It was noon today, but I saw a city, how many of them?They started to encourage Ge Yayi to have a meal. They can't be compared with Ge Yayi. Except for some alchemy skills, they are completely ordinary people. Ge Yayi still has some martial artist cultivation, so yes The need for food is not that strong.

Ge Yayi was no match for the hardships of several people, so she said to Zhou Zhang.

"When there is a city in front of Young Master Zhou, why don't we take a break for a while. It's noon now, and it's a little inconvenient for them if they're on their way. I just took this opportunity to get some food in the city."

After Zhou Zhangqing said Ge Yayi's words, he looked at the three people next to him. Although he knew that the three of them encouraged Ge Yayi to speak, they nodded quickly.

"Well, let's take a break in this city for a while, and then go on our way after we have eaten."

"Then thank you, Young Master Zhou."

At this moment, Zhou Zhang agreed to them, so he slowed down and slowly landed in front of the city gate, so a few people walked in. At the Chen's gate, there were soldiers checking people entering and leaving, but Zhou Zhang and the others naturally did not need to be checked. Yes, the guards who are now Zhou Zhang's cultivation base know that Zhou Zhang has bad intentions, and they dare not come to check.

So a few people walked in smoothly, and soon found a restaurant, but at the moment there was a bit of a misfortune, it was just time for dinner, so there was no private room, and my sister didn't want to go to other inns to find it. Well, presumably other inn private rooms will be full, so a few people can find a table and sit down.

Zhou Zhang and Ge Yayi didn't feel hungry at the moment, but the three of them happily ordered food.

Soon a table full of rich dishes was ready, but in order not to make the three of them feel embarrassed, Zhou Zhang and Ge Yayi still ate a little symbolically each time, otherwise the three of them kept eating, and the two of them Looking at it all the time, the three of them couldn't eat it.

However, the few people who had just had a good meal suddenly encountered some trouble. It was a blessing or a curse. They could not escape when they were eating, and they met a person who often dealt with alchemists. This person has dealt with alchemists for a long time. , So the aura of medicine pills that is unique to the alchemist is still very sensitive, even if it is deliberately covered up, it can be found at a glance.

This person's name is Chang Yuange, a person who runs an elixir shop. At this moment, seeing several alchemists eating in the restaurant, he immediately became malicious.

In his opinion, these alchemists are simply money that came to the door. Now, because of those alchemists, each of them is arrogant, so every time he buys the elixirs, and now he has seen a few An alchemist, if he grabs them to make alchemy for himself, how many times will his income increase?

Chapter 198 Little Trouble

Thinking of this, Chang Yuange hurriedly walked out. Now he has to rush to gather a few powerful helpers, otherwise he might not be able to hold these five people.

However, Zhou Zhang and the others who were eating at the moment did not realize all of this. After all, this was what they thought in their hearts, and they would never show it directly, but it didn't take long for them to finish their meal.

After Zhou Zhang paid the money, they actually continued to set off. They wanted to rest here, but they were stopped by Zhou Zhang. The physical quality of these people is no different from that of ordinary people, so if they travel at night, they will It will feel extremely cold, which will not only make it impossible to improve the speed, but may also cause some people to get sick.

Although I really want to rest at the moment, but since Zhou Zhang has already spoken, they have to give up. But for the few of them, Meimei is very satisfied after having a lunch at this moment. Sleeping and resting is just casual. It's just what was proposed, if it can't be realized in time, there won't be any discomfort.

Soon, a few people arrived outside the city gate, and at this time, Zhou Zhang also noticed that someone seemed to be following him. Although he didn't know the purpose of the few of them, the matter of following him was indeed true. After eating in the restaurant, he followed him all the time. After Zhou Zhang looked at their strength, he didn't take it to heart.

Zhou Zhang ignored them and took the four of them directly, ready to leave, but at this time Chang Yuange also found out that Zhou Zhang and the others were leaving, so he hurried someone to stop them.

Zhou Zhang originally didn't want to care about them, but at this moment, a few people actually messed with him, so it was necessary to teach them a lesson.

These people who wanted to come up but stopped Zhou Zhang saw Zhou Zhang suddenly fall, which saved them the trouble.

Chang Yuange did not expect that Zhou Zhang and the others would fall directly, but this was exactly what he wanted, so he said loudly to them.

"I don't have any other intentions today, and I don't want to kill people. So, as long as you are willing to keep these alchemists, then I will not trouble you."

After hearing what Chang Yuange said, Zhou Zhang couldn't believe it. How could he know that the people behind him were all alchemists?So said.

"These few of them are not alchemists. I think you must have made a mistake. If there is nothing wrong, we will go first."

Chang Yuange didn't expect that the boy in front of him didn't want to admit it, so he said angrily.

"Boy, it's such a time, and you still refuse to tell the truth? Are they alchemists? I can see at a glance, why do you need to defend here."

After listening to this sentence, Zhou Zhang wanted to know more and more how he saw it. If these people saw it with their own eyes, they were really no different from ordinary people. How could they see it at a glance? come out.

"But I was a little negligent. I don't know how you can tell that they are alchemists? They are no different from ordinary people."

Chang Yuange heard that Zhou Zhang was finally willing to tell the truth, so he directly said how he knew it?He wasn't worried at all that the matter would change.

"This is not a trivial matter. I deal with alchemists every day. I know the smell on their bodies very well. I smelled the aura of medicinal pills in the restaurant just now. I thought someone took out the medicinal pills. But after checking it carefully, I found that it was the danxiang on this lady that attracted me."

After he finished speaking, he sniffed again without using his nose.

Ge Yayi was so angry that she gritted her teeth. This person's words were clearly referring to the smell of her body, not the smell of medicine pills at all.

After hearing this, Zhou Zhang couldn't help frowning. Although this person answered his own question, it was a little too perfunctory. This is basically the same as not saying anything, and he actually molested his subordinates so obviously in front of him. .

"Since you can't tell how you distinguish an alchemist, then there's no need to keep you."

After speaking, Zhou Zhang was about to shoot, but at this time Chang Yuange laughed when he saw that Zhou Zhang was about to shoot.

"Boy, at this point, you still want to resist? I have said just now, if you are willing to hand over the four of them obediently, I will consider letting you live, but since you are so ignorant at the moment , then uncle, I will teach you how to bow your head."

After saying this, Chang Yuange was the four helpers he called to take action.

In Chang Yuange's opinion, the lowest of the four people he called was an emperor, and one of them was a king. It was too simple to eat the person in front of him. He originally planned to Called a monarch and an emperor, but in order to ensure that this matter could go smoothly, Chang Yuange called all the powerful people he could call over, although he would pay a higher price in the future. , but if it did, it would be nothing.

At this moment, the four of them rushed directly to Zhou Zhang. In their opinion, the people in front of them could be bombarded and killed as long as they made any move, so they all looked at Zhou Zhang with pity.

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but sneer when he saw that the four of them rushed towards him without knowing what to do. After entering the city, he restrained his breath in order to make the people around him feel uncomfortable. He didn't expect to encounter such trouble because of this. .

Seeing that Zhou Zhang was still stunned, Chang Yuange said with a smile.

"Boy, are you too scared to move? Hahaha..."

Zhou Zhang ignored Chang Yuange's words, just when the four were about to rush to Zhou Zhang to collect the money, Zhou Zhang raised his hand at will and blasted the four back.

Zhou Zhang didn't do his best, so the four of them only suffered some skin injuries. At this moment, the four of them no longer despised Zhou Zhang. The hand just made them dare not continue to take it lightly. If they guessed correctly, Zhou Zhang must be the king. level above.

"What are you doing? Why don't you kill him quickly! Can't even kill one person? What are you doing!"

Chang Yuange saw that the four of them were bombed. After returning, he shouted in exasperation, calling the four of them himself. Could it be that he made them come out to make a fool of himself?

The four people who were blown away couldn't hold their faces at the moment. Just now, they underestimated the enemy and lost their judgment on the target's strength, but they couldn't bear it when a drugstore owner said that!

Chapter 199 Farce

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