After thinking of such an idea, Zhou Zhang quickly pushed Zhou Ling. After all, as far as he knows, there is no such practice. If you ask Zhou Ling, maybe Zhou Ling will guide such a practice.

Zhou Ling was originally thinking about the purpose of the avatar, but suddenly found that his master had fallen into the practice of cultivation without knowing it. , so Zhou Ling also began to try to find other methods.

However, even though Zhou Ling had also deduced for so many days, he did not gain anything at all. At most, he was in that dead end. How can he ensure that this technique of seizing the house can grow without swallowing the cultivation technique.

After Zhou Ling woke up, he found that his master was calling him, so he asked.

"Master, is there something? Or have you discovered something new?"

Zhou Zhang said with a nonchalant smile.

"There is indeed a new discovery. Now I have tried another way. Now I need to ask you to think about it. The exercises you know, whether there are any exercises, also have the ability to swallow."

Zhou Ling was very happy when he heard the first half of the sentence, but when Zhou Zhang said the second half of the sentence, Zhou Ling was really embarrassed.

"Master, although I don't know what method you are thinking of, there are not many martial arts with the ability to devour, and the existence of this technique of seizing the body is already very wonderful. If you learn it, presumably only those magic cultivators will have it."

Zhou Ling is right, the people of the righteous way today are disdainful to use devouring to defeat others. This kind of method is a bit too despicable, so it is said that only those demon cultivators will cultivate these wicked and crooked things.

"Since such a practice still exists in this fashion, doesn't it mean that it can still be found? Why not give it a try?"

Zhou Zhang was a little curious. Although he didn't know how his idea would turn out, at least Zhou Ling had to have some reactions. What's going on now?

"My lord, I don't know, the number of magic cultivators is very, very small now, let alone finding them, even if some magic cultivators are found, there may not be some of them who have the ability to devour. martial arts."

Zhou Zhang originally thought that his method would work, but after hearing what Zhou Ling said, Zhou Zhang gave up this method. He had seen it before, but he had not studied it carefully. Now he is in this world , but used it.

"If this is the case, then this method will not be mentioned for the time being."

When Zhou Zhang finished speaking, he turned to look at the avatar. After several days of recovery, Zhou Zhang found that Li Na's soul had gradually become complete in this avatar, so he needed to inject his own consciousness into it. .

But this does not mean forced, but to guide him to do something Zhou Zhang wants to do in the subconscious. After all, if forced, maybe he will do the opposite.

Zhou Zhang walked in front of the avatar, put his finger on the forehead of the avatar, and integrated his spiritual power into the avatar, and began to set up memory and construct the subconscious mind.

This process is very complicated. Zhou Zhang needs to ensure that this clone will not notice any difference in his memory after he wakes up completely, otherwise he may not obey his commands.

Zhou Zhang can only rely on his own experience over the years to give this clone as real and complete a worldview and memory as possible.

After several hours of hard work, Zhou Zhang found that he had vaguely completed it, and the next step was to send this clone to the world on the ground.

But before that, Zhou Zhang checked it carefully, inside and out of this avatar, to make sure that there were no other flaws. After all, the consequences of the remnant soul last time were still unforgettable for Zhou Zhang. Yes, if something goes wrong after this clone is sent to the ground world, then I can only repeat the same steps again.

Finally, after another hour of inspection, Zhou Zhang made sure that nothing went wrong, and then sent the clone to the world on the ground, but during this process, the clone was in a coma, which was also to ensure that he would not The memory left in this cave.

In the future, the people on the ground have been searching for him, and they also found his avatar, but because this avatar was just an ordinary person, which group of people only carried out a soul search, but after the soul search was fruitless. He gave up, but fortunately Zhou Zhang covered up the affairs in the cave, otherwise, Zhou Zhang might have been captured by this group of people when he was in retreat.

This is also related to the cautiousness that Zhou Zhang has cultivated for so many years. After all, women and children can be careless, but men must not be careless.

In this avatar, Zhou Zhang did not instill in him too much ideology and subjective ideas, so when he wakes up, he will lose part of his memory and only remember who he is and where he came from, but he Now I don't know where I am, and the way home may be far away.

Not long after Zhou Zhang left, this clone woke up. After waking up, he carefully recalled the memory in his mind and knew that he was called Monday, although he did not know why his parents gave him such a common 's name, but at the moment on Monday, he doesn't care about these, he cares about where he is!Where are you going next!

Chapter 2 Encountered the Caravan

It is very unfortunate that Zhou Zhang chose a relatively uninhabited place to choose to retreat, and when Zhou Zhang sent Monday to the ground again, he did not send it to the direction of the town, so now Monday can only blindly move forward. .

Maybe it’s because of God’s blessing. On Monday, I met a caravan in this uninhabited place. At first, the person in charge of the caravan thought he was dazzling, but after getting closer, he realized that there was really a caravan in front of him. A person, and a person who is extremely weak.

The relative person in charge was also a very kind person, so he sent someone to bring Monday into the carriage and took good care of him.

On Monday, after taking good care of the group for a day, they woke up. When they woke up, they found themselves lying in a carriage, and they were weak and weak. They wanted to sit up and look around.

However, the person who had been sitting in the carriage taking care of Zhou Yi at the moment also found that Zhou Yi had woken up, so he hurriedly stopped his behavior.

Young Master, you should just lie down and rest. When I found you a few days ago, you were almost in a coma. We don't know what it means, but you have been supporting until you see us.

Hearing the words in front of him on Monday, he also tried hard to recall what happened a few days ago. How he wanted to talk about it was very vague.

I can't remember the specific things, but I only remember that the last time I woke up, I was in a place I didn't know, and there was no one around. I had no choice but to keep walking forward. Some things I don't remember clearly.

This servant is also a little helpless. The person in front of him doesn't even know how he got down, and he doesn't even know where he is now. How did he get here, but ah, it's a good thing to wake up now, so I just shouted from outside.

"Master, this son is awake, come and have a look."

As soon as Liu Yu heard this, he hurried back on his horse and came to the carriage. After confirming that Monday really woke up, he asked.

"I don't know why the young master appeared in this place? There are very few people in this area. Even our Chamber of Commerce only goes here once a year. If you are not lucky, if you meet us, maybe you will be in trouble. Here it is."

After hearing this on Monday, he also shook his head, how could he know that he would be here.

"Thank you my benefactor for the rescue, I don't know very well. Since I woke up, my mind has been confused, as if even my memory is a little incomplete, and I can't remember many things, and I tried hard to think about it. If I think about it, my head hurts a lot."

After hearing this, Liu Yu hurriedly said to Monday.

"If you can't remember it, then don't think about it anymore. Young Master, let's rest for a few more days. We are still a few days away from the village road in front of us. We will follow our caravan in the past few days."

I haven't asked my benefactor's name.

"Liu, one word is one jade, how about you?"

"on Monday."

Liu Yu was stunned for a while after hearing this, but soon returned to normal, and then said.

"It's a very simple name, but it's very easy to remember."

After saying this, Liu Yu hurried his horse to lead the way.

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