so frightened by the sight that they quickly knelt down, and one of the people who was mainly responsible for collecting dragon veins said quickly.

"Lord, these dragon veins are indeed collected from six countries. According to the master's request, the subordinates have extracted [-]% of the dragon veins from the dragon veins of these six countries."

Looking at the people kneeling on the ground at the moment, this person is even more angry, if this dragon vein is not wrong, is it possible that the dense scroll he obtained before is wrong?

With the instability of the heart, the aura in the body could not help but become messy, everyone was oppressed by this, and the oppressed did not dare to move, and everyone lowered their heads and dared not look at the situation at the moment.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something. He didn't know any of the words on the secret scroll, and the secret scroll was obtained by accident. The text on it was a long time ago, so he found Bai Xiaolou and the Numerous people who might know the text came to decipher the text on it, so there was nothing wrong with the secret scroll, and the location was right, so the only thing that was wrong was the deciphered thing. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get annoyed.

"How dare you play tricks on me? Don't weigh yourself!"

After he finished speaking, he left immediately, looking for someone who deciphered the text to settle the account.

It wasn't until this person left that everyone slowly stood up from the ground. The feeling of oppression that he gave everyone just now was almost unbearable. If he just said the wrong thing, he might have died on the spot.

However, Zhou Zhang didn't know what happened at the moment. He thought that this secret treasure was no longer with him, but looking at the current situation, this secret treasure has not been successfully opened, maybe Zhou Zhang still has such a glimmer of hope Woolen cloth.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang in the cave began to try external use after swallowing the dragon vein to no avail. He still used the small part of the dragon vein that was not swallowed, and slowly smeared it on his arm.

Although it was a little bit, after experiencing the scorching painful experience before, Zhou Zhang also raised his heart to his throat. If the temperature is so hot again, will a piece of his arm be burned off? ?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang was also a little worried, but at this moment, for the breakthrough of his own cultivation, he should burn himself.

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