"Let's get straight to the point, I don't want to hear these old things from you"

Zhou Ling was a little impatient when he heard Zhou Zhang, so he quickly stopped talking about these trivial matters, and went straight to the topic.

"Back to the master, I will absorb the souls killed by the gun in the days to come, and gradually become stronger. With the strength of my body, I have also recovered a lot of wisdom, but I can only temporarily hide the gun as a tool spirit, after all My secret method has not been fully cultivated. With the passage of time, my Jiangnan secret method has been completed, but when I tried to devour it for the first time, it failed. I don't know the reason, but It was a failure without warning, but after the first failure, they didn't even give me a second chance, they sealed me directly, saying that I was a gun with resentment, after that, When I came out of the seal, I saw you, Master."

After Zhou Ling finished speaking, Zhou Zhang also understood. It seems that what Zhou Ling said is very strange. Since there are so many numbers, why there are failures? With questions, Zhou Zhang asked Xiang Xiang. spirit.

"Since this practice method is secretly passed down in your family, then according to your statement, do you know if there are some successful cases in your family's history?"

After listening to Zhou Zhang's words, Zhou Ling recalled it carefully. Now, some of his memories are not so clear. After thinking about it carefully, Zhou Ling said.

"Back to the master, if I remember correctly, there has not been a single successful case in the family history, and there has never been a situation like mine."

After listening to it, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but feel a little curious. Since a family knows the art of seizing houses, why has there not been a single case of seizing houses in the history of the family?

All of a sudden, Zhou Zhang figured out that he had encountered such a thing before, but the exercises that that person practiced were not like looting, but what he said was swallowing.

This swallowing is not as magical as Zhou Ling said, but the person who has been swallowed can control the body, just like his own body.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang asked Zhou Ling.

"I don't know if there is such a thing in the history of your family. Whenever the previous family died, the new head of the family would experience some temporary discomfort, but he would still follow the previous family's legacy. meaning to execute."

As soon as Zhou Ling heard Zhou Zhang say this, he suddenly recalled that when his father took office, there was indeed a period of abnormality. At that time, he felt that his father was like a different person, but this feeling only existed for a long time. disappeared for a short time.

So Zhou Ling said quickly.

"After the master said this, I really have such an experience. When my father was in power, something like this happened. At that time, my father was strongly against my grandfather's method, but when my father became the patriarch, But he continued to execute according to Grandpa's wishes."

Zhou Zhang understood after hearing what Zhou Ling said.

"So it is, so it is, it is a good way to seize the house."

Zhou Ling was a little confused by Zhou Zhang's questioning, what does his father's matter have to do with his own method of seizing the house?Zhou Ling asked Zhou Zhang in confusion.

"I don't know what the master means? I can't understand it."

Zhou Zhang looked at Zhou Ling's confused look and explained to Zhou Ling patiently.

"First of all, this is a very cruel reality. Before I say it, I hope you have a mental preparation. After all, this kind of thing is not something that everyone can bear. If I think right, it is passed down in your family The method of seizing the house is actually not a way to talk about others, but there are some drawbacks, that is, the person who has taken the house must also practice this method, and only by this means can the house be seized."

After listening to Zhou Zhang's words, Zhou Ling couldn't help but be a little shocked. He had just been frightened by Zhou Zhang's methods, and now he learned such news from Zhou Zhang's mouth. Although he didn't want to believe it in his heart, but combined with his father's experience, It also made Zhou Ling have to believe this.

Zhou Zhang felt a little distressed when he saw Zhou Ling's dejected appearance. Although he was thinking of taking him away just now, but he didn't succeed, but now after getting such news, no one's heart must be in it. Feel good.

A home that I want to go back to is like that.

Chapter 177 Why can't I get in?

However, Zhou Ling's performance was somewhat unexpected by Zhou Zhang. When he wanted to comfort Zhou Ling, Zhou Ling suddenly cheered up and said to Zhou Zhang.

"Master! I will follow you in the future. Today, you have spared my life, and I will never forget the kindness that let me know about the family's affairs. I wanted to have a new body. When I got home, now that I found out that such filthy things were going on at home, I also lost confidence in him. I just hope that the master can help me find a perfect substitute in the future. Very disgusting, but I also want to have a complete body!"

Zhou Ling is now determined to follow Zhou Zhang. Zhou Zhang has let him go for the second time, and he has also made himself aware of the reality. Plus, after he already knows that there is no way to take Zhou Zhang, Zhou Ling also Completely gave up, now, it is better to follow Zhou Zhang, maybe there will be a better way out in the future.

Zhou Zhang said with a smile after listening to Zhou Ling's words.

"As long as you can follow me with peace of mind in the future, then you can rest assured that if you seek a new body, I will be like your elementary school, but ah, how much of your law enforcement can let me study, maybe I Some new solutions can be found.”

"Thank you for the re-creation of the master. I no longer need the name of Yuanqing before. In the future, I will accompany the master in the name of Zhou Ling. Before finding a new body, Zhou Ling will be quiet by the master's side. Be an artifact."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Ling knelt down directly to Zhou Zhang. Although Zhou Ling's figure was a little sloppy at the moment, but this almost transparent body still showed Zhou Ling's determined expression.

Zhou Zhang was also very relieved after seeing this appearance. As long as Zhou Ling was willing to follow him in the future, he would also become a powerful assistant. He reached out and injected a spiritual power into Zhou Ling's body. The body has gradually become solid, and there is still a feeling of surpassing before.

When Zhou Ling saw Zhou Zhang's move and his own changes, he quickly thanked him.

"Thank you master!"

Zhou Zhang nodded and asked Zhou Ling.

"Now you can tell me the method of seizing the house, maybe I will study it, and I can really find a way to solve this drawback."

"Yes! Master."

After saying this, Zhou Ling told Zhou Zhang the secret of the method of seizing the house. Zhou Zhangzai, after listening to Zhou Ling's recitation, also felt that this method was very commendable!To be able to use the human soul in this way is really a rare exercise. Although its effect is rather vicious, it is also very worthy of praise for the people who created it.

At this time, after fully telling Zhou Zhang the exercises, Zhou Ling's heart also began to wrap up hope. If his master can really come up with a way to crack it, then he must really get a body.

It's really that he is too disgusting for the original method of this practice, and it is a bit vicious that he wants to deceive others, first practice this method and then take the house.

After reading the exercise, Zhou Zhang slowly guessed according to the description in the exercise, and felt that this exercise might not be complete. The person who obtained it only cultivated a fragment and learned the news. After that, Zhou Zhang said.

"Perhaps there is a way to crack this exercise. I just estimated it a little. This exercise should be just a fragment, so it has so many drawbacks, but it will take some time to find out a complete exercise. Day, after all, there are many discrepancies between this exercise and the ones on the fragments, so we must first find out the exercises on the fragments before we can continue the deduction.”

After hearing this, Zhou Ling was overjoyed again. Today, his heart has been ups and downs many times, but this time is the happiest one, and there is really a way to break through!Zhou Ling quickly thanked Zhou Zhang.

"Thank you, master, for your help."

Zhou Zhang waved his hand and said.

"It's just a little effort, and this method may be of some help to me. The ability to control the soul is really profound."

Zhou Ling naturally doesn't care whether it is because it is beneficial to Zhou Zhang, so he will help him. As long as he helps Zhou Ling, that is the greatest kindness.

Zhou Zhang saw that there was nothing else to do now, so he took out the bloodthirsty gun. Zhou Ling saw the gun and immediately understood Zhou Zhang's intention, and got into the gun.

After Zhou Zhang saw Zhou Ling go in, he also thought about it. Now Zhou Ling seems to have followed him with all his heart, but if he retreats in the future, he really needs to be more careful, if this time he didn't happen to wake up , the consequences would certainly be unimaginable.

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