Lin Ziyi already has some thoughts of scolding his mother. It's not good for Zhou Zhang to hide here, but he hides in this Tongtian Continent, which is not easily accessible to him.

Chapter 83 Masochism

In the end, there was really no other way, so Lin Ziyi wanted to reveal the identity of that person, because this matter was already known to almost everyone in the business world, and this was the person who wanted to kill Zhou Zhang.

When the lawsuit was filed, these people were still very unconvinced, because he thought that all these were made up by Lin Ziyi. He heard that someone had come to Qingfeng Continent to do some calculations a few days ago. How could it be possible in such a short period of time now? He has to take the life of another servant, and this is not an easy task for him.

Lin Ziyi is really helpless now. He thought that after revealing the identity of that person, the attitude of these people would at least change, but he didn't expect to call himself a liar.

"Since you don't believe it, then you should contact the people in your own family to see if what I said is true or false. If it is false, I, Lin Ziyi, can commit suicide on the spot, but if it is true, please also ask You can make it convenient, and if that person really kills this person, maybe he will remember your family a little better."

Although there was a slightly threatening tone in these words, Lin Ziyi also understood very well that he was asking for help, so when he said the second half of the sentence, he directly changed his tone and discussed with them from a more humble angle.

At this moment, the owner of the house was still very unconvinced, but after hearing what Lin Ziyi said, he hesitated, especially the sentence of committing suicide on the spot, because if this matter is true, then The involvement is huge, and in the end, the person they are looking for is really the area where their family is located, and they really have a mouth and can't tell.

After all, they refused to search for this matter with such a strong attitude. Isn't this an obvious cover up?And if that person is really involved, maybe he will directly destroy his own family.

"Please wait a moment, I will contact the above, I believe that if this matter is true, the above will allow you to look for it in our family, but please remember the original agreement, it must be in Looking for someone below, we must not search arbitrarily within my family."

This sentence is very clear, although it is not up to him to search for things in the family, and if he really agrees, it will only be limited to underground search, because they also have their own pride, the jurisdiction of their family The area is not allowed to be searched by others at will.

"Then it's hard work. Please ask the above carefully. After all, this matter has probably spread by now."

As soon as Lin Zi heard this, he was secretly relieved. If the group of people really insisted, maybe he really had no choice. After all, he couldn't say that Zhou Zhang was here, and even if he was really there. There is no way here.

At the beginning, the one just said that he wanted to take Zhou Zhang's life, but no one could prove that this was what the one said. The news came from Gao Changfeng's mouth.


Soon this family came in from outside, and he must have contacted the above at this moment, and at this moment, from the solemn expression on his face, he can also detect one or two.

"How about Patriarch Ji, do you believe what I said now?"

Ji Wuxin nodded. He had already contacted the current Patriarch just now. This matter is indeed true, and from the tone of the Patriarch's mouth, Ji Wuxin also understands that this matter is indeed very worthy of attention. .

"Then please ask Patriarch Ji to make it easier when we need to search in the future. Rest assured that we will never do anything out of the ordinary in the house. I can assure you that we will only search underground."

As soon as Lin Zi saw Ji Wuxin nodded, he hurriedly promised, because now is the most critical time, if Wuxin nodded at this moment, it means that this family has been settled.

"Don't worry, we will cooperate fully in this matter, because this matter is related to the face of our upper realm, and this is what the lord revealed. Although the lord did not say it clearly, but we You have to do this for him too, right?"

Lin Zi burst out laughing after hearing this. He didn't expect Ji Wuxin to change his mind so much. There was some disdain just now.

"Then there is Patriarch Lao Ji. I still have something to do, so I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ziyi left immediately. Now the first one has been solved with great difficulty, and now there is a more secure method. It is better to go to other places as soon as possible. After a day's delay here, the progress of the search will be reduced. A day later.


The current progress of Zhou Zhang can already be described as rapid. I believe that it will not be long before I can reach the seventeenth floor, and this time it has set a record for the first time, successfully rising to a height of two meters in fifteen days. , This was something Zhou Zhang never dared to think about before.

However, there are certain reasons for such a fast speed, because Zhou Zhang enjoyed it very much during this process. He enjoyed the improvement of spiritual power control during this process, and the process of strengthening the soul in the body after the end of the activation space.

However, Zhou Zhang is still a little disappointed. It is the tearing feeling on his body after the end of this mysterious space. Now it has only lasted for a quarter of an hour and it has completely disappeared. It's two hours.

Zhou Zhang shook his head, he suddenly felt that he didn't cherish something in the past, and now he no longer wants to feel like this, but he used to hate this feeling very much.

Moreover, after so many days, Zhou Zhang suddenly felt that he had a slight masochistic tendency, because the tearing feeling after the end not only made him feel comfortable in his soul, but even psychologically. dark cool.

Fortunately, this feeling hasn't been around for too long now, and Zhou Zhang didn't take it to heart, because this kind of self-abuse image is really scary. Think about it if you can't forget it, you will want to feel this way from time to time. Let yourself eat some pain, that's really scary.

If Zhou Ling knew about this, he would definitely not worry so much about Zhou Zhang, because he had already determined that Zhou Zhang was a masochist in these days, and he was a masochist who had pleasure in masochism.

But when it comes to Zhou Ling, now that he has listened to Zhou Zhang's words, he is actually gradually stabilizing his cultivation.

Chapter 84 Future Heights

This is the result that Zhou Zhang did not expect. He was really talking about some big truths at the time, and it was the kind of big truth that even if the last thing failed, he could not get himself. The right way to break through was found in the nonsense.

Zhou Zhang is also very relieved to see Zhou Ling's energetic appearance every day. Although he doesn't know how long it will take for him to complete the breakthrough, according to Zhou Ling's current speed, he may have to break through before him.

Zhou Zhang is not very worried about this. He is worried that there is not enough time. After talking to Shao Wenlin and Ye Xinghuai, Zhou Zhang realized the problem. Since the enemy has already started searching underground, it means that the current place is not very safe. .

It may not be long before it arrives, and there is no need to walk around now. Maybe it will run into the enemy. Zhou Zhang will not do such a thing. It is too risky. At that time, there was no escape at all. Opportunity now.

After all, they are acting together now, and they will not be given a chance to escape at all. It is better to stay here, maybe there will be a good chance. If the location is changed, I am afraid there will be no chance at all.

Now that I think about Zhou Zhang, I have some fears. The sudden change of location a few days ago means that they didn't notice the movement they made at all, but they didn't find the movement they made, and they moved such a long distance. During this period Luckily it wasn't found.

Now there is another very unstable place, that is, Zhou Zhang doesn't know when the mysterious space is a head. Now he has reached the second place, and now he doesn't know how high it is to be the end. .

Zhou Zhang is also very helpless now. He clearly lived so carefree before, but suddenly he is going to live such a stressful life.


The day will soon come, and the day to enter the mysterious space again, Zhou Zhang started smearing the dragon veins directly on his body when the day dawned.

I didn't pay attention to it before, and I didn't think about it carefully, but today I suddenly discovered the dragon veins in my object, and it seems that some of them are not enough!

If it is used at the current dose, I am afraid that it can only be used ten times. This result really makes Zhouzhuang a little unacceptable.

"Could it be that the dragon veins I need are too few? According to the current situation, maybe I have already used up the dragon veins before I break through. Will they give me a chance to return to the Jing'an Empire?"

I am afraid that the result is very certain. Now there is no chance at all. Zhou Zhang shook his head.

With a burst of heart-wrenching cries, the team leader embarked on the journey of cultivation again. Now the pain is getting longer and longer, but Zhou Zhang has no complaints now.


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