"It's such a master, this technique of seizing the house may be due to the reason that I fed it some low-level exercises before, and gradually became conscious during this process, and in the following time, he will be in me. If I don't pay attention, I will always try to swallow those exercises that are five levels different from his level, but every time it ends in failure, and every time he has hope of success, I will also intervene in it. It caused him to end directly. After a long time, I gradually remembered what the master said before. Since it can be swallowed, what will happen if it can't be swallowed successfully? So I tried to secretly use an advanced exercise in my body. I pretended for a while, but fortunately, the consciousness of the art of seizing the body in the body is not very mature, and I was actually fooled by me like this."

Zhou Ling said that there is some embarrassment here. Although these actions of his own are to achieve the ultimate goal, he feels that there will be some strange feelings to cheat a practice in this way.

"I successfully disguised it as a low-level exercise technique, and the technique of seizing the house immediately jumped on it without hesitation. After he jumped on it, he didn't notice any What's wrong, but I started to try to seize the body and swallow it. I wanted to swallow the words. I have been observing closely until I found that he was about to succeed, and I broke out this long-suppressed practice. When I came out, the difference in level was immediately apparent. This technique of seizing the house was instantly lost, but now they are fighting for the right to belong. How many counts went wrong at this critical juncture, and instantly became a little helpless. , and the cultivation technique in my body was also provoked by myself, and started to fight back. At first, I didn’t think he could really succeed, but it might be due to the gap in cultivation techniques. In the most domineering way, the art of seizing the body has been annexed, and this newly created practice has a lot of numbers, but the evil consciousness before is gone."

After listening to it, Zhou Zhang also roughly understood what kind of process it was. I have to say that Zhou Ling was considered a blind cat and a dead mouse, and it really happened.

Or if Zhou Ling had really listened to his own words before, and hadn't tried to feed the slaughter index, what happened today wouldn't have happened, and the team leader didn't know whether he was right or wrong now.

"Since this slaughter index has now become another form and has the ability, have you adapted to its power?"

Speaking of which, Zhou Ling was a little embarrassed.

"Master, speaking of it, I have found another way, but I don't know if this way is correct or not. Now this technique of seizing the body has entered my practice, but I But I found that I couldn't call it perfectly, which... made me a little suspicious. "

After listening to Zhou Ling's words, Zhou Zhang began to think about the causal relationship. Since the art of seizing the house has been swallowed up by other exercises, it should be a complete form of existence, but now According to Zhou Ling, he is not as skilled as before. This is a very big problem. Under such unstable factors, Zhou Zhang will not let Zhou Ling take risks.

Suddenly Zhou Zhang thought of another question, so he hurriedly asked Zhou Ling.

"After the number of Zhou Ling was swallowed up again, have you tried to cultivate again? Since he exists in another form, does that mean that he can also be cultivated again?"

After Zhou Zhang said these words, he was a little uncertain. After all, a person can only practice the same exercise once, because after such a exercise already exists in his body, it is impossible for him to do it again. If you succeed in your cultivation, you will at most only consolidate your foundation.

But Zhou Ling doesn't have to think otherwise. The method that Zhou Zhang thought of last time, he has already succeeded, and he is so close to his plan. Now when Zhou Zhang thinks of this method, Zhou Ling does not hesitate. I wanted to start trying.

Zhou Zhang saw that Zhou Ling, who was so impatient at the moment, also opened his mouth to block.

"Why are you so impatient, I haven't made it clear to you yet, this matter is really a little weird, so, don't you have any doubts? Could it be this technique of seizing a house? Deliberately hide in this advanced practice, and then seek the opportunity to fight to the death? Everything needs to be seriously considered before proceeding to the next step. In case now you practice the art of seizing the house again, and it succeeds again , then maybe he is in the arms of the art of seizing the house!"

Zhou Ling quickly stopped when he heard it, he didn't dare to try.

Chapter 24 Try Again

Zhou Ling is really scared now, because he didn't listen to Zhou Zhang's words last time, and the trouble he caused has just been repaired. This time, if he tries again and causes trouble, then It's not good. After being stopped by Zhou Zhang, Zhou Liang can only turn his eyes to Zhou Zhang and ask.

"Master, what do you think we should do now? I... I really want to try it."

Zhou Zhang was also a little helpless. He knew that Zhou Ling must be something I couldn't bear. She just wanted to remind him of the precautions.

"Don't look at me with a frowning face, I must know that you really hope that this conjecture can be established, so why not, but this conjecture is dangerous with many hidden dangers, I will stop now. You, to remind you."

"Really? Master, you really just stopped me and reminded me, didn't you really stop me?"

Zhou Ling couldn't believe it. He originally thought that after Zhou Zhang opened his mouth, there was no hope at all, but he didn't expect that there is hope now.

"Looking at how anxious you are now, if I really don't let you have a try, I don't think you'll give up. Maybe you'll try again secretly when I'm cultivating. Now, I might as well watch beside you now, and if something happens, I can help."

Zhou Ling was in no hurry to hear this, and was moved to tears.

"Master, Zhou Ling has made you worry. It's all because of Zhou Ling's bad behavior. Last time, he secretly did something like that."

"Okay, okay, let the past things pass. Now you should try it quickly. Remember, if there is anything wrong, let me know as soon as possible."

Zhou Zhang waved his hand and said, after all, he promised this matter a long time ago, and Zhou Ling has not fulfilled it for him now, and Zhou Zhang has some regrets in his heart.

After all, this technique of seizing a home is a practice that Zhou Ling has already practiced, so when Zhou Ling is going to practice it at this moment, it is as fast as seeing something that he has already memorized and mastered again.

However, although it is relatively light, at this moment Zhou Ling does not dare to be careless. There can only be one exercise in the body, and this is the same exercise. Although he has been annexed now, once again When cultivating, Zhou Ling could feel the resistance coming from his body.

This resistance does not come from other places, but from the exercises that Zhou Ling is practising at the moment. Since he has swallowed this technique of seizing the body before, and has a lot of resentment towards it, at this moment when Zhou Ling is practicing again At that time, he noticed this in the first time. He, who already had the main body of this exercise, wanted to annex this just-formed art of seizing the house again.

Zhou Ling, who found this abnormality, was also in a hurry. At this moment, he was re-cultivating this technique of seizing the body. He could not perfectly control the original exercises in the body, and could only reluctantly suppress the riots in the body. Now Zhou Ling I just beg Yu to quickly practice the art of seizing the house again.

"Qianyeshu calm me down!"

With Zhou Ling's shout, Zhou Zhang also reflected on Zhou Ling's body. Zhou Zhang couldn't help sighing. He had already told Zhou Ling just now that if there was any abnormality in his body, he would tell him as soon as possible. But now he is still holding on.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang carefully observed the situation in Zhou Ling's body and found that it is very bad now. In this case, he still needs to help a group of Zhou Ling, but when Zhou Zhang wanted to take action, Zhou Ling said.

"Master, don't intervene, wait a while, when I really can't hold it, you can just take another shot. I can still control the current situation."

Hearing Zhou Ling's exit to stop Zhou Zhang, it's not good to help anymore. At this moment, he can only watch quietly, but Zhou Zhang has made up his mind at this moment. If he really finds something wrong in a while, regardless of whether Zhou Ling agrees or not, he will To forcibly intervene.

Time passed by minute by minute. Although Zhou Ling is a soul body at this moment, it can be seen from his expression that the irritability between the exercises in his body is getting bigger and bigger at this moment.

Zhou Zhang also saw it. At this moment, Zhou Ling did not want to help himself, but because he had told him last time not to try, and then he did not listen to the advice, so he always felt guilty about himself, so now This time, he wants to do it with his own efforts.

This kind of idea is quite good, but it is still very difficult for a soul body to support under such circumstances. After all, his main source of energy comes from his own soul body, not like himself, which can be directly mobilized The aura of heaven and earth is for one's own use.

The current time is also tormenting for Zhou Zhang. Obviously, looking at Zhou Ling at this moment, he has some symptoms that he can't hold on, but Shouling has not spoken, and what Zhou Zhang originally thought has not been implemented at this moment. Don't If Zhou Ling, who has such endurance, if he helps him by himself, I am afraid it will also have a big impact on his cultivation path.

But Zhou Zhang couldn't bear to look at Zhou Ling. Because of his stubbornness, he would cause some immeasurable damage to himself. Although he didn't get along with Zhou Ling for a long time, he did know Zhou Ling's relationship very early. It exists, and Zhou Ling is the only one who can accompany Zhou Zhang to practice together.

There are some Zhou Zhang who don't want to lose someone who can accompany him. Otherwise, when he ends his practice and opens his eyes, he can only see this empty cave, and there won't be a very kind voice beside him asking anxiously. Master, how are you?

Just when Zhou Zhang thought so, Zhou Ling in front of him finally couldn't hold it any longer. Zhou Zhang could clearly feel that the confrontation between the two exercises in Zhou Ling's body had reached the point where Zhou Ling could not control it. If it goes on like this, Zhou Ling will not only fail this time, but will also have a great impact on himself.

Without further ado, Zhou Zhang hurriedly took action, and regardless of whether Zhou Ling had called for help at this time, Zhou Zhang directly pressed his hand on Zhou Zhang's body to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body, helping Zhou Ling to sort out the tension between the two exercises in his body. confrontation.

Who knew that Zhou Zhang's domineering aura was transported into Zhou Ling's body, and the Qianye Technique in Zhou Ling's body seemed to have encountered a greater threat, and he dared not continue to act rashly.

Chapter 25 Zhou Zhang's Worry

At this moment, Zhou Ling's complexion finally eased a little, but Zhou Zhang did not dare to have the slightest sense of preparation. If Zhou Zhang suddenly withdraws his spiritual energy at this moment, I am afraid that this Chiba technique will still do things and think back. Even worse situation.

Zhou Ling also felt the changes in his body. He was on the verge of collapse just now. Maybe later, he would be ruined by this Chiba technique. Thanks to Zhou Zhang's timely action, the current situation was alleviated.

Now that the Chiba technique in his body has been suppressed by his master, Zhou Ling quickly began to complete the practice of the technique of seizing the house.

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