Chapter 67 More Pain

While talking about Zhou Zhang, he forgot his business. The reason why he called Zhou Ling was because he wanted to tell him that he didn't need to save the use of Lingyu anymore, and that he didn't need to save it at all if it was calculated with his current financial resources.

"Do you know why I asked you about the fact that you haven't cultivated in the past few days? I want to say that you don't need to save it now, because now I'm about to break through, so you can use it now, you don't need it at all. I'm worried that there won't be enough Lingyu at that time."

Zhou Ling, who was already very happy, jumped up with joy after hearing this sentence, he really couldn't believe it was true.

"Master, is it true? Lingyu can be used for cultivation in the future? Are you really not worried anymore?"

Zhou Ling still couldn't believe it, so he asked specifically, for fear that Zhou Zhang was joking with himself.

Zhou Zhang nodded when he heard the words. He now has enough spiritual jade in the storage ring for the two of them, and according to Zhou Ling's cultivation speed, it is really very enough, so there is no need to worry about not enough spiritual jade. question.

Seeing Zhou Zhang nod, Zhou Ling was really pleasantly surprised. He really didn't expect that his master would agree to him so readily now.

There were no complaints at first, but now that he has been approved to practice here again, Zhou Ling is really happy, and this news makes Zhou Ling so happy that he doesn't know what to say.

"Okay, let's see if you're happy, motivated and seize the opportunity to cultivate. I don't want to see your current cultivation level after I break through. I'm afraid you won't have the chance to help me by then."

Zhou Ling was as happy as the Chinese New Year, but after hearing Zhou Zhang's words, he immediately stopped. Zhou Ling understood it very well. With his current cultivation level, let alone help, as long as he doesn't hold back. Zhou Ling is already very happy, but Zhou Ling will not stop there. Now he can continue to practice, Zhou Ling is also determined, and now he has to show [-]% determination, only in this way You can ensure that you will not be held back in the future, and you will not be ashamed.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ling was very motivated, so he hurriedly sat down cross-legged, took out the spiritual jade, and started to practice. Although he didn't know when his master would be able to break through, if he didn't work harder, he really wouldn't be able to do it before his master broke through. breakthrough.

Zhou Zhang also laughed when he saw this. He just said casually that he would have to wait for a long time to break through, and even if he really broke through then, he would not dislike Zhou, who is not high in cultivation. spirit.

On this side, after the guidance of Lin Ziyi, a group of people began to search in a large area, especially now that they knew that they had to find Zhou Zhang from the ground, although this task was very important, and the ground was far more complicated than the ground. , but because of the current belief, everyone is very strong.

However, just as Zhou Zhang had imagined, most of the people in this group are not strong in spirit, so if they really want to find Zhou Zhang now, it will take a long time.


Today is the time to enter the mysterious space again. Zhou Zhang was very excited to take out the dragon vein and put it on his arm without any hesitation, but this time something happened again. This scene, if it were the past, this dragon vein would have caused Zhou Zhang to cry out in pain.

But this time, Zhou Zhang, who was trying his best to suppress it, didn't find any pain, but this thing really got into his arm!

Zhou Zhang was stunned!He doesn't know what's wrong, and now he has clearly used the dragon veins, but now there is no reaction at all!Is it...

Could it be true? With the attitude of giving it a try, Zhou Zhang took out some dragon veins. This time Zhou Zhang observed carefully, and the dragon veins disappeared directly!

"What are you doing? Are you asking for a price? How can you be so shameless?"

Zhou Zhang really felt a little helpless, but it wasn't enough. This is how much it takes to let himself in. Maybe he didn't want to let himself in after kicking himself out last time, so he specially raised the admission fee.

But even so, there is no other way, Zhou Zhang had to continue to take out the dragon veins, and he couldn't use it because the consumption was too high.

After taking out the dragon veins, Zhou Zhang found that it was not as simple as sitting on the ground and raising the price. He clearly wanted to play with himself. This was already three times the usual amount, so how could it not be enough.

keep taking, keep putting, keep taking, keep putting…


It finally started on the ninth time, and the result was that Zhou Zhang, who subconsciously wanted to continue taking the dragon veins, didn't react all of a sudden.

Moreover, the increase in the dragon veins this time also brings about an increase in the burning sensation, and it is also consistent with the increased weight of the dragon veins. It is really nine times the number and nine times the pain!

Zhou Zhang rolled on the ground with his arms in his arms in pain, causing Zhou Ling, who was still cultivating next to him, to wake up. Seeing the master Zhou Ling who was rolling on the ground, the corners of his mouth twitched. This is really desperate!How could it be this serious before, just laying on the ground and screaming in pain, and now it's all over the ground in pain.

Although I haven't experienced it personally, Zhou Ling can't stand it now. Zhou Ling can't imagine if he can stand it if he is like this. It's not a joke, it's just a joke.

Zhou Zhang, who is rolling on the ground with pain, is also unbearable. If possible, Zhou Zhang would rather choose other methods than choose such a desperate method.

Not only Zhou Lin felt that Zhou Zhang himself felt that if he continued like this, he might one day kill himself.

But now the pain is getting stronger and stronger, but Zhou Zhang has no sign of fainting at all. Even Zhou Zhang himself is desperate, he is already in such pain, why does he have to endure it, not only endure it , and still for such a long time.

But although it is very helpless, but now there is no chance to cancel, and the pain must be endured.

After Zhou Zhang rolled on the ground for a while, he finally got used to it, and Zhou Ling on the side was relieved after hearing that there was no movement here. Every time he saw his master working so hard, he felt a little distressed.

Now that Zhou Zhang, who has seen the mysterious space, is also a little fascinated, because the scene shown in front of him now makes him somewhat unfamiliar.

Chapter 68 Are You Playing With Yourself?

The last time Zhou Zhang came to the intersection of golden yellow and dark space, but now it is bright and white.

Zhou Zhang didn't know that he had passed the last time, the first floor test of this mysterious space, and now he has come to the second floor.

Fortunately, Zhou Zhang quickly got used to it, because now no matter where he appears, his mission here is to continue to practice so that he can achieve a breakthrough.

Although I can't figure out the situation now, since I came here, there is a reason for coming here, and Zhou Zhang began to carefully observe the surroundings.

But unfortunately, this time there was no sound in Zhou Zhang's body reminding Zhou Zhang what to do, and now he is really confused.

Zhou Zhang is very angry in his heart now. If he said that he could cultivate by coming here, then it would not matter, but the current situation is that he has come to an unfamiliar environment. He has suffered so much in vain.

Although I am very angry, there is nothing I can do. Now I can only wander around aimlessly in this place to see if I have a chance to find some ways to understand where this is and what to do next!

Zhou Zhang just walked forward aimlessly here, but after walking for a while, Zhou Zhang found something different, that is, he didn't seem to be restricted here, because in the blue space before, he walked After a while there was a noticeable sense of exhaustion, but not here.

After all, there are some doubts in his heart, so Zhou Zhang will use the spell directly now, and he wants to verify whether this is the same as the dark space.

After Zhou Zhang used it up, he couldn't help feeling a little ridiculous. Since he didn't feel any tiredness here, it proved that there was no problem with using spiritual power here. Why should he try it again?It's really too much.

Now that you can be sure that you can use spiritual power here, you can be unscrupulous, but since you can use power here, can the spiritual power in it also be supplemented?

Zhou Zhang carefully felt the air around him, and after waiting for Zhou Zhang to feel it, he didn't sigh, and sure enough, he thought too much. it is good.

But this also made Zhou Zhang very satisfied. He would be able to use his spiritual power here, so he could fly up and observe the surroundings.

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