Zhou Zhang found a chair and sat on it, then said.

"Then what do you mean, sir, what do we need to do?"

Seeing that his master had already made plans, Shao Wenlin asked directly.

Zhou Zhang thought about it for a while, although he knew that there was a vacant space near the Sanxian Temple, but Zhou Zhang could not guarantee that this place was really enough for the use of an advanced spirit gathering array.

"How many usable places are there near the Sanxian Temple? Of course, this usable place is the distance calculated around the Sanxian Temple as the center."

Although Shao Wenlin didn't know what his master wanted to do, he still thought about it, and soon Shao Wenlin had the answer.

"Master, if I remember correctly, there is quite a lot of land we can use around here. It's probably about [-] meters away from the Sanxian Temple."

This is thanks to the place where it was built at that time. The cultivator exchange was not built around the Sanxin Temple, but was built in the northeast of the Sanxian Temple. Otherwise, there would be no such place.

After hearing this result, Zhou Zhang was still a little dissatisfied. If it was only [-] meters, it might not be enough, but if that was the only way, then the nearby houses could only be demolished.

"Since you're not sure, you'd better take a look after breakfast and make a conclusion."

Shao Wenlin and Dai Zhengyang were confused by what their master said. They asked how old the neighborhood was, and now they said they would demolish the nearby houses?What is this for?Dai Zhengyang couldn't hold back when he had something in his heart, so he asked Zhou Zhang.

"Master, what are you doing? Why are you still involved in the issue of the open space near the Sanxian Temple?"

Zhou Zhang laughed after hearing this, but he forgot about it, and went to the nearby vacant lot, but he didn't even explain to them why he did it.

"That's right, I improved the spirit gathering array last night. I originally planned to build another high-level spirit gathering array, but I found that such a big one had to be placed, as if only one spirit gathering array could exist, so I I changed the spirit gathering formation of the Sanxian Temple, and replaced the previous intermediate spirit gathering formation with the current advanced spirit gathering formation. Since it is already an advanced spirit gathering formation, the subsequent problem is to expand it. The range of the Sanxian Temple is out, otherwise, the power of this spirit gathering array will just go to his effect."

After Zhou Zhang explained it like this, the two of them understood at once.

"Master! This... did you make this high-level spirit gathering array? There are also intermediate-level spirit gathering circles before this!"

Zhou Zhang did not answer, but nodded at Dai Zhengyang, which meant Dai Zhengyang understood at once.

Dai Zhengyang thought it was an accident until just now, but today Zhou Zhang said all this and suddenly felt that it was like this. If you want to blame it, you can only blame him for thinking too simple.

Chapter 225 Radius of five hundred meters

Shao Wenlin laughed when he heard Dai Zhengyang ask this question. He had long known that the spirit gathering formation might have come from his master, but before he said it, the two of them had already decided not to talk about the master. , so Dai Zhengyang has been deceived until now.

Now everyone already knew what happened and what to do next, so they started to eat breakfast. After all, even if they were in a hurry, it wouldn't be bad for a while, especially Dai Zhengyang, how could he be so anxious after a whole night has passed What about a while?

Soon, a few people went outside the Sanxian Temple after eating. At this time, due to what happened last night, the Sanxian Temple has now been closed. Although people come to ask from time to time, I believe that a sign will be erected. No one will come back after that.

Zhou Zhang walked near the Three Immortals Temple, looking at the overall area around him, and soon Zhou Zhang had a plan in his heart. Although the surrounding area looks quite vast, it is now smaller than he expected. One point, if the high-level spirit gathering array has the best effect, the surrounding houses need to be demolished.

"I have looked at the past four weeks. My plan is to plan the new Sanxian Temple with a radius of [-] meters. Now I count the previous range, and the current one is still worse. I have already specified the specific range. That said, it's up to you next."

Shao Wenlin didn't know much about this high-level spirit gathering array, but he was a little surprised when he heard that Zhou Zhangshou had to occupy at least a radius of [-] meters. How many rooms would be needed to build such a large area!

"Don't worry, sir, I will negotiate with the nearby residents soon, and I will let the new Sanxian Temple enter the rectification process as soon as possible."

Zhou Zhang nodded after listening to it. In this case, he had nothing to worry about before he left, but whether the new Three Immortals Temple will be targeted by other forces is another matter. It's not a big problem, after all, he still has a large defense formation, thinking of this, Zhou Zhang said.

"In this way, if someone is eyeing this place after the new Three Immortals Temple opens for business, remember, if you really can't beat it, you should quickly return to Qingluo City. At that time, there is no way for this group of people to attack. You can use this to contact me, and I will let Ye Xinghuai arrange for someone to come and help."

Said that Zhou Zhang took out a child jade from the storage ring, which was made by Zhou Zhang a few days ago.

Shao Wenlin quickly took the child and mother jade in Zhou Zhang's hand, and carefully put him into his storage ring.

"Master, what do you think they can do when we return to Qingluo City? Can't the enemy catch up after we return?"

"Well, I got a large defense formation for Qingluo City. As for his defense and attack capabilities, you will know when the time comes."

Zhou Zhang said a little mysteriously, although he said so, but he was still very confident in his heart, this large defense formation is more than enough to deal with ordinary trash fish.

Shao Wenlin was relieved to hear this. Since it was a great defense formation arranged by his master, its power must be no trivial matter.

Although Shao Wenlin now understands a bit, Dai Zhengyang is very confused. Isn't such a big place not enough?He was a little worried that this high-level spirit gathering array could really affect such a large range, so he asked.

"Master, are you sure we need such a big place? Isn't the advanced spirit gathering array a bit too exaggerated?"

I don't blame Dai Zhengyang for asking this. After all, he has only been to the intermediate-level spirit gathering array before, and he has not been to the best level. Now this high-level spirit gathering array suddenly appeared in front of him, he really has nothing. learn.

Zhou Zhang laughed after hearing this. He never thought that Dai Zhengyang would always have the most questions every time.

"The transformation from the intermediate-level spirit gathering array to the high-level spirit gathering array is not so small, and the market has grown several times, and he has increased not only the scope, but also the concentration of spiritual power. I think you should have been here yesterday. Have you felt it in the Sanxian Temple? During the construction in a few days, I will temporarily control his spiritual power, and release it after a month. I believe this month will be enough time for the reconstruction of the Sanxian Temple. Corrected."

Dai Zhengyang scratched his head a little embarrassedly. He really didn't know anything. Now that he heard Zhou Zhang say this, although he still didn't understand, he understood more or less.

"Okay, my lord, I have almost understood, just go exactly as you want."

Seeing that Dai Zhengyang stopped asking questions, Zhou Zhang continued to talk about his future plans.

"I don't know the price of this advanced spirit gathering array very well, so you should spend more time on the price setting, let Dai Zhengyang experience it more, and then tell you the specific difference, and the rest There is nothing special to pay attention to.”

After saying this, Zhou Zhang planned to leave, and now that the tasks have been handed over to them, he has nothing to do with himself.

Before leaving, Zhou Zhang suddenly stopped Dai Zhengyang.

"Dai Zhengyang, come with me. I have something to tell you."

Dai Zhengyang heard Zhou Zhang calling him, and quickly followed, and the two walked forward for a long time before Zhou Zhang spoke slowly.

"You must understand the battle a few days ago. Although the Qingluo City escort team has an advantage in numbers, if it really faces some powerful enemies, it will be powerless."

Dai Zhengyang nodded irrefutably. There is nothing wrong with what he said. If he really encountered a strong enemy, then this group of people really have no strength to resist.

"Master is the strength of this group of people. They are already fixed. It is too difficult to improve them in a short period of time, especially now that the Spirit Gathering Array is also undergoing rectification."

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