Chapter 170 Procurement

It turns out that this is the case. This thunderbolt stone is very bulky and heavy, and such a large Jing'an Empire cannot be stored separately. It can only be transported when there is a need.

"Since this is the case, then I can rest assured. I need to build a city, but I don't know how much it would take to build this city wall with thunderstone?"

The shopkeeper can't believe his ears. Build a city?Nowadays, the Jing'an Empire is really reluctant to give up other places except the imperial city with so much strength.

"Young master, you're not kidding me, this thunderbolt stone is very precious, it can be said to be the same price as gold! Isn't it a bit exaggerated to build a city!"

After listening to Shao Wenlin, he quickly waved his hand and explained.

"The shopkeeper is afraid that there is some misunderstanding. The city I said is not as big as the imperial city, but a place with the size of a town, and now it needs to be upgraded to a city."

Really startled the shopkeeper, a city is no joke, what a huge amount of engineering and consumption it would take.

"I don't know where the place you are talking about is? Have you estimated the approximate range?"

Shao Wenlin had already calculated it before, so he said.

"Probably a distance as large as ten miles."

Good guy, I just said that it was a small city, and this opening directly said that it was ten miles in radius. The shopkeeper calmed down the fluctuations in his heart and calmed down and said.

"Young master, do you have to spend ten miles in this area? That's a lot of money!"

Shao Wenlin nodded and said.

"Well, all the city walls within a radius of ten miles are needed, but if it's really too expensive, you'll have to change other stones."

When the shopkeeper heard Shao Wenlin's second half sentence, he almost yelled at him. If it's too expensive, he would have to change the material. Could it be that you are here to entertain me?In addition to the ability of a small village just mentioned, there must not be too much capital to build a city now, but as a businessman, he still introduced it to Shao Wenlin calmly.

"The son's needs are not ordinary. If you really need so much, it is better to give the son a discounted price, ten million high-grade Lingyu."

After the shopkeeper finished speaking, his heart was also uneasy. He really couldn't guarantee that the people in front of him would buy it at such a high price.

In fact, Shao Wenlin was a little surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect it to be so high. The two items at the auction were high-grade Lingyu that sold for more than ten million yuan. At the time, he thought it was a lot, but he didn't expect to buy one. The stones are about to run out in no time!

"Okay, then it's settled. If possible, I hope the shopkeeper can also help find the corresponding craftsman to go with."

After purchasing such expensive materials, almost all the money obtained from the auction was used up. Even Shao Wenlin was a little surprised!Sure enough, the weapons and cheats given by Zhou Zhang were not superfluous at all. How could there be so much money? I thought that the money that the master gave was too valuable, but I didn't expect it to be just right.

The shopkeeper couldn't believe his ears!The sale of more than [-] million top-grade Lingyu is so settled?The person in front of him only thought for a while.

In fact, the shopkeeper didn't know that at this moment, Shao Wenlin's heart was very flustered. More than [-] million high-grade Lingyu, he had spent it all in one mouth, and so much money was actually in his pocket. Before it was hot, it was all over in no time.

"Okay son, right now! No! I'll do it for you now."

After he finished speaking, the shopkeeper hurriedly ran out, fetched a pen and paper, and had to quickly write down the receipt. He was worried that the person in front of him would go back on such a big deal.

Soon, the shopkeeper took a pen and paper from the outside and wrote the documents.

"I haven't asked the son's name yet."

After all, I have to write the receipt now, so I need to write Shao Wenlin's name, but at the moment, the shopkeeper doesn't know what his name is!

"Oh, Shao Wenlin."

After the shopkeeper wrote Shao Wenlin's name, he took the written word and asked Shao Wenlin.

"Okay, Young Master Shao, can you read the document like this?"

Shao Wenlin took it, and read the words in the shopkeeper's hand.

"Today, I am a Jade Whole Stone Shop, selling thunder stones, with a total of [-] million top-grade Lingyu, and I promise to find the necessary craftsmen without paying extra. Party A Zhang Quanjia, Party B Shao Wenlin."

Shao Wenlin looked at the document in his hand, nodded with satisfaction, then wrote his name on it, and drew another fingerprint.

Zhang Quanjia hurriedly asked when he saw that Shao Wenlin had signed the document.

"I don't know Master Shao, when will the [-] million top-grade Lingyu be redeemed?"

Zhang Quanjia was very worried at the moment. After all, in such a big business, if he didn't see the money, he wouldn't dare to transport the thunderbolt easily. If he couldn't get the money when he got there, he couldn't do anything about it.

After listening to Zhang Quanjia's words, Shao Wenlin took it out of his body. The top-grade Lingyu in the storage ring appeared in the room with a rumbling sound, and soon the Lingyu piled up like a mountain and appeared in the room. However, due to the small space in the house, there was no way to take it out completely. Shao Wenlin stopped after seeing that a lot had been taken out.

At this moment, Zhang Quanjia has not bothered to care whether he has taken out all the Lingyu?At this moment, he was dumbfounded when he saw the mountain of commodity spirit jade. When he went to mine these thunderbolts, he thought he would make a lot of money, but he didn't expect to find many places after mining. The thunderbolt stone is obviously such a good stone, but no one buys it, so it can only be piled up there, not to mention the pile up there, and you have to pay a lot of silver taels every day to find someone to take care of it.

Now, Zhang Quan's family of ten million pieces of top-grade Lingyu already has plans to clear all the thunderstones.

Shao Wenlin saw that there was no way to take it out, so he said to Zhang Quanjia.

"Boss Zhang is really embarrassed, your house is a bit cramped, and now you have only taken out four million pieces of high-grade Lingyu, why don't you consider these areas as a deposit first, if you send the Lingyu to Luoyan Village? When the time comes, the remaining six million pieces of high-grade Lingyu will be handed over.”

When Zhang Quanjia heard this, he quickly nodded and said.

"Okay! Yes, Mr. Shao, the four million Lingyu will be considered as a deposit. You can rest assured. I will give you as many thunderstones as I have here. I will ensure that the city will be built completely and completely. There will be no shortage of materials.”

Chapter 171 Disturbance

After listening to Zhang Quanjia's words, Shao Wenlin was relieved. What he was most worried about was that he had taught so many spiritual jades, but when the time came, he would not be able to satisfy the construction of the city with the Thunder Stone.

"In that case, I have thanked Boss Zhang, but I also asked Boss Zhang to confirm the location of Luoyan Village."

After speaking, Shao Wenlin took out the first map, like Zhang Quanjia pointing at Wei Zhi in Luoyan Village. He was afraid that Zhang Quanjia would send the stones to the wrong place. After all, he could not guarantee that there was another place called Luoyan Village. .

Zhang Quanjia looked at the place indicated by Shao Wenlin, and many maps were marked. After marking, he patted his chest and said to Shao Wenlin.

"Don't worry, Young Master Shao, I have already recorded the place, and I will definitely not go wrong. I will definitely go there in person at that time, and make sure to deliver the stone to Young Master Shao."

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