"In this way, it will be much easier to do over there. Since we already know this tricky technique and have our own ideas, then we can use this to make it stronger gradually."

After Zhou Zhang said these words, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he continued to speak.

"It can't be like this first, this practice method has its own meaning, then will it exist as something similar to a soul body? Will it be swallowed up by itself?"

Although Zhou Zhang's words were all inferences, Zhou Ling, who heard these words at the moment, couldn't help but feel a chill on his back. If this is the case, then this technique of seizing the house is also very dangerous.

"Master, what should we do now? This technique of seizing the house can't let it devour low-level exercises, and it can't let him go on like this."

This is Zhou Ling's only hope, and now he is counting on this exercise to save him, what is wrong with the exercise he doesn't want!So at this moment, I hurriedly asked Zhou Zhang.

"You are thinking too much about this, there is no such thing. As long as you find another way, you can solve this problem. The perfection of the art of seizing homes will definitely not be the only way. So you don't have to worry about it."

Zhou Ling was relieved when he heard this. Since the master said that there is still hope, then he doesn't need to worry anymore. He has been suffering for so long, and it is not bad to wait a little longer.

But fortunately, Zhou Zhang had just restrained this idea in time. If he really let this method of stealing his body go to devour low-level exercises and strengthen himself, there would be some uncontrollable situations.

Now Zhou Ling's doubts, Zhou Zhang has answered him, and then it is better to be busy with his own affairs. After all, only after his own affairs are completely settled, can he have extra thoughts to consider other things.

Zhou Zhang continued to think about how to create a clone, but at this time Zhou Zhang thought about the technique of seizing the house just now. Since this technique of seizing the house can devour other exercises to strengthen himself, then this one he created. Can the remnant soul gradually devour his own soul and gradually become himself? If so, does it mean that this body can be changed according to his own thoughts?

Chapter 234 Greater Pain

I have to say that this is a very bold and very risky idea. If this ray of remnant soul is not under his control at that time, or if something goes wrong during the fusion later, it will be irreversible.

After thinking of this, Zhou Zhang no longer has to think about how to create a body without a soul, he can directly create a clone, and then let this remnant soul devour it, then he can get one that he can Control but is not a clone of his own soul.

In that case, although your body is not your own soul, but in a sense it is your own soul, then even if your first step is successful, then this soul will also have a certain stickiness to your own avatar. At that time, he can let him help himself understand.

Now, although Zhou Zhang said that he has solved the problem that has been bothering him before, he is facing another problem, that is, this soul is still in the development and existence environment in the future. There is no way to interfere with his life.

If this is the case, then it represents oneself. Although there is such a method, there may be many accidents in the final result. What if I waited for the final result and achieved nothing?

But in the face of the current situation, Zhou Zhang had to fight hard again. If he didn't use this method, then his plan would be completely impossible to carry out.

After making up his mind, Zhou Zhang went straight to the next step. Soon, a clone that was exactly like him appeared beside him. These clones had their own meanings after they came out. What he has to do now is to control this. The remnant soul song devoured the soul in the clone.

However, this is a remnant soul after all. Whether he can devour the complete soul in this avatar is still a question. If it is not only failed to devour, but also devoured in the end, then it is another question.

Zhou Zhang is not saying he is particularly worried about this issue. After all, if the soul is swallowed, then he can go to find new ones. What he is most worried about is if the swallowing is successful, will the remnant soul mutate a little bit. ?

Now Zhou Zhang will always think of some inexplicable things after he has learned the lesson of the technique of seizing the house. However, it is good to be more worried and take precautions.

Although he didn't know what was going to happen, Zhou Zhang still started to act. He carefully controlled the remnant soul and moved it within this point. The next thing was beyond Zhou Zhang's control. Can this last ray of remnant soul successfully devour the soul body inside and occupy this body!

After finishing all this, Zhou Zhang thought about the scene of entering the golden space before, thinking that if he had just entered the mysterious space, would he be able to enter by smearing the dragon veins now?

He did what he said. Zhou Zhang directly took out a small part of the dragon veins from the storage ring and smeared it on his arm. A similar situation happened again. After the golden-yellow dragon vein liquid touched the arm, the clothes instantly disappeared. The burning pain from the upper arm once again swept through the whole body, and Zhou Zhang couldn't help crying.

Zhou Ling was also attracted by this cry, and hurriedly asked.

"Master, master, are you alright, what are you doing?"

Although Zhou Zhang was in unbearable pain at the moment, he still endured the pain and said to Zhou Ling.

"It's okay, you continue, I'm just cultivating, remember, look after this avatar..."

Before Zhou Zhang finished speaking, how many more layers did the burning pain intensify?Zhou Zhang couldn't help but roll on the ground. The pain this time was obviously worse than the last time.

Now Zhou Zhang only hopes that Zhou Ling can understand what he means, but he doesn't know what this clone will look like when it wakes up.

Now Zhou Zhang has been overwhelmed by the pain, and he has no other thoughts, but if Zhou Zhang still has the ability to speak at this moment, he will definitely not be able to resist the foul language. There are still so many dragon veins, if it really hurts more and more as he goes, then these dragon veins, maybe he will be tortured to death by the pain caused by this thing if he hasn't used up these dragon veins.

Although I thought so, this is also one of the ways to enter the golden space. Although Zhou Zhang did not know how to enter the previous time, but after entering, his body was useless and could not move at all.

Soon Zhou Zhang fell into despair. This time the pain was obviously more unbearable than the last time, but his body seemed to be able to bear it somehow, and he was so uncomfortable that he had not yet passed out.

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but shed tears, it's not like playing like this!It was so painful, but not only did I not feel numb, but I could also feel the burning sensation more clearly.

Fortunately, Zhou Zhang's retreat is underground at the moment, otherwise the monsters around will be scared to death. With Zhou Zhang's realm, even if he doesn't shout deliberately, he can't help but carry the power of his cultivation. If there are only some Then these beasts won't be afraid, but if it continues like this for a day and doesn't stop, no one will be able to bear it.

For example, Zhou Ling, who is in the cave at the moment, has been listening to Zhou Zhang for almost a day now, and even the roaring voice has become hoarse. After such a long time, it didn't take long for him to be overwhelmed by pain, and then he started to move completely.

Although Zhou Zhang said nothing before, but now Zhou Ling is still very worried, he is a little worried that his master will not be able to resist.

But at this moment, Zhou Ling had no way to help his master, so he could only watch where Zhou Zhang was crying in pain.

Just as Zhou Ling was anxiously thinking of a solution, Zhou Zhang suddenly stopped shouting. Zhou Ling hurried over to check and saw that although Zhou Zhang no longer shouted at this moment, his body was still twitching. , still not weakened in the slightest.

Zhou Ling has gone through so many years, but he has never seen a person in Anhui improve their thinking in the future, and so desperately, this is obviously a practice of seeking death in Zhou Ling's view.

Zhou Ling couldn't help but worry that his master would one day die because of his indiscretion, and he really woke up.

Chapter 235 Darkness and Light

At this moment, Zhou Zhang has entered the golden yellow space, still standing in the same place as before, standing at the junction of darkness and light, but this time Zhou Zhang tried it, and he can indeed move. It seems that moving in this space still needs to be done. Only with the support of dragon veins.

After moving around for a while, Zhou Zhang began to think about what to do next, whether to continue to observe the junction of darkness and light here, or to enter this dark space to find out.

But after thinking about it carefully, let’s observe it here first. After all, this place is also very strange. Although it is an intersection, I can clearly perceive that the two are in a very mysterious feeling. Although they are blended together, But there is no sense of connection yet.

Zhou Zhang worked so hard for a while, but found that he was unknowingly, his consciousness was deep in it, and Zhou Zhang hurriedly retracted the realization.

Sure enough, everything here is very unknown, and what I do now is still very dangerous. Although I was forced to leave this world last time, if something happens to me here, it is very likely that I will not be able to escape. went.

Zhou Zhang's guess was correct. If the feeling of exhaustion in the golden space last time was not sustained, although it would be teleported back, after waking up, his vitality would be greatly damaged, and there would be a worse end. That is Completely sleep here, never get out.

Now that he has realized the danger of this junction, Zhou Zhang does not plan to stay here. Although it is still dark in front of him, this dark space should be the same as the golden space.

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