"Zhou Ling, do you want to get a faster cultivation speed now?"

He had just started training, and when he heard Zhou Zhang's words, he instantly woke up. He didn't know what method his master was talking about, but since there was a way to speed up, Zhou Ling would naturally not refuse.

"Host, what method are you talking about? Can it really speed up cultivation?"

Just when I asked here, Zhou Ling suddenly realized that something was wrong. His master has gone through such a painful method to improve his cultivation. Could it be that his master also wants to try it for himself?So he quickly changed his mind.

"No need, no need, master, you should keep this method by yourself, I will use this spiritual jade to cultivate enough, I will speed up my efforts, and I will definitely be able to make the fastest breakthrough in the shortest time. It won't be much different than increasing the training speed."

Zhou Zhang didn't understand. He just asked if he wanted to give it a try. Why did Zhou Ling refuse it? He didn't really want to cultivate, but he also wanted to improve his cultivation, but now he doesn't want to. already?

"What the hell are you doing, I thought of a way for you to speed up your speed, and your cultivation speed is not fast at all. Now that I have thought of a way for you, why not try it?"

Zhou Lin was very embarrassed to see that Zhou Zhang was a little angry now. He really didn't want to try the method used by his master, and his master's current cultivation level was so high.If you try this little body, you're going to die.

"Master, it's not that Zhou Ling doesn't want to. It's really that the method proposed by the master is too risky. If Zhou Ling also uses that thing to practice, I'm afraid even this life will be lost."

After hearing this, Zhou Zhang couldn't help laughing.

"I thought it was the reason, it turned out that you were worried that I would let you use the same method as me, don't worry, this thing won't let you use it, and even if you want to use it now, I won't necessarily give it to you. You, you don't know how much effort this thing has cost me."

After hearing this, Zhou Ling was relieved. After all, he really didn't want to try this thing, but his reaction just now was a little too much, and he also misunderstood his master. Zhou Ling scratched his head a little embarrassedly. said.

"Master, tell me, what is the method? As long as this is not the case, Zhou Ling can guarantee that he will try hard."

Chapter 72 Paintings for Zhou Ling

After hearing Zhou Ling's agreement, Zhou Zhang's face showed a smile, and then Zhou Zhang took out one of his paintings from the storage ring, and said to Zhou Ling.

"Don't worry, I will never pit you. You hold this painting. If you can understand it well, it will be of great help to your cultivation."

Zhou Ling was dubious about the painting that Zhou Zhang handed over, although he didn't know what was in it?But he believed that Zhou Zhang would not deceive himself.

After structuring it, I opened it and looked at it yesterday. When Zhou Zhang handed it to Zhou Lin, the above restriction was lifted, so now when Zhou Lingling looked at this painting, she directly entered the painting. world.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed, and it was still a big change. Zhou Ling was a little flustered, and he had no idea what was happening to him now.

But when Zhou Ling looked around carefully, he found that the scene around was actually the scene of the painting he had just seen.

Zhou Ling didn't know what happened.But now I can be sure that what is happening in front of me has something to do with the painting I see.

Zhou Ling doesn't care about why he came here now. Since the master said to himself that this place is conducive to cultivation, it means that this is a good place.

Now in front of Zhou Ling is a boundless forest. Zhou Ling does not know where it is, but the scene in front of him is very real, and the sense of oppression from the depths of the forest is also very strong. clear.

Since there is no clue, and there is a very large sense of oppression in front of him, then it must have something to do with this sense of oppression. With this idea in mind, Zhou Ling began to move forward.

After walking into the woods, Zhou Lingcai found that it was foggy inside, and his vision was very affected, and he could not see it from a little farther, but there was no such anomaly outside.

But now that he has walked in, he can only continue to move forward. While walking, Zhou Ling suddenly found that there seemed to be signs of life around him, and it was coming in his direction, so he quickly picked it up.

Zhou Ling had just finished his stance, and after rubbing it there, a fierce beast jumped out, but Zhou Ling felt relieved when he found out that it was a third-order spirit beast, although he didn't know what it was. The rest, but this is only a third-order spirit beast, such a level is like a child's existence when facing the current self.

Zhou Ling didn't want to entangle with him at first, but this fierce beast took the initiative to pounce on Zhou Ling, and Zhou Ling had no choice but to deal with him.

After getting rid of the beast, Zhou Ling wanted to keep walking forward, but after just a few steps, Zhou Ling found that there were more signs of life around, and they were all coming towards him without exception. of.

Zhou Lin secretly screamed in his heart that this kind of beast should live in a group. Maybe the beast just now was just a leader, but because it ran faster, now it's just the whole army.

Although it is easier to deal with a third-order beast, Zhou Ling is also a little embarrassed in the face of so many situations. If this is the case, then he must be very careful, otherwise so many beasts will attack him. If one is not careful, they will be hurt by them.


Zhou Zhang also laughed when he saw Zhou Ling, who had been frozen there. It seemed that he had entered there so soon, but Zhou Zhang had forgotten which painting he gave to Zhou Ling by then.

After checking the fog again, I found out that Zhou Ling was given what I saw in the Black Peak Mountain Range, but since this is the Heifeng Mountain Range, I am a little relieved, but this Heifeng Mountain Range, I am painting When you add something different, don't change it a lot.

"If nothing else, Zhou Lian should have met Chen Ruoxi by now. This is the first test I set up. Although Chen Ruoxi is only a third-order cultivation, I have raised his fighting ability to the fourth. Of course, this Chen Ruoxi will appear endlessly, it has no end, and it will not stop at all, just see if Zhou Ling knows this, and whether he can come out of it smoothly."

After arranging Zhou Lin's affairs, Zhou Zhang no longer has to worry about this. After all, there is only the world in the painting. Even if he is injured or killed in it, he can come out intact. And every time there will be a limit, when people can't stand it, they can exit on their own.


It's been five days now, and now Lin Ziyi is a little impatient. After all, when he first killed Monday, he didn't really believe that Zhou Zhang would come over, and it's been five days now. In the past few days, Lin Ziyi felt that Zhou Zhang would not come again.

These days, Lin Zi has monitored every area near the Kaiyang Empire Imperial City, but he has not found Zhou Zhang's shadow at all.

And on the night of Monday's death, the people in the house found out about it. It was because Lin Ziyi made a big noise.

As a result, it quickly became known throughout the city. After all, this is Duke Protector. Although he has suffered many unfortunate encounters these days, Duke Protector is a hero who has retained the Kaiyang Empire.

There are already many people who want to hate a saying, after all, they all know that the protector of the country must be killed by the same people as before.

Unable to bear the oppression of so many people, the imperial court had to start investigating the matter, and also sent many troops.

Lin Ziyi didn't want to make the matter too much of a stir now. After all, he shot and killed himself this Monday. If he didn't handle the matter well, he would probably keep laughing at him when he was found out in the future.

But if he didn't show up, the Kaiyang Empire would definitely keep investigating the matter. There was no way, Lin Ziyi would go into the palace.

After finding the current emperor Li Xiao soon, Lin Ziyi told the matter. Li Xiao hated Monday very much, so after hearing that Lin Ziyi killed Monday, not only did he not blame him at all. , but also showed a thankful smile.

Lin Ziyi didn't know why Li Xiao behaved like this, and he didn't care, but he didn't want Kaiyang Empire to continue investigating this matter, so he said.

Chapter 73

"I took poison when I saw him on Monday, but the poison is indeed fake, but about the cause of death on Monday, I think you can think of a very good statement."

After hearing this, Li Xiao couldn't believe him. He thought it was Monday who provoked the expert in front of him, so he was killed, but now I invite him. It turned out that Monday had the idea of ​​dying, and he went to buy Poison, but did not buy it.

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