Li Xiao said after seeing that the minister below didn't say anything at the moment.

"Since all the Aiqings have agreed with our method now, then hurry up and invite Monday over, and then make him the protector of the country."

"Yes, it's all up to His Majesty's arrangement."

Here, Li Xiao has already arranged everything that he needs to do on Monday, but on Monday in Blackwater City, he has no interest at all to be the protector of the country.

Especially a few days later, when I received the news on Monday, I didn't understand why the current emperor would give him such a status, he just helped those displaced people after the disaster of Kaiyang Empire, such a contribution. Whether it is big or small, it is not too small, but it is definitely not up to the requirements of being the protector of the country.

In addition, there are also some big Mondays in this matter that still decide to reconsider and then reply, because today's Monday can be completely invisible and do some things that you want to do with Empress Mu, but if you really become the protector of the country, then , I am afraid that thousands of things are waiting for me to solve every day.

It's a completely different way of life from Monday, so it's good not to say no in the first place.

However, there is another reason why Monday did not reject the emperor's kindness in the first time. That is, today's Monday is still in the Kaiyang Empire. If it is such a big good thing, if it is rejected directly on Monday, it will make sense. , do not give the emperor face.

But at this moment, Zhou Yi did not know that even if he did not refuse at that time, it would be a big trouble, because Li Xiao in the Kaiyang Empire today is different from Ye Xinghuai in the Jing'an Empire.

If Ye Xinghuai handled this matter, then the whole country would be very happy to deal with it, because he would consider many aspects, not just blindly forcing others, but this is not the case with Li Xiao at the moment.

In Li Xiao's view, what Monday is doing today, no matter what his starting point is, but now he has done something that is of great benefit to the Kaiyang Empire, so such a talent must not be lost. Li Xiao wants to do everything possible to keep Monday here and let Monday continue to work hard for him.

In addition, when Li Xiao made this decision, he did the right thing with many people. Under such great pressure, he rejected him again on Monday, and Li Xiao would definitely become angry. In such a state, it is very likely that There will be some revenge on Monday.

At this moment, after I got this notice on Monday, I called a few people I trusted to discuss the matter. Of course, there was Sun Zhongli among them, because during these days on Monday, I found out that Sun Zhongli was here. People have a very thorough research on human relationships and human nature.

Chapter 29 Li Xiao's Conspiracy

Because in these days, Monday also learned more or less that Sun Zhongli's business ideas were all derived from people's greed for petty cheap. Although many people know this, but if you want to put If it grasps the appearance of Sun Zhongli, it will still owe a lot of heat.

Of course, this is not the main reason for bringing Sun Zhongli's family here on Monday. The main reason is because Sun Zhongli knows many dignitaries in the palace, so Sun Zhongli can also find out from their mouths. For what reason.

After a few days, Sun Zhongli found Monday with a series of news. At this moment, Monday has been waiting for several days, and many days have been assigned in this regard. If he doesn't give a reply, I am afraid that it will be a bit unreasonable.

He had already made up his mind on Monday. If Sun Zhongli didn't come again, he would directly reject this matter regardless of the reasons or excuses. It was because Monday didn't want to be a protector of the country.

In fact, Sun Zhongli knew the news before he invited him over on Monday. It was really unacceptable news. The title of Protector of the Country had not appeared for many years, but now it was saved because of a rescue. In times of adversity, the Kaiyang Empire was appointed directly. Although it is said that Duke Protector does not have much power on weekdays, such a title is not something that can be given to others casually.

Moreover, Sun Zhongli also inquired more or less some information. That is the title of the protector of the country. It is not from the ministers below, but from the current monarch of the Kaiyang Empire. Li Xiao came up with it, and there is still Li Xiao. After directly confirming this matter, give the edict directly to Zhou.

This made Sun Zhongli even more puzzled. How could the monarch of a country appoint a protector of the country because of such a thing? Wouldn't it be too much of a joke to say this?

And this aspect was forcibly appointed by Li Xiao after concluding with many ministers, because at that time, there were many people who held objections. Although Sun Zhongli now does not know what Li Xiao is going to do, he Now that the industry he maintains on Monday is benefiting the people, no one can destroy the current state.

Moreover, this country was completely dead soon after the disaster. Since the moment the war started, and since the war, in this dilapidated country, no one in the current dynasty has stood up to do anything. No one cares and takes care of these poor people who have just experienced the baptism of war.

But now that the country is temporarily settled down, do they want to directly collect this result?Do you want to use this opportunity to win over people's hearts and continue to stabilize your regime?

If the current situation in the Kaiyang Empire has nothing to do with him, then Sun Zhongli will naturally not intervene, but now this matter has a very close relationship with him, he does not want to be the lackey of the court, especially Li Xiao, Sun Zhongli has always had a prejudice against her.

Under so many reasons, Li Xiao also found out some things in the court through his own network, that is, Li Xiao today, he wants to take advantage of the great situation of the Kaiyang Empire and plan to attack the side Tianshui Empire.

Sun Zhongli really couldn't believe it. Now the empire has just recovered a little bit of strength, and the people's food and clothing problem has just been solved. This side actually wants to continue to attack the Tianshui Empire, although the Tianshui Empire and Kaiyang The empire also has some feuding stations, but now both countries are suffering countries.

The reason why Li Xiao has such confidence is probably that Monday became the protector of the country. At that time, it must be a trivial matter to supply military supplies with the strength of Monday. At that time, if Monday really became the protector of the country, then he must play the role of a commander in wartime, not only to provide military supplies to the army for free, but also to provide a lot of food for the army to march. use.

I have to say that the current monarch is really thinking in the long run. If he doesn't know this, he may have been deceived by his hypocritical face.

Now that Sun Zhongli already knew about such a thing, the moment he arrived at Blackwater City, he went directly to Monday. It was necessary for Monday to know and understand such things as soon as possible, and he also Do your best to dissuade Monday, even if you still want to be the protector of the country in the end, but you can't let Li Xiao's conspiracy succeed.

"Please let me know, that Sun Zhongli came to find the shopkeeper Zhou."

The so-called look, it turned out to be Sun Zhongli, and even the newspapers did not report it, so he hurriedly said.

"It turned out to be Mr. Sun, please come in quickly, our shopkeeper has been waiting for you for many days."

Sun Zhongli was a little confused by the words of the guard, but he still walked in directly. After all, the doubts in his heart can only be known after seeing Monday.

"Boss Zhou, long time no see."

"Mr. Sun, you are here. You have been waiting so hard for me these past few days."

He looked up on Monday and saw that it was Sun Zhongli, so he hurriedly stood up to greet him.

Sun Zhongli was also a little confused by being greeted by Monday. How did he know what he was about to come this Monday?He didn't say anything before coming here.

"How did Shopkeeper Zhou know that I was coming? I don't think I informed Shopkeeper Zhou before I came."

Zhou Yi originally greeted Sun Zhongli with a smile, but after hearing this sentence, Zhou Yi's smile froze.

"Didn't Mr. Sun come after receiving my invitation? Could it be that the letter I sent to Mr. Sun a few days ago didn't arrive?"

Hearing this, Sun Zhongli understood. It turned out that it was Monday that he contacted him as soon as he learned about it. Unfortunately, he knew about it earlier than Monday, so it was estimated in the letter. When it was delivered to the mansion, he had already left, and he did not receive it.

"So that's the case, then it's a bit unfortunate. Manager Zhou, I already set off when you didn't send me the letter. Your letter is a little late."

After hearing this on Monday, I also laughed out loud.

Chapter 30

"I didn't expect Mr. Sun's news to be so well-informed. It's good. Now Mr. Sun knows about this in advance. It seems that Mr. Sun has a deep understanding of this matter, and he also knows the purpose of my invitation to Mr. Sun. "

Sun Zhongli nodded when he heard the words. Of course he already knew it, and it seemed that the current situation was better than he expected. If you invite yourself over on Monday, it is just because he is still undecided, so he said he wants to come and listen. He listened to his own opinion, and he decided early on that this matter could not be agreed.

"That's natural, if that's the case, then let's go straight to the point. This time, I think it will give shopkeeper Zhou a lot of headaches. Today's emperor has suddenly made such a front. You are going to protect the country. I'm afraid this is one of them. There are many conspiracies, but the shopkeeper Zhou still doesn't know about it, and after becoming the protector of the country, the shopkeeper Zhou must also know nothing about the things he needs to do."

Although these words are true, but now in the ears of Monday, it is very unnatural.

"Mr. Sun's words are a bit too mean. If I knew all these things, naturally I wouldn't invite Mr. Sun to help me with advice. Besides, I'm afraid I'm not a member of the Kaiyang Empire. Now, even the current emperor, I don't know who he is or what he looks like."

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