"Master, don't you want to talk about your specific relationship with the woman next to you? Why do you deliberately hide things in order to go to such a small place with him to take risks?"

Zhou Zhang's was still thinking about why this happened, but Zhou Ling's words made him think of another question, which is what happened when he first came to this world. Said that there is no big secret, but now Zhou Ling knows it, and he is so reckless and asks himself directly.

"I almost forgot about it. If you don't remind me, I really can't remember it. This is indeed a problem. You don't need to know who the woman next to you is, but You actually read this matter curiously. Although this is good news, there is still a necessary punishment. It can also be regarded as a memory for you, so that you don’t want to read everything in the future, and Don't talk nonsense after what you see."

Saying that, Zhou Zhang raised his hand directly and held Zhou Ling in his hand. Zhou Ling was terrified by this. He was really talking too much just now. I didn't expect Zhou Zhang to forget about it. But he was so talkative that he brought it up again. Could it be that he forgot about it after he was so worried just now.

"Tell me, how should I punish you for remembering this, and what should I do so that you don't mention it in the future?"

Zhou Ling was really frightened by this. He just thought that his master was thinking about how to punish him, but now he has left such a choice to himself. This is really embarrassing. All I can think of is the worst plan I have just made.

"Master, forgive me, I'm just curious for a while, and isn't this good news? This matter is full of weirdness. I believe that the master will be able to find a lot of secrets in this matter."

"As for the punishment, the necessary punishment for this matter still needs to be given, otherwise you won't have a long memory of the decision, and your life has been very free these days, and the appropriate punishment is also good for you. of."

Zhou Zhang will definitely not let go easily. Today, he has been embarrassed by Zhou Ling, and now he has finally seized an opportunity.

Being a human being is very helpless. It seems that this time I can't escape no matter what, and now I can only choose a way of punishment for myself, so I bite the bullet and say.

"Master, you punish me. This will prevent Zhou Ling from touching Lingyu in the next days, and he can't even look at it. Is such a punishment okay, master?"

Zhou Ling is really going out of his way, and this is the worst plan he had just thought of. He has already told them the most important thing, Lingyu, who can recover his spiritual power after each battle. .

Zhou Zhang was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Zhou Ling to give such a reply. To be honest, he didn't want to punish Zhou Ling like this. To be honest, this matter is not a big deal at all. Go and punish him, let him have a long memory, but now Zhou Ling has told this matter, and he has also said this matter, let Zhou Ling make the decision by himself.

"Since you have made up your mind now, then I agree to your request. In the future, before I have a successful breakthrough, this Lingyu will completely have nothing to do with you, but of course it is not that serious, you can take a look. ."

Chapter 94

Zhou Zhang doesn't care about that much. Now this matter is what Zhou Ling said himself, and he has also deducted half of it appropriately, that is, Zhou Ling can be allowed to see it, and it would be too cruel to not let him see it.

But what Zhou Zhang doesn't know is that the feeling of seeing but not being able to use it is the most cruel. If you can't see it, you can just ignore him, but the current situation is that you can only see but cannot use it. This is for Zhou Linglai. Saying that is the most uncomfortable, not seeing the heart but not bothering, but now seeing that is really as uncomfortable as a cat scratching in my heart.

And if Zhou Ling cuts off the source of Lingyu now, it means that Zhou Ling will stay in the bloodthirsty gun for many days in the next few days, which also means that Zhou Ling will be in the next few days. In those days, there is no chance to enter the world in the painting, because there is no way to restore the spiritual power.

But even if Zhou Ling is not bucking, he has no chance to resist, nor any reason to resist. These words are all his own words, and it is Zhou Zhang who has given him the greatest degree of freedom. Now Zhou Ling can't wait. Pumping myself to death, why can't I hesitate any longer just now, just thinking about something else, why did I just tell the matter of this Lingyu?

As soon as this matter comes out, what else can I do? Now I can only stay in the God Killing Blood Spear, and go out for a walk if I have something to do.

Zhou Zhang ignored it, what Zhou Ling just said at the moment was his own, and now Zhou Ling has no need to enter the world in the painting anymore, because what he needs is the kind of improvement that he only has in the fight with others. However, this kind of fighting Zhou Ling is probably very difficult to have the opportunity, because there is no place for Zhou Ling to play in the next battle.

In the following days, Zhou Zhang has nothing else to do, because what Zhou Zhang needs to think about now is to wait for the next time he enters the mysterious space and continue to explore the next different scene.

Now that he has freed himself up, Zhou Zhang can't help but start to think wildly, because what Zhou Ling said before had a big impact on him, let's not say why, there will be images in the world in the painting, although this is true It is very difficult to understand, but this is not the main reason, but why there is an image of him and Zhan Tai Congxue, if it is reasonable, there should be a lot of his memories in it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang hurriedly asked for the picture of the world from Zhou Ling as if he had caught something.

"Zhou Ling gave me that painting, and I want to go in and find out."

Although Zhou Ling didn't know what was going on, he hurriedly took out the painting when he heard what his master said.

Zhou Zhang directly sucked the words from Zhou Ling's hand, and then unfolded it directly. Since this painting was originally painted by Zhou Zhang, Zhou Zhang was also very clear about the method of entering him, so at the moment when he opened the painting, Zhou Zhang I can't wait to enter the world of painting.

After coming in, Zhou Zhang discovered that the world in these words - after all, is based on the appearance of his memory, so only the places he has been to will be very similar, and the others he has not been to or spiritual awareness. The places that have not been covered are now covered by trees, but most of them are added by Zhou Zhang from other places.

Soon, Zhou Zhang found the place where he had brought Zhantai from Xuesuo into the Heifeng Mountains. After standing here, Zhou Zhang didn't even notice him in his heart, and there was a trace of panic.

Going inside along this road, according to the trajectory in my memory, now I need to find the place where I went to hunt for treasure. Fortunately, Zhou Zhang's memory is not bad, so he found the place very quickly. This time Zhou Zhang just happened to be there. See the scene of going to kill the beast.

If Zhou Zhang thinks about this scene now, it is exactly the same as what happened in front of him, and there is hardly any problem, but if there is any difference, it is this God-killing blood gun. There was some deviation between the feeling produced by the tool spirit and Zhou Zhang's impression at the time.

But although there are some deviations, Zhou Zhang has no way to verify it now, because the time is also a long time ago, he can't remember clearly, he remembers whether it was really like that, and now it's just a mirror image, even if there are some problems, There is no way to find out.

But even though he thought so, Zhou Zhang was still very curious, why such a scene appeared in the world in the painting, and it was played in a mirrored way. With this mentality, Zhou Zhang went to several other places where he had stayed. I want to see if it's the same in other places.

The first place to go is the place where I went to practice when I first came to the Heifeng Mountains. That place is located in the deepest part of the world in this painting. Zhou Zhang was also very helpless all the way. The world in this painting and reality are still the same. There are some differences. The beasts here will not pay attention to the level of cultivation, and he will rush towards him. If it is in reality, these beasts will definitely avoid him obediently.

There is no way. Since these murderers have all found him, Zhou Zhang has no choice but to deal with them all, but this does not delay too much time. After all, most of these beasts are not very advanced. Got rid of them all at once.

Soon Zhou Zhang arrived at the center of the world in this painting, where he chose to retreat at that time. However, although there are traces of the retreat, there is no other thing than the evidence that he had been there. occur.

Combining the different propositions of these two places, there is no way to directly draw a conclusion, because it is very likely that I did not pay attention to it when I was cultivating here, so there is no mirror image, but in addition, there is a final point. , that's when I met that chamber of commerce.

But this time, there are some things that are not easy to find. After all, when I met the Chamber of Commerce at that time, it was a complete accident. Zhou Zhang, in such a large mountain range, can not completely remember the road, so I had to rely on memory. The approximate scope of which is large-scale searches.

After searching for a while, Zhou Zhang had already wanted to give up, but Zhou Zhang suddenly found that this place had a feeling of deja vu. Although it was not very clear, Zhou Zhang felt that he was a bit like the place where he stopped the Chamber of Commerce at that time, because Only here is the most difficult place for beasts to come, and it looks like someone has walked past.

Chapter 95

Zhou Zhang thought back carefully and confirmed again that this was the place where he stayed with the people who stopped him, but what made Zhou Zhang embarrassed was that he could not remember the names of those people for a while.

But these are not important, the important thing is that Zhou Zhang wants to verify that this place he has also stayed in, will it produce mirror images like the previous one, and keep playing it?

According to the idea of ​​this road, he searched all over again, found the place where he met this group of people, and also found the cave houses he went to after this incident was over, but Looking for Zhou Zhang along the way, he didn't find anything wrong at all.

As a result, Zhou Zhang has some strange phenomena that he doesn't know how to explain. If it is said that this is a scene that happened because he and Na Zhantai had been in the snow before, but he also came to this place, why not ?

This is really unimaginable, and Zhou Zhang doesn't know if it was a coincidence or if he should have appeared like this. After thinking about it carefully, Zhou Zhang decided to take a closer look at the place where the reason was not found. a bit.

Soon Zhou Zhang once again felt where he had been before, and carefully observed every beginning and passing of the mirror image until the end disappeared, a miraculous phenomenon, because according to common sense, although these few people are In the strong, but it should not suddenly disappear like now.

But this happened like this. He and Zhantai disappeared directly from the snow without reaching the edge of the Fengfeng Mountains. However, when they disappeared, they appeared again on the edge of the Heifeng Mountains. I saw the scene where I saw the hunting group.

After reading Zhou Zhang several times, I really couldn't find the reason, there was no way, Zhou Zhang had no choice but to withdraw from the world in this painting, because this matter was obviously trivial, but he was very difficult to figure out.

After coming out, Zhou Zhang saw Zhou Ling standing in front of him looking up and down, Zhou Zhang did not move the rest, because he wanted to know why Zhou Ling was staring at him like this.

Zhou Ling has been observing Zhou Zhang carefully for several days. Since Zhou Zhang entered the world in the painting, Zhou Ling began to stand here and observe, because Zhou Ling wanted to see something from Zhou Zhang, that is The woman in the world in the painting, Zhou Ling didn't think it was that simple, so he wanted to take advantage of Zhou Zhang's reaction when he entered the world in the painting. Ling looked for a long time and didn't see why.

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