He was worried that if the mysterious man did not listen to him at this moment and forcibly went to the lower realm to extract the dragon veins of six countries, not only would the lower realm become a purgatory on earth, but his cultivation might also be damaged.

This matter is absolutely not allowed to happen, so even if the mysterious man really wants to kill Zhou Zhang now, he can only wait for the next opportunity, which is the day when the dragon veins of the six countries he extracted are restored.

However, the thing that makes him very happy is that the Dragon Vein of the Six Kingdoms is now recovering ahead of schedule because of an unknown businessman.

Although he doesn't know how this happened, but now he has waited for so long, she can still bear the grievances for a while, especially after thinking that she got that secret treasure , he doesn't care about the grievances he is suffering now!

And there is another good news, that is, he did not know how to fight with the young master of the Liu family, and he beat him to the point where he is still unconscious. This time he was the Liu family who was completely provoked. The matter has nothing to do with him at all, although he works under his subordinates, but now that something happens, the Liu family will naturally not find trouble with him, but will find Zhou Zhang.

I can also add to the flames from it, and I believe that before the dragon veins fully recover, I will be able to express the evil spirit in my heart!

Although this time, they went to look for Zhou Zhang, and there was a mistake, but it was entirely because the person they were looking for was unreliable. They didn't know the specific strength of this Zhou Zhang at all, so, now, what they need to do After doing things, tell him, the Liu family patriarch asked him to send stronger people to find Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang still didn't know that he was being targeted by another person without making a sound, and he also put himself into a very bad situation, that is, his clone was likely to be disturbed by this.


"Is Patriarch Liu there? Our lord asked me to pass you a few words."

I have to say that this mysterious man's subordinates are tough. When he came to Liu's house, he didn't even ask the guards, so he broke in directly.

Liu Feng heard someone calling him outside, so he went out and took a look. At this moment, Liu Feng became angry after seeing the person coming. The person in front of him was the person in charge of the place where his son was staying. My son has been in trouble for so long, what do you want to do here now?

However, although Liu Feng's heart is very angry at the moment, he also knows that although the person in front of him is just a messenger, the person behind him cannot be provoked.

"I don't know what the high messenger came here to do today?"

"What did the Liu family say? Of course, I came here to see your son coming, but a few days ago, my family was inconvenient to move around due to some reasons. Now that the situation has stabilized, he sent me here quickly. "

Liu Feng didn't believe what the person in front of him said. It took so long to see his son. How could people believe such words?

"That's very unfortunate. My son is still in a coma. This can be because the high messenger's subordinates did not take good care of my son at the most critical moment!"

Gao Changfeng didn't expect Liu Feng to be so outspoken, and it would be very embarrassing to say such words directly to make Gao Changfeng very embarrassed. Although this matter is indeed related to them, it cannot be blamed on himself.

"We all don't want this to happen to Patriarch Liu, but now there is such an outcome, we are very helpless, my family is also very sympathetic to the loss of wages, and the current situation, so I came here specially to bring I have obtained valuable medicinal materials, and I hope it can be of some help to your son."

Speaking of which, Gao Changfeng took out a jade box from the storage ring, and handed it to Liu Feng's hand.

Liu Feng didn't know what the hell Gao Changfeng was pretending to be, but since he said it was a very valuable medicinal material, he took it over.

After receiving it, Liu Feng directly opened the jade box. Originally, he still didn't care, but when he saw the medicinal material, Liu Feng was so excited that he was speechless.

"This... is this the revival grass that can give people a chance to bring the dead back to life?"

"Patriarch Liu really has good eyesight, this is indeed the Resurrection Grass, but the year of this Resurrection Grass is not very good. After all, this thing is also in a situation where there is no market for it. I hope this Resurrection Grass can help your son's injury. help."

Chapter 52 Liu Feng's one-sided understanding

When this revival grass was first handed over to Gao Changfeng, Gao Changfeng couldn't believe it. It was too precious. It can be said that it can bring a person back to life. There is a certain probability, but even if there is a slight probability, many people will buy it.

However, his own family told him that although this soul-resurrection grass is very precious, the Liu family will remember her kindness because of this. If he wants to go to the lower realm again, the Liu family will help him. Bundle.

But Gao Changfeng doesn't care about so much, he doesn't care what his lord is planning, he just needs to do the things arranged by his lord.

After confirming that this place was the Resurrection Grass, Liu Feng could no longer remain calm, and what appeared in front of him might be something that could save his son's life.

"High messenger, I want to use this revival grass on my son right now, and I can forgive me for being light, so if anything happens next, I ask the high messenger to wait for a while until my son swallows this revival grass. We'll talk about it later."

After listening to Gao Changfeng, he nodded. He didn't mind this very much. He also understood Liu Feng's mood at the moment, and finally had hope of saving his son. Of course, he wanted to try it as soon as possible.

After seeing Gao Changfeng nod, Liu Feng quickly took the herb and felt it in his son's room.

Pushing the door open, he saw his son still lying motionless on the bed. Although Liu Feng was still very sad, but now that he has this revival grass in his hand, maybe his son will wake up soon.

Liu Feng quickly took out the revival grass, and then opened Liu Lin's mouth, allowing the revival grass to enter Liu Lin's mouth, and the revival grass seemed to have spirituality. After entering Liu Lin's mouth, it instantly transformed into A green liquid flowed into Liu Lin's belly.

After seeing the peculiar phenomenon of the Resurrection Grass, Liu Feng further concluded that this place was the Resurrection Grass.

After doing all this, Liu Feng withdrew. After all, it would take some time for the medicinal power to develop, so he couldn't wait for his son to wake up before greeting Gao Changfeng outside.

"I also ask the high messenger to help me convey my gratitude to your lord. I have already let my son eat this soul-resurrection grass. Although it will depend on my son's fate whether it will wake up or not, but the kindness of my lord. Liu has already received it."

Gao Changfeng didn't expect such a big change, but this also complied with his intention. Now that Liu Feng has accepted the Resurrection Grass, he only needs to say the second thing.

"Don't worry, I will definitely tell my lord about the Liu family, but I heard another thing. Your son was in the lower realm and was injured by a man named Zhou Zhang."

Liu Feng had just eased his mood a little, but now he couldn't calm down after hearing Zhou Zhang's name. Resisting the anger in his heart, Liu Feng said to Gao Changfeng.

"The high messenger is right. It is true that he was injured by a person named Zhou Zhang in the lower realm, but this person named Zhou Zhang has not been found, otherwise I will definitely kill this person."

When Gao Changfeng saw Liu Feng's reaction, he knew that there was nothing wrong with this matter, but the reason he came here was not to see how Liu Feng was angry, but to help him.

"Patriarch Liu, don't be angry, I have heard about this, and now I'm here to help Patriarch Liu for this matter."

After listening, Liu Feng glanced at Gao Changfeng in disbelief. In his impression, Gao Changfeng didn't seem like the kind of person who would help him.

"What the high envoy said is true. Do you want to help me? However, the difficulty of this matter may be a little big, as big as the lower realm. If Zhou Zhang wants to read us, it will be difficult to find."

After listening to Gao Changfeng, he smiled and shook his head. Of course he knew about this, and he also knew who Liu Feng had sent last time. Only a few immortals wanted to catch them. Has an Immortal-level Great Consummation?It's a bit of an idiot's dream, let's not talk about whether the group of people could find Zhou Zhang last time, and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to bring them back.

"Of course what I said is true, but if Patriarch Liu wants to hold Zhou Zhang, he must first understand the specific cultivation of Zhou Zhang, so that he can send the most correct person. Last time, Patriarch Liu must not have Get accurate information, otherwise, the Liu family will not just send a dozen immortal-level people to try to catch this Zhou Zhang."

After listening to Liu Feng, he didn't understand something. Could it be that the people he sent were weak?In his opinion, Zhou Zhang was just a bit higher than his son, otherwise, how could he not have listened to such a person in the lower realm.

"I really don't know his cultivation very well, but I don't think his cultivation is very high. Otherwise, how could I have never heard of this name?"

After listening to Gao Changfeng, he understood. As expected, his guess was correct. This Liu Feng didn't know Zhou Zhang's specific cultivation base at all.

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