But things have already happened to this point, and they have no way to stop it from happening. Now they are sitting neatly together again, looking forward to what method the president can come up with this time to resist.

What do you mean when everyone here is still expressing their opinions, talking about different ideas, and arguing fiercely, but this time, they are silent one by one, quietly waiting for the arrival of the president.

Everyone is very clear in their hearts that the danger they face this time is unprecedented. If they don't grasp it well, maybe they will be completely kicked out of the medicine pill industry.

Soon the president came in and said that people immediately stood up after seeing the president come in. Maybe they didn't have such respect for the president before, but now they don't respect him anymore, the president is already Their only hope now.

Chapter 217

The president looked at the people sitting below and couldn't help shaking his head. He naturally knew what happened this time. Facing such a move from Qingluo City, he was caught off guard, although he had also considered the other party before. There will be a price reduction, but after all, the other party is an alchemist invited from Danliao County. Even if the price is reduced, it will not be too low. While suppressing themselves, they still have to consider the profit of the pharmacy. , but did not expect that they would make the same price reduction as themselves.

Even the president himself is a little regretful now. If he did not propose a price reduction policy last time, maybe some people will consider their medicine store now, but now, both parties are under the same price. , no one will consider them.

"President, you can think of a way, now that Qingluo City has also dropped to the same price as us."

"Yes, President, we are all waiting for your advice. If this continues, we will all go bankrupt."

When the people below saw the president walk to the seat, they all requested one by one, but after hearing their request, the president's face became worse and worse.

"Be quiet first."

The guild leader said weakly, but although the voice was very small, everyone suddenly became quiet, and everyone quietly waited for the guild leader to do something good this time.

"Right now, my best advice to everyone is that if you still have money on hand, hurry up and change to another industry, or just run farther away."

Everyone thought that the president would say something that would surprise them, but the president persuaded them to change careers.

"President, what are you talking about? We are all waiting for your idea, but now you are persuading us to change careers, what else can we do?"

The president had just walked to his seat. After saying this, he didn't even take a seat, so he turned around and planned to leave, and he didn't want to pay attention to everyone's questioning about him.

"President, don't rush to leave, we are all eating and drinking with you. Now you don't care about us, what else can we do?"

I have to say, there are still many people who still put their hopes on this president, but the president himself is very helpless. He has nothing to do now, and the price reduction has been reduced to a minimum, and even if they If the price is reduced, Qingluo City will also reduce the price. Now that he has made a wrong move, there is no room for him to turn around.

Looking at the figure of the president, gradually disappearing from everyone's sight, everyone began to keep silent again, and each one walked out in frustration, but after each of them walked out of here, they couldn't help but scolded, They are involved in this line, although it is because of the president, but they have reached this point now because of the president.

At this moment, they suddenly fell from heaven to the bottom, and they couldn't accept this fact for a while!

"Oh, it seems that I have to pack up and go to other places, but other places won't let me sell medicine pills so easily."

After listening to the president's words, this person has already planned to go to other places to try his luck. Rather than waiting to die here, it is better to fight, maybe he still has a chance to turn over.

After hearing this sentence, other people also have such attention, but they also know the risk, and now so many of them go to other places to develop, this is obviously a matter of taking other people's jobs, how can others be? Would it be so easy for them to do it?

"Boss Lin, how about a partnership between you and me? I still have an alchemist here, and with your extensive network, maybe we can get along well in other places!"

This is because some people have begun to form gangs. After all, if a person's strength goes to a place where he has never been to develop a business, he will be attacked from all directions. One more person is more guarantee!

"Okay, Boss Li, since you have such an idea, I can't take away your face!"

The two hit it off, hooked up with each other and walked away.

The two of them already have plans to go to other places to develop, but some people can't hold their breath, and they are going to seek revenge from the people in Qingluo City!

However, this group of people who want to take revenge on Qingluo City is quite a lot. There are many more people than those who are eager to go to other places. These people also hit it off. I want to give Qingluo City a look.

I have to say that these people's ideas are too naive, doesn't their president know how to get rich in Qingluo City?Their president had already said that there was nothing they could do at the moment, and they were thinking of taking revenge on Qingluo City.

If the guild leader is here at this moment and knows their thoughts, he will definitely stop them immediately. Their guild leader is also well-informed and well-connected. He knows what Luo Yancun was like at first. The strength in Qingluo City is definitely more terrifying!

But these poor people still don't have the slightest sense of danger. They just think that Qingluo City is just relying on those guards, so as long as they are willing to spend some money, they can find more people.

But I don't blame them. It really forced them to have no way out. Now they can't even eat, and they don't care about the consequences. As long as they have time to let out this bad breath, everything else will be fine.

I have to say that these people who have been dealing with medicine pills all the year round also know many strong people. These people often ask them to help buy some rare medicine pills on weekdays, so they come and go, and they become familiar with each other.

Soon they gathered a lot of people. The number of these people is roughly estimated to be more than [-], and most of them are powerful people. Presumably the bosses of these medicine shops have paid a lot of money. Only invited so many people.

The bosses of these medicine shops looked at so many people behind them, and they were full of confidence in their hearts. Most of these people were saints and emperors, and there were some emperors. Presumably with the strength of their group, they wanted to clean up. It is already trivial to look at Qingluo City.

Now Shao Wenlin is standing in the store, looking at the endless stream of customers, his heart is also bursting with laughter, although it is said that it has not returned to the state of a month ago, but they have cut off the business of other medicine stores, as long as they maintain If this momentum continues, I believe that it won't be long before other medicine stores will choose to close their doors one by one.

Chapter 218

Shao Wenlin's conjecture was right at all. Just after the meeting just ended, many people chose to close their medicine pill shops. Maybe they could sell these medicine pills for some price in other places. If they continue to stay here, All they have to do is lose money.

Shao Wenlin sent people to investigate a few days after the price cut. The situation of other medicine stores, no matter if they were far or near, as long as they had been investigated before, this time they would send people to check their situation.

Shao Wenlin had already lost to the opponent in terms of information, so now after his own transformation, he must immediately check the enemy's situation.

But what Shao Wenlin didn't expect, these people all told themselves that the medicine shops were closed after they came back. Shao Wenlin thought that some of them would be closed, but now so many are closed, he has to hurry up this good news Just tell your father.

Soon, Shao Wenlin told Zhou Zhang the good news, and Zhou Zhang laughed after hearing it.

"I've said it a long time ago, we don't need to worry about these things at all. You see, we're not done now. Let's suppress them all. I believe that all the medicine shops around here will close down in a short time. Form the end."

After listening to Zhou Zhang's words, Shao Wenlin scratched his head embarrassedly.

"It's all my fault that I was too impatient before. The timing is also very important. Fortunately, the master grasped the speed of the rhythm at the critical moment, otherwise I will definitely make a big mistake."

After all, Shao Wenlin has also learned in the past few days that he has not done anything for this month, which has also reduced a lot of pressure on his elixir shop, and the blow after a month's lapse will be even more heavy for them. Incomparable.

"Master, when should we restore the original price? After all, such a price reduction can't last too long."

Shao Wenlin also asked, after all, they are not for charity, such a price reduction is a very heavy blow to income.

"It's not in a hurry, just give them some small benefits. Our price reduction this time will last for a month, but we don't need to make them too embarrassed, we can just restore the prices they set themselves. Make small changes, and by the way, this month's time can also make those who haven't given up completely give up."

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