"I don't know, all I know is that I came here with good intentions but I was complained."

After speaking, Shao Wenlin turned his head away and ignored Dai Zhengyang.

Dai Zhengyang was also even more nervous. What he said just now was indeed a bit too much, so he hurriedly dragged Shao Wenlin to the shade and said while walking.

"Brother Shao cares about me, I promise that I will never complain to you brother Shao again in the future. Come on, come and take a break, it must be hot when you come here."

Shao Wenlin was not polite to him either, he sat there and said.

"Seeing that your attitude of admitting your mistake is good, I will reluctantly show you this exercise."

After he finished speaking, Shao Wenlin took out a copy from the storage ring and threw it on the table. Shao Wenlin didn't know whether the exercise was good or not, and he didn't understand either.

When Dai Zhengyang saw Shao Wenlin throwing out a practice method, he quickly picked it up and looked at it. The one he casually took out was in the late stage of the Holy Grade, and it was better than his current practice method, Dai Zhengyang said quickly.

"Brother Shao, didn't you just collect several copies? This... take it out and let me take a look."

Shao Wenlin deliberately wanted to make Dai Zhengyang whole, so he said.

"You don't need to look at the others, this one is the best in my opinion."

Dai Zhengyang naturally didn't believe it. He just saw Shao Wenlin take it out of the storage ring in his arms. There must be other books in it. This book might be the one he took out casually.

"Brother Shao, you have hidden the friendship between the two of us. You must have this thing in the storage ring!"

Shao Wenlin didn't expect Dai Zhengyang to be so sharp-eyed, so he saw it, but now he's not angry anymore, he just took it out for him. Thinking of this, Shao Wenlin directly took out the three storage rings.

"Nuo, pick them one by one, there can only be one, and there's more to say when you're done picking."

"Be good..."

Dai Zhengyang didn't expect that there were actually three storage rings. How many good things should be there, he quickly took it from Shao Wenlin's words.

When he took out a copy of the exercises, Dai Zhengyang would make a strange noise. These exercises simply dazzled him!

"Come on! Come on! Don't take out a copy and call it out. I'll tell you directly. If I guessed correctly, there are two strong men's storage rings and their own cheats in them. Now, most of the others are their collections. Don't take them out one by one."

After listening to Shao Wenlin's words, Dai Zhengyang hurriedly searched for the best exercises he said in the storage ring, and soon Dai Zhengyang found a copy, took it out and took a look at the heaven and earth, it turned out to be an immortal superior exercise!

"Woooooo!!! Good guy!!"

Hearing Dai Zhengyang's strange sound again, Shao Wenlin couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him, and he came again just after he finished speaking.

After looking for a storage ring, Dai Zhengyang started to look for another storage ring. This happened to be the storage ring of General Zhou that Zhou Zhang took out last time and let Shao Wenlin sell it.

Shao Wenlin reminded Dai Zhengyang that he had not found it after looking for it for a while.

"Don't look for this, maybe I will sell it!"

Dai Zhengyang was stunned after hearing this, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"What, you... you actually sold it!"

Dai Zhengyang felt so uncomfortable when he heard this, how could you sell such a good practice!But he didn't dare to say more, so he could only put down this storage ring regretfully. This was the last one. Dai Zhengyang began to look forward to what this last exercise was.

Chapter 212

Although Shao Wenlin had just sold one of the exercises in the storage ring, Dai Zhengyang believed that the last remaining one would definitely not be too bad.

Dai Zhengyang's guess was indeed correct. This last exercise was the best exercise among them. After all, the first two were only the martial arts of the venerable level, and the last one was the immortal-level storage ring.

Dai Zhengyang has been missing for a long time. There are too many exercises in this collection. It is difficult for him to judge whether it is right or not.I can only take it out and take a look when I feel it is, and then I find that the exercise is not particularly high, and then continue to look for it in the storage ring. The effort pays off, and finally Dai Zhengyang finds it.

When he took out this manual, he felt that it was very unusual. Other exercises are generally relatively new, but this exercise made him look a little worn out when he saw it. Dai Zhengyang did not have it. Looking at it intently, I thought it was not very good, but suddenly I thought about it, will this dilapidated book become more powerful?So take it out quickly.

At this glance, he really guessed it. This cheat book is really too powerful. It has reached the first step of the immortal grade. This time Dai Zhengyang can't even scream without screaming. This is the immortal grade. Concept, if such a cheat book is taken out, it must be a bloody storm.

"Wow wow!!! This... this, this, where did the master of this exercise come from?"

Seeing Dai Zhengyang's terrified expression, Shao Wenlin recalled what his master said to him at the time, and then said it directly.

"Master said, these gift rings belong to the people he killed. Is there any problem?"

As soon as Dai Zhengyang heard my God, this turned out to be the storage ring worn by the person killed by his master. This is an immortal low-level exercise. With such a powerful exercise, the person who has the exercise must also reach the immortal level. , The strength that even immortal-level people can kill their own master is so terrifying.

Seeing Dai Zhengyang who was still stunned, Shao Wenlin couldn't help asking him.

"What's the matter with you? You were surprised and asked me where did you get the storage ring from? Could it be related to your choice of exercises?"

At this moment, Dai Zhengyang didn't know whether to tell Shao Wenlin such a thing. It was really news that far exceeded their previous expectations. After thinking about it, Dai Zhengyang still planned to say it.

"Brother Shao, we have guessed it before, isn't our master's strength right?"

When Shao Wenlin heard that Dai Zhengyang wanted to talk about this, he quickly blocked his mouth.

"Brother Dai, are you crazy? We agreed before, and we won't talk about the master's strength in the future."

Dai Zhengyang suddenly remembered the agreement he and Shao Wenlin had said before, so he quickly covered his mouth, for fear that the news would spread out inadvertently.

The two of them had already guessed about their master's strength before, and they felt a little scared at the time, so they quickly told Shao Wenlin to stop the topic.

Dai Zhengyang is very clear about this matter. The secret book he just got is too shocking. After all, it is a low-level cultivation technique of immortals. Since such people are all beheaded by his master , then my master, at least have the strength of the middle stage or even the late stage of the immortal level.

Dai Zhengyang felt terrifying when he thought of this. Such strength must have been invincible on this continent. No wonder the emperor of the Jing'an Empire came to ask for help from his master a few days ago. If he did these things, he would not be able to catch them!

If you say that, maybe this storage ring is the thing that the master killed on the battlefield. It is a matter of minutes to turn the situation of war with such strength!

Shao Wenlin was relieved after seeing that Dai Zhengyang stopped talking. This matter is not something that can be discussed casually. He doesn't want to speculate about his master's strength. The more he knows, the worse it will be for him.

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