I almost made up my mind, so there is no need to worry about how big the palace is. Zhou Zhang walked in the direction of this energy, but after walking for a while, Zhou Zhang found There was something wrong, because the road he walked was always straight, and there were no turns at all. From the moment he entered the gate of the palace, he kept walking forward.

I have to say that this is really weird, because it is impossible for any palace complex to lead directly to the front, and there are always these turns.

Zhou Zhang stopped. He wanted to go in another direction, because this road was too weird. One door was followed by another door, and there was a corridor that turned right in front of him. Zhou Zhang He turned directly over.

Even this promenade has been walking forward. It was originally a very inconspicuous promenade, but after Zhou Zhang stepped into this promenade, he could not see the end of the promenade at a glance. There is no problem to see a few kilometers, but Zhou Zhang at the end of the corridor cannot be seen.

Zhou Zhang didn't go forward. If he really couldn't see the end of this corridor, then maybe he would have to walk for such a long distance for a long time. Now he has no time to waste here. This is the last time he has entered this mysterious space.

There is no way, since there is no way to turn the corner, then let's go forward honestly along this road, although I don't know when it will come to an end, and this road is almost always going up.

It's not that Zhou Zhang didn't want to go there by flying, but after stepping into the palace, Zhou Zhang tried it. There should be some prohibitions on flying, and this prohibition is very advanced. Zhou Zhang has no way to break it.

This is completely different from the previous two layers. The first layer is because there is no trace of spiritual power in the golden space, and it is not necessary in the dark space, while the second layer is specially designed to test flying to high places, but in the first layer In the third floor, there is a prohibition against flying.

While walking, Zhou Zhang suddenly thought of the time when he could not land on the second floor once he flew up, so he wanted to give it a try, was it the same as there, so he turned around and planned to Go back, but when Zhou Zhang walked through another door, he found that he could go back here, and there was no other restriction at all.

But now there is no time for Zhou Zhang to go back. He doesn't want to waste time on this to verify whether he can go back.

So many days have passed, and Lin Ziyi has already tormented those families who have no way of talking. These families really can't stand it. Lin Ziyi visits the door every day, and then brings it up again. If A day or two is acceptable.

But every day, Lin Ziyi came to visit early in the morning and brought up this matter directly, which made it a little unbearable for no one. There was no way, these families had to let their family members go to the ground to search. After all, if they did not compromise, This forest will definitely continue to come and entangle the next day.

Don't let other people admire this in a hurry. The first point is that Lin Ziyi is so unyielding and the second point is the temporary network. After all, the following families have a very strong relationship with them. If it is not done well, it may also offend those big families.

In this way, the group followed Lin Ziyi's relationship very smoothly and continued to search forward. I have to say that under the leadership of Lin Ziyi, the efficiency is really fast. If other people come, there will definitely not be such a result, because First of all, they don't have such a huge relationship. In fact, they don't dare to offend these families easily.

At this moment, they are about to go to the place where Zhou Zhang is first, because there is only a quarter of the area left that has not been found, and if this quarter of the area is found, it is very fast.

Although it is said that a group of people are very frustrated in the process of searching for such a long time, but after seeing that there are still such a small number of people left without authorization, they are more energetic, because victory is just around the corner. , if they don't hurry, maybe this victory will be ahead of others.

In Lin Ziyi's view, this scene is very gratifying. His efforts these days have finally been in vain. Although these families are very difficult, they have finally compromised.

Moreover, he also knows that these people have formed many alliances in private. Although they are all together, it does not pose any threat to him at all. In Lin Ziyi's opinion, as long as these people do not If he unites to fight himself, then it is not a threat at all. Even four people can easily solve it. This confidence comes from the complete suppression of cultivation.

Chapter 98 Unlimited

Lin Ziyi is in a very happy mood now. He already knew that Zhou Zhang was here before, so he didn't have to worry about Zhou Zhang running away at this time, because they started searching from the left end of Tongtian Road, and then ended up again. It is an endless ocean. Although it is said to be an ocean, he has done a lot of damage to this cultivator. There is no need to say that it is to improve the realm. It is very difficult to even preserve the strength, and this ocean simply ignores cultivation. Because, even if he went, he wouldn't be there for too long.

Lin Ziyi, in the search along the way, has gradually admired Zhou Zhang's ability to participate. If it was an ordinary person, he would never have thought that it would be hidden underground, and even if it was hidden underground, he still chose A continent with many relationships on the streets will undoubtedly make their search much slower, because no one knows whether Zhou Zhang will hide in the underground of these families. In the underground area, every family will not. very attentive.

"But these little smarts have come to an end. Now the Tongtian Road is about to be searched. You have the ability to Tongtian, and it is impossible to escape from so many people."

Here, Zhou Zhang is still walking on the endless steps. Zhou Zhang is already curious about what the last energy is. It has been two days now. Not only has the energy not strengthened, but it still remains. The feeling of being outside the palace.

This process is really too torturous. I know that there is a guarantee ahead, and even the direction is pointed out to you, but I will never reach the end of the treasure, and there will always be such an unreachable distance between myself and the treasure. .

This is really too torturous, and even after so many Zhou chapters, there is still a little doubt, how does this thing exist, and whether this road leads there.

In addition, the appearance of every door and every step along the way is too similar, and in a sense, it may be exactly the same, which makes Zhou Zhang even more suspicious, whether he has always been. Walking in a cycle.

And this cycle has also made me walk for so long, and I have never moved forward at the origin. Once this cycle is set on, there is no way to stop it. Whether it is forward or backward, it will always exist there.

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but remember the scene of the world in the painting, the mirror image was the same, once he started, there was no way to stop, and after he started, he would keep going on and on, no one could interfere or stop him. He, just like that, has always existed, has not stopped.

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be miserable for me? It's hard to keep going like this here. This is not a good way. If this is the case, then this time I'm not wasting an opportunity in vain. There's no way to find out."

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but feel a little dejected, because now that he has been gone for so long, he never thought that he would be so anxious, nor that he would be unable to do any more because of the lack of cultivation resources. Move on.

,, I have to say that this is really too scary, because Zhou Zhang never thought that he would have a failure, he has always been walking forward in a successful state, although he said It was also ups and downs, but he never experienced failure, which made Zhou Zhang, who has always been proud, unacceptable.

Zhou Zhang suddenly stopped. She didn't want to go any further. Since this is a place with no end, there is no need to go any further, because even if you keep going down now, If there is no result at all, it is better to stop and think about it, how to crack it.

"This palace doesn't seem to be as simple as I imagined. When I was at the gate of the palace, I couldn't see the left and right sides of the palace. If I think about it like this, maybe finding bows and arrows is an endless labyrinth, and it will confuse people. sight, and after confounding the sight, there is an illusion that he is an inexhaustible being, and it has infinity."

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang suddenly understood as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Is it infinite? It turns out that the problem is here. This palace is not infinite at all. It may be very, very small, but it can also become very, very large. I was right the moment I saw this palace. With the power supply, a very huge subconscious mind was generated, so it was directly imprinted in my mind in the subconscious mind, that is, I can't see the end of this palace."

Zhou Zhang laughed out loud, and the problem that had been haunting his mind was solved like this. Perhaps in the last second, Zhou Zhang hadn't thought that the solution to this maze would be so simple, because it was an infinite loop at all, and He had already come in, but after thinking about it at this moment, he found that it had become so simple.

"This is the reason why I deliberately think this way in my heart. From the very beginning, I thought the palace was very big, so I naturally thought that the treasures in the depths of the palace were also very, very far away from me. The subconscious mind made him have to travel a very long distance before he could find it, but in such a subconscious mind, he would fall into a cycle close to infinity. In fact, he is not a cycle at all. It was because I subconsciously thought that this road was the only road, so the side of the road extended endlessly. Although I had the idea of ​​taking a detour at the beginning, I was also very clear at that time. An idea came to my mind that other paths might not work."

I have to say that this third layer is really clever. If I happened to experience that mirror space before, maybe I was really fooled by him. In the end, even if I had more dragon veins, it would be impossible. go out.

Zhou Zhang closed his eyes after he figured it out. At this moment, his subconscious began to frantically say that this palace is a very small, very small place. It is so small that he can see through the trail at a glance, and he can walk through it one step at a time. So small that I can directly grasp that energy...

Chapter 99

Zhou Zhang opened his eyes again, and the road in front of him was still the same at this moment, but the difference at this moment was that the energy had already appeared at the end of this step.

And at this moment, the spiritual power released by the energy also became intense in an instant, and the intensity of this intensity actually formed a gust of wind. Although the wind was not strong, it was extremely comfortable on Zhou Zhang's body at the moment. Because this is endless spiritual power, and all of it can get into the body and be used by oneself, and it can also improve the cultivation base.

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but smile, he didn't expect such a big reversal when he was about to despair, and it seemed that he would pass this level too, but unfortunately this was the last time he came in here.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Zhang felt a lot of improvement in his cultivation that had never been seen before. Since this is the last time, let's cherish it. There is no chance.

With this idea in mind, Zhou Zhang began to move towards that energy step by step. The closer he got, the stronger the wind would become. However, in the process of this strong wind, the benefits to Zhou Zhang were getting bigger and bigger, so big that it made Zhou Zhang stronger. There are some who can't believe that there is such a strong spiritual power in this world, but after thinking about it, they are relieved.

"This is not the place I am familiar with, so the ability to say that it is so easy here is very normal, and this mysterious space has not surprised me once or twice, and now there are some things that should be taken for granted. a feeling of."

Although he said so, the surprise given to Zhou Zhang this time still made him have some surprises. This cultivation base that has been stagnant for a long time now, but it is just about to move now, and at other times it is just a Something that could never have happened, but now it happened to him like this.

Zhou Zhang continued to walk forward. Although the wind is very strong now, it has not reached the point where Zhou Zhang can stop moving forward. After all, for Zhou Zhang, having a strong spiritual power here is not his ultimate goal, she thought. Go take a look, what is this thing that emits such a strong spiritual power!

But this road is definitely not that easy to walk. After walking for a while, Zhou Zhang found that he could barely maintain his body shape. If he went further, the wind could directly push it back. , but at this time, the energy ball is already within reach, and it is only a little short of it. As long as this step is taken, you can turn to the energy ball.

It made Zhou Zhang very unconvinced. He had already worked hard to this point. Could it be that he could only stay by the side to cultivate, and couldn't touch it?This is not the practice of the mysterious space at all. Starting from the mysterious space, everything should be sovereign by oneself, but he only provides a channel.

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