This time, when Zhou Ling had recovered his strength, he just rushed directly to the restraint, only to find that Zhou Zhang moved again without warning.

This unpredictable action made Zhou Ling hurriedly brake, and after stopping his figure, he found that Zhou Zhang only moved a little, and then there was no movement again. Zhou Ling couldn't help but sighed in relief, almost thinking that he was going to wake up at this time!

However, Zhou Ling, who had learned this lesson, also thought about it. Now this appearance has been going on for too long, and Zhou Ling has some hair in his heart. If Zhou Zhang woke up early in the morning, he was a bystander. What would it be like to see how he broke his ban?

"My God, this thief can't be so sinister, right? If he really has been looking at me, for such a long time, wouldn't it be that my behavior has already been watched by him?"

Zhou Ling couldn't help but feel a chill on his back when he thought of this. With such a conjecture, Zhou Ling no longer acted rashly, but stared at Zhou Zhang all the time, wanting to see if he was pretending to be dizzy.

However, after observing for two days, Zhou Ling found that he was too nervous before, and there was no such situation at all. He would definitely not be so bored to watch himself to break through the ban!

"It scared me to death. I didn't expect how many people would have to be careful now, but..."

Zhou Ling couldn't help but laugh.

"Hehe... If this body is occupied by me, then the uncle will come back brilliantly again!"

At this time, the two sides started the same contest again. Zhou Ling kept trying to break through the restriction outside, while Zhou Zhang kept walking inside.

However, at this moment, Zhou Zhang is already a little powerless after ten days of running. In this golden space, Zhou Zhang has neither food nor drink. Now he has walked without sleep for ten days. At this moment, although the hunger in the body can still be tolerated, the powerlessness caused by the lack of water in the body is getting bigger and bigger.

"No, this thing isn't kidding me. If I'm really exhausted here, wouldn't I be able to get out for the rest of my life?"

At this time, Zhou Zhang also thought of the artifact that stayed outside.

"I almost forgot, there's that little thing that sneaked out when I was in retreat last time. Compared to this time, it's coming out too. Considering my restrictions, I'm afraid he has already thought of a way at this moment. ."

When Zhou Zhang thought of this, he regained his energy. If he didn't work hard, he might not only be stuck here, but would also be occupied by the artifact spirit. Zhou Zhang would not allow such a thing to happen.

Standing up, Zhou Zhang continued to walk forward.

Zhou Ling, who was outside at the moment, was also delayed for two days because of the observation of Zhou Zhang before, and now he is using his best ability to break the confinement.

Now ten days have passed, and Shao Wenlin also rushed back to Luoyan Village, but after returning to Luoyan Village, he realized that his master hadn't come back, and he never came back after he left. Shao Wenlin became even more curious. This time the master went out and only told himself to build a Qingluo City, and he didn't say anything else.

Soon, Shao Wenlin thought of a relatively bad idea. It is very likely that his master really left this time. If this is the case, doesn't it prove that he will never see him again?

Chapter 173 Qingluo City

Soon, Shao Wenlin rejected this idea, how could he think so?My master will definitely not abandon them, maybe he will come back one day, I have to do the things that my master ordered before he left.

A few days after Shao Wenlin returned to Luoyan Village, Zhang Quanjia brought a group of horses to Luoyan Village.

Along the way, Zhang Quanjia also got to know more about this place, but the more he knew, the more surprised he became. A small border village like this has become one in a few decades. to build a city.

Soon, the two sides met. This time Zhang Quanjia did not bring all the things. It was because the amount of work was too large. This time, he and others only brought one-third.

Seeing the thunderbolt stone brought here, Shao Wenlin was also more and more delighted. If such a stone was used to build a city, it would definitely become a fortress.

However, when Shao Wenlin wanted to give Zhang Quanjia the remaining money, Zhang Quanjia refused.

"Young Master Shao, the money should be given later. Now I only brought one-third of the stones, and I haven't brought more than half of the stones. Now that the money is given to me, are you not afraid that I will run away? ?"

After listening to Zhang Quanjia's words, Shao Wenlin also laughed out loud.

"What did Boss Zhang say? Since your store has a presence all over the country, how could it possibly ruin the reputation you have experienced over the years because of my business."

Zhang Quanjia laughed after hearing what Shao Wenlin said.

"I didn't expect Young Master Shao to think so finely, don't worry, I will definitely come to get the remaining money, but it must be the next time."

After speaking, Zhang Quanjia pointed to the more than [-] people behind him.

"Of course these people are the craftsmen promised that day, there is no need for extra fees, their fees will be covered by me, but now I can only find so much, it is estimated that when I come next time Others can be found."

After Shao Wenlin listened, he quickly waved his hand and said.

"Thank you Boss Zhang for your trouble, so many people are already very grateful, and the rest will just let me find them. Boss Shao just needs to deliver the stones as soon as possible."

"Young Master Shao doesn't need to refuse. For me, such a big business is not only a profitable business, but also saves me a lot of trouble. You don't know where these stones are placed? Not a small expense.”

When Shao Wenlin heard this, he no longer refused Zhang Quanjia's kindness. I'm afraid that if he refused again, Zhang Quanjia would be a little unhappy.

Soon, after the Zhang family unloaded all the stones, they took the people who transported the goods back to the road of pulling the goods.

Shao Wenlin looked at the people brought by Zhang Quanjia and hurriedly got busy. He ordered the craftsmen in Luoyan Village to join these people and quickly check around the Luoyan Village. After all, he didn't know how to build this city. That's right, so far there is not even a blueprint.

Shao Wenlin can only pin his hopes on these craftsmen. After all, there are many craftsmen among them who have participated in the construction of the city.

However, after these craftsmen walked around Luoyan Village, they regretfully told Shao Wenlin that they had indeed participated in the construction of the city, but now they want to build a city that matches Luoyan Village. There are some difficulties, if you give them the drawings and let them build it, it's a simple matter.

Shao Wenlin didn't expect such trouble, so he hurried to find relevant personnel to come and investigate. Fortunately, these people also had relevant experience before, otherwise it would be difficult for him to find a good designer now.

Soon, Shao Wenlin listened to what these craftsmen said, and found many designers. Some of these people were far away and some were near. Shao Wenlin asked Dai Zhengyang to invite them, and those who were near would bring people there.

Now that I have money, I invite more designers and let them design a most satisfactory solution. That is the best.

But Shao Wenlin didn't expect so many designers to have a little temper one by one after coming here. Each of them thinks that their achievements in this area are very high, and no one looks down on the other.

"Sir Shao, I don't know what you mean. Since you have already invited me over, why do you want to invite so many extra people? Are you looking down on me?"

"Sir Shao, in my opinion, these people can only attack me, but I don't like some of them. You should send them back."

This gave Shao Wenlin some headaches, but when he finally proposed the blueprint for this city, if someone's design was used, he would be given [-] pieces of high-grade Lingyu, these people all kept silent.

Although they looked down on each other just now, they were all busy, and they quickly detected the environment around Luoyan Village.

Seeing these busy designers, Dai Zhengyang couldn't help giving Shao Wenlin a thumbs up.

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