Soon, Ye Xinghuai rushed back with a pair of sons and daughters. Seeing that Zhou Zhang was still waiting here, he was relieved. I was really afraid that Senior Zhou just said casually.

"Senior Zhou, you can hold the mother jade for this child and mother jade. I will hold the child jade part. It will be convenient for the junior to contact you at that time, and it will be more convenient for you to contact the junior at the same time."

To be honest, it was the first time that Zhou Zhang saw the complete Zimuyu. Although he had used it before, he didn't know how Zheng Muyu communicated with Ziyu. After picking up the mother jade, Zhou Zhang also looked at it.

"I don't know that this child jade is connected by instilling spiritual power, so how should this mother jade be controlled?"

Ye Xinghuai didn't expect Zhou Zhang to ask himself such a question, but he didn't show any slights and quickly explained to Zhou Zhang.

"Compared to Ziyu, it is more convenient for mother jade to connect. As long as the side of the transmission of spiritual power can speak directly, but if Ziyu contacts mother jade, you need mother jade to respond to communicate."

After listening to it, Zhou Zhang also understood, it is so, if so, it is really a delicate thing.

"Since that's the case, there's nothing else to do. I have to rush to Danliao County to find an alchemist. I'm afraid that by the time I get back to the alchemist, the construction of Xingluo City will soon come to an end."

Ye Xinghuai said as soon as he heard that Senior Zhou was in a hurry, he didn't want to keep it any longer.

"Then I wish Senior Zhou a smooth journey and success."

After listening to Zhou Zhang, he smiled and said.

"Let's take your auspicious words, I hope I can find the alchemist smoothly and bring it back."

Chapter 187

After speaking, Zhou Zhang stopped staying and flew away.

This Danliao County is far enough away from the map. Chuanshui County is not very far away. There is a Kaiyang Empire and Longshan County's Xifeng Empire in the middle, and then it reaches Danliao County. The distance from Hejiang County to Chuanshui County is very far away.

Since the distance was far away, Zhou Zhang didn't hurry up at the fastest speed, which would consume a lot of himself, so he rushed forward at a normal speed.

On this side, after Shao Wenlin went out early, he also inquired about the medicine pills, but perhaps because of business secrets, many people were reluctant to disclose it to him, and it was only after asking for a morning that Zhou Zhang did not want to disclose it to him. Knowing that they also bought these medicines, but when asked about the source of the medicinal herbs, they kept silent.

Shao Wenlin was also a little helpless. Those of them who sold medicine pills didn't know how the medicine medicine was refined, nor did they tell him where the medicine medicine came from, for fear that they would steal their business.

Shao Wenlin was also a little discouraged after inquiring about the news all morning to no avail, so he found a restaurant at noon and ate something casually.

But after eating, Shao Wenlin figured it out a little. Since they didn't want to tell them where the medicinal pills came from, they didn't need to ask any more. Presumably, his master would definitely solve this. It is enough to understand the operation mode of medicinal pills and the market of medicinal pills.

When Shao Wenlin made up his mind, when he went to the Pill Pavilion in different places in the afternoon, he would not ask them about the source of the medicinal pills, but would inadvertently ask them which medicinal pills were circulated faster.

After an afternoon of investigation, Shao Wenlin also had some general understanding. Compared with the improvement of the realm, those medicines for healing are more smooth. After all, compared to the medicine that can improve the realm, the price of medicine It is cheaper and will be used a lot in battle.

And those elixir related to improving cultivation are rarely bought. After all, very few can afford it. In addition, even if they can afford it, most of them belong to the family. Their own family will have this elixir. Will not come out to buy.

However, an afternoon's investigation could not fully confirm these problems, so Shao Wenlin needs to continue to do in-depth investigation.

After resting outside for a night, Shao Wenlin set off again the next day, but this time it was not as smooth as expected.

Shao Wenlin seems to have encountered a place similar to a black shop. When Shao Wenlin went in and asked the waiter, he found that the waiter walked away after answering a few words to himself.

Shao Wenlin was still a little puzzled, why did this man leave without introducing himself clearly.

Shao Wenlin saw that no one would introduce himself to him anymore, and he had no interest in staying any longer. He turned around and wanted to leave, but when Shao Wenlin walked to the door, someone suddenly stopped Shao Wenlin.

Shao Wenlin looked puzzled at the two guards guarding the door.

"Don't know what's going on? Stop me here."

The guard ignored Shao Wenlin, just stopped him, and there was no follow-up.

Just when Shao Wenlin was puzzled, there was a laugh behind him, and Shao Wenlin turned to look.

"I don't know where you came from? When I came to my store, I started to ask about the sales of this medicine pill. I wonder if you want to be my competitor."

After the visitor saw Shao Wenlin, he directly explained the purpose of his visit. The waiter had just told him that the person asked her directly about the sales of the medicinal herbs shortly after entering the store. The quantity sold comes to purchase!

This is something that is absolutely not allowed to happen. You have worked so hard to sell the experience you have accumulated for so long. You, an outsider, want to know when you first arrived. I am afraid it is too easy to think, so you ordered someone to stop Shao Wenlin. , I want to teach this ignorant person a good lesson, and this scene happened.

Shao Wenlin looked at the shopkeeper a little funny. Although he also wanted to sell medicinal herbs, his Qingluo City could be [-] miles away from here, so he would never become his competitor.

"I think the shopkeeper is afraid of some misunderstanding. Although I have inquired about the news, I don't want to become a competitor with you."

Naturally, the shopkeeper didn't believe what Shao Wenlin said had already inquired so thoroughly, and even said that he didn't want to be his competitor, so he couldn't help sneering.

"It seems that if I don't use any means, you still don't want to explain it properly."

After speaking, the shopkeeper directly instructed the people behind him.

"Come on, take him down for me, take him to the back for a good interrogation, and see if his mouth is tough or my method of interrogation is tough."

Fortunately, Shao Wenlin did not come alone, but brought a few people together. When the few people who stayed outside heard the situation in the store, they broke in directly and saw the scene in front of them. drink.

"What do you want to do? You want to tie up our adults? Who gave you the courage! Can't you do it the other way?"

The shopkeeper still had some momentum, because he knew that Shao Wenlin was just an ordinary person, and there was a saint-level person in his shop anyway, so it was not difficult for him to take it down, but now there are two people who break into the shop. A saint and a royal.

This sudden change made it difficult for the shopkeeper to adapt. After seeing the strength of the incoming person, he immediately calmed down. Now it is better to be more obedient. In the face of such a large gap, the shopkeeper did not expect that one would come to his store to inquire. The person who got the news actually brought so many experts!

When Shao Wenlin saw that his own people came in, he no longer panicked. Now that he has guards, he will not be afraid of the shopkeeper in front of him, nor of the people hidden in the store.

"I don't know if the shopkeeper still wants to tie me in? I also really want to have a good chat with you!"

When the shopkeeper heard Shao Wenlin's words, he was also frightened. How could he dare to tie Shao Wenlin again at this time?Isn't he looking for death?

"I don't dare! I don't dare to be an adult. The villain offends the adult with blind eyes. I hope the adult will ignore the villain and let the villain go. The adult wants to know everything.

Chapter 188 Collision

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