If it wasn't for my son to get a better trial, I would never have found him, and I had been carefully selected to find such a reliable person. I didn't expect to find such a reliable person. In the hands of people, such a thing happened.

Liu Feng, who was angry, slapped Liu Ximen out with a palm. After Ximen fell to the ground, not only did he have no support, but he quickly got up and knelt there again.

At this moment, after Liu Feng experienced this scene, his inner anger was also frightened a little, and then he asked.

"Tell me, what happened? Who made my child like this?"

Only then did Li Ximen dare to answer. After all, if he hadn't received the slap just now, I'm afraid he would have long since existed in this world.

"I don't know the name of this person. The young master was in the Jing'an Empire below. Although I don't know the reason, but a late immortal-level person fought against him. The young master is naturally not his opponent, but I At that time, I was accompanying the adult to have something to do, so I didn't answer it. I received the young master's call for help, but when I was free, I directly projected an image there, but the man wanted to kill him. For the young master, in order to allow the young master to receive treatment faster, I tore the space and brought the young master back."

Li Ximen didn't tell the scene of his fight with Zhou Zhang at that time. After all, Liu Lin's injury had something to do with him. If the two hadn't fought at that time, I'm afraid Liu Lin wouldn't have been hurt so badly.

"Damn, why didn't you just tear up the space and kill that person? You even injured my son in such a situation, and you still save his life?"

At this moment, Liu Feng could not wait to slap Li Ximen directly to death in front of him. His son was beaten like that. He actually just put a mirror image over to check it. Only when he found the seriousness of the matter, did he tear up the space and smash his own body. The son was brought back, and the man survived!

Chapter 239 Assigning a Mission

Li Ximen didn't know how to answer Liu Feng at this moment. He really only casted an image and let that person survive. Now that he thinks about Li Ximen, he regrets it to the extreme. , I'm sure there won't be such a troublesome thing!

Master Liu is my fault. It was my negligence at the time, but I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't know that the young master had such a problem, otherwise I would definitely tear up the sense of space.

After hearing this, Liu Feng also sighed. In fact, he didn't know what to do?Although the person in front of him said that he was an existence that he could shoot to death at any time, he was still a commander below.

"Go away, don't let me see you again."

After Liu Feng said these words, he felt a lot older all of a sudden. If he could, he really wanted to slap him to death, but now he can't do that, and Liu Feng can't guarantee that if he continues If he stayed in front of him, could he suppress the anger in his heart?

Li Ximen couldn't believe his ears. He didn't expect Liu Feng to let him go so easily.

"What are you still doing? I already said, go! Go as far as you want! Or do you want me to slap you to death?"

Li Ximen naturally didn't want to die here. He fled here as fast as he could. He was kneeling at first, and he hurried out the door at this moment.

"Stop! I still have something to ask you."

When Li Ximen was about to walk out of the room, Liu Feng suddenly stopped him.

Li Ximen was suddenly screamed and slumped on the ground. At this moment, Li Ximen's heart was already extremely frightened. He was worried that Liu Feng had suddenly changed his mind and did not want to let him go.

"Is there anything else? Master Liu..."

At this moment, Li Ximen's voice began to tremble. When facing death, Li Ximen was completely dominated by fear.

"Do you know what it looks like to hurt my son like this?"

When you, Simon, found out that you were asking the strange man if he wanted to hold you accountable, you were relieved. He thought that his good times were coming to an end like this!

"What are you doing? Why don't you tell me the face of that person, can it be... Do you want to bear the consequences for him?"

"Yes...Yes, Mr. Liu, I'll tell you what that person looks like."

Li Ximen doesn't want to go to that stranger now, but bear such a huge price. In his opinion, as long as this matter doesn't entangle himself, then it doesn't matter.

Soon, Li Ximen described Zhou Zhang's appearance to Liu Feng.

"Okay, get out now!"

After listening, Liu Feng said to Li Ximen impatiently.

"It's Master Liu, I'll get out now, I'll get out now."

Saying that, Li Ximen hurriedly fled here. It is true that if he stayed here for one more second, some unexpected changes would occur.

After watching Li Ximen leave, Liu Feng also slumped there. Now his son's life and death are uncertain, and he let go of his son to a certain extent, which caused his son to become such a person.

Now Liu Feng can only beg for some miracle to happen, dragging his heavy body, Liu Feng went to the room to visit his son who had just been pulled back from the gate of hell.

He only has such a son. If something goes wrong with his son, Liu Feng himself will not forgive himself.

Looking at the son lying on the bed, although there is still intention at the moment, but it seems that it will disappear at any time. Liu Feng's heart is also very uncomfortable. If he had not let him go to any trials, then all this would not have happened. .

"You all go out... I want to stay with my Lin'er for a while."

Liu Feng said weakly.

"It's my lord."

After speaking, these maids who stayed in Liu Lin's room to take care of them all walked out, leaving only Liu Feng and Liu Lin.

"Lin'er, don't worry, my father will definitely find that person, and let him taste the pain you are suffering now, and ah, in the future, father will never force you to do what you don't want to do. It's up to you, as long as you have any needs, just tell me, I will satisfy you, and I will never let you take such a big risk again..."

Liu Feng began to cry as he spoke. A man who had been proud of his life all his life was crying because of his son.

After a while, Liu Feng packed up his emotions, walked out of the room, and then ordered.

"Now go find me some people, find some reliable people, and let them go down and help me do something."

"It's my lord, I'll do it right now."

At this moment, Liu Feng already knew the general appearance of Zhou Zhang, and all he needed to do now was to find some people to capture him, and soon found a few good people who deal with family affairs on weekdays.

"I called you here now, there is nothing else, I believe everyone knows, now my son is lying in bed, his life and death are unknown, and the culprit of all this is still living happily below, I want to ask everyone to help me Liu Mou is a busy person, and if possible, I hope he is still alive when I bring him, so that he can taste the pain my son has suffered."

After saying these words, Liu Lin took out a portrait. The person in the portrait is none other than Zhou Zhang. The person in the portrait is about seven or eight like Zhou Zhang. Believe it, go find it. People can easily recognize the person in this portrait.

Everyone stepped forward and took the portrait on Liu Feng's hand one by one and began to look at it. This was a man who was estimated to be about forty years old, but from the portrait, he seemed to be wearing very ordinary clothes.

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